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Make sure your work looks professional and neat. Pages should be busy, but readable. Nothing under 10 font. Use technical language whenever possible. Make.

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Presentation on theme: "Make sure your work looks professional and neat. Pages should be busy, but readable. Nothing under 10 font. Use technical language whenever possible. Make."— Presentation transcript:

1 Make sure your work looks professional and neat. Pages should be busy, but readable. Nothing under 10 font. Use technical language whenever possible. Make sure your folder is in the right order with the right headings and page numbers. Use a range of techniques (word processing, Excel spreadsheets and charts, nutritional analyser, photographs, sketches). Use spell check and read your work through – out loud usually is the best way to check it makes sense. You are marked on grammar, punctuation and spelling. Make sure all sources are acknowledged.

2 PRESENTATION 1.Excellent level of communication and presentation, including competent use of appropriate technical language. 2.Very good level of communication and presentation, including competent use of appropriate technical language. 3.Good level of communication and presentation, with good use of appropriate technical language. 4.Reasonable level of communication and presentation, limited appropriate technical language. 5.Evidence of communication and presentation at basic level with little use of appropriate technical language.

3 RANGE OF TECHNIQUES 1.Wide range of materials, techniques and media which conveys the details of design and manufacture. 2.A good range of appropriate materials, techniques and media used to convey the details of design and manufacture. 3.A variety of appropriate materials, techniques and media used to convey the details of design and manufacture. 4.Sufficient information to show how the product has been designed and manufactured. 5.The information appears disjointed; it may be difficult to se how the product has been designed and manufactured.

4 WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 1.Complex ideas expressed extremely clearly and fluently in a structured and relevant way with few, if any, errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling. 2.Moderately complex ideas expressed clearly and fluently in a reasonably structured and relevant manner with only occasional errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling. 3.Straightforward ideas expressed clearly with some errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling, but not sufficient to suggest weaknesses in these areas. 4.Simple ideas expressed clearly with errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling indicating a weakness in these areas. 5.Some attempt made to express ideas with significant errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling suggesting major weakness es in these areas. (1) 7-8(2) 5-6 (3) 3-4 (4) 2 (1) 0-1

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