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SELDOC South East London Doctors’ Co-operative Mo Girach Chief Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "SELDOC South East London Doctors’ Co-operative Mo Girach Chief Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 SELDOC South East London Doctors’ Co-operative Mo Girach Chief Executive

2 Presentation Overview SELDOC New GP Contract  Response/PCT  Communication with members  Implications Working with PCTs Service Costs Organisational Changes New Businesses Future and opportunities

3 SELDOC DOH Accredited OOH organisation Integrated with NHSD SE – ‘Saturday Club Integration’ Exemplar site for ‘Technical Links’ – ‘Hub’ Clinical governance in place with PRP (two lay persons) Enhanced service for violent patients Part of Liftco Project at Dulwich Development Member of Co-op UK CSSC link with Local Mental Health Trust ‘Business Link’/Learning and Skills Council Financially robust and sound Presidium Cover – 24 hours OOH Social Worker (Mental Health) Base at local A&E

4 New GP Contract Not a Threat ‘An Opportunity’ Why? → High quality/standard of care OOH care Robust clinical governance in place Excellent value for money Highly competitive Loyalty of GP members Disciplined ‘organisation’

5 Implications of New GP Contract PCT as commissioning not GP members Provide Saturday morning cover Additional cover from 6.30pm to 8.00am Securing adequate funding → ‘ cost of service’ Manpower – skill mix Opt-in or Opt-out retain service members via PCT So – What did we do?

6 What did we do? ‘A Dossier’ (Pros/cons of Opt-in/out) 15 Council Members Discussion/Inform Constituents Members Communication/Communication/Communication Joint questionnaire with LMC re: Opt-in/Opt-out Estimated 70 to 80% GPs will opt-in

7 Working with 3 PCTS Relatively good relationship Commenced work very early Accreditation of SELDOC So how did PCT and SELDOC work on OOH Care? Jointly with SELDOC and other OOH providers – PCT → service specification Close working with A&E Skill Mix Integration with NHSD Part of Urgent Care System/Whole System Approach PCT → ‘not formal tendering process’ → SELDOC responded fully and appropriately ‘Preferred Provider Status’ Quality SLAMonitoring Meeting

8 How much does the service cost Current membership - £1.00 per patient per year Cost of Items of Service- Advice – FREE Base Visit - £28.30 Home Visit - £44.70 GP Rates:Weekdays - £60.00/£100 Weekends - £75.00/£100 Bank Holidays - £90.00/£150 Standbys - £49.00/£98 Cost per Patient → approx £3.00 per patient (Excellent Value for Money)

9 Change of Name ‘On Call’ dropped ‘Co-operative’ South East London Doctors’ Co-operative Co-operative Values (true example of Social Enterprise) Change of Memorandum & Articles to include other members (public, staff, local partners) and asset lock.

10 Diversification from Core Business  GP and Nurses Locum Service  Bulk Purchasing Flu Vaccines Latex Gloves Paper Towels  Travel Clinic  GPwSpI (Sexual Health/Dermatology/A&E)  GPs in A&E  Call Centre e.g. Calls for Police Surgeons, etc.  Cars lease out (in hours)

11 So – What next for SELDOC? Further exploratory work in:  Further joint working with local PCTs  GP Beds – owned/managed by GPs  Nursing Homes?  Interpreting Service  GP Practices → Mutual/Co-operative  Chronic Disease Management Clinics  Specialist Nurse Clinics And so on……….

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