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1 What Is The Outlook For Jobs In America Today?.

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Presentation on theme: "1 What Is The Outlook For Jobs In America Today?."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 What Is The Outlook For Jobs In America Today?

2 2 A Position That Makes Bill Hughes, Jr. 866-567-6354 Positive Changes In The World And You Get Paid To Do It! Social Entrepreneurs Needed

3 3 About This Position This is a recession proof industry! Ideal business in our current economy!  Independent Contractor/1099  Territory Is Open (US and 20 Other Countries)  Full or Part Time  Flexible Hours  Marketing Tools Provided  Training Provided  Mentor and Coach Provided  $100,000 First Year Potential  $10,000 And $20,000 Cash Performance Bonuses In The Early Months! Earnings Disclaimer: Examples of income in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. You may earn more or less than the figures used in any income example presented in this presentation. However, many associates have made more income. We train you to become a Social Entrepreneur to help Non-Profit Organizations achieve a constantly growing self sustainable funding mechanism!

4 4 As A Social Entrepreneur You Will Call on Non-Profit Organizations (Millions of Charities and Non-Profits) And Teach Them Interview, Recruit, And Train 4 People To Do The Above And Receive A Residual Income On The Products They Sell Through The Non-Profit Organizations They Call On!  What The Social Entrepreneurship Business Model Can Do For Them!  How To Tap Into The Technology and “Cash Flow” of a Corporation (Mannatech) To Create A Constantly Growing Self Sustainable Funding Mechanism For Their Worthy Cause Using A Social Entrepreneurship Business Model  Sign Up Their Donors/Members To Receive Products That Will Allow Their Non-Profit To Receive A Constantly Growing Self Sustainable Income To Fund Their Mission!  How Their Donors/Members Can Earn Enough Extra Money To Pay For These Products, Supplement Their Income, or Provide A Supplement To Their Retirement Income! By promoting this one concept, Their Donors Are Not Likely To Ever Cancel Their Product Order!  How They Can Sign Up Other Non-Profit Organizations To Explode Their Funding Income AND How They Can Get Freelance Independent Contractors that they don’t have to pay to promote their Social Entrepreneurship Business Model To Quadruple Their Nonprofit or charity revenue stream!  How They And Their Donors Can Be A Part Of Solving Global Malnutrition! Each Donor Will Experience A Personal Fulfillment By Being A Part Of This Effort! Hundreds, if not thousands of children will be saved just by each nonprofit’s participation!

5 5 Why Non-Profits Need Our Help! The World Has Changed. The End Of Charity, as we have known it, began in the 2001 time frame. Non Profit Organizations receive more funding when the economy is good and people's wealth is growing and less when the economy is bad and people's wealth is declining! ​ There is a huge need for Non Profits and Charities to find NEW sustainable funding mechanisms with the decline in the economy worldwide and the potential of it lasting for one or two decades. We have the opportunity to show Non Profits and Charities how they can tap into the technology and cash flow of a corporation's Social Entrepreneurship Business Model! Mannatech helps these Non Profits and Charities to fulfill their mission's funding needs! They will not have the funding they really need in future years with the expected bad economy ahead!

6 6 What Is The Social Entrepreneur Business Model?  Becoming The 21st Century Most Powerful Business Model!  Enables Non-Profit Organizations To Tap Into The Technology and “Cash Flow” of Corporate America To Create A Sustainable Funding Mechanism For Their Worthy Causes!  Enables Corporations To Solve Some Of The Worlds’ Biggest Problems (i.e. global malnutrition)!  Helps To Grow Businesses Beyond What They Otherwise Would Be Limited To In Their Growth Potential!  Endorsed By Every Major MBA University In The World!  “A tremendous amount of social good and, importantly, positive financial returns, could be the result.”

7 7 Who is Mannatech?  Mannatech, Inc. is an 18 year old R&D Nutraceutical company. Mannatech develops innovative, high-quality, proprietary, nutritional supplements, skin care solutions and weight management products.  Headquartered in Coppell, Texas conducting business in the U.S. and 20 countries  Mannatech has a state of the art research lab and develops cutting-edge nutritional technologies  Have invested $20 Million in R & D in the past 5 years alone.  World leader in nutritional glycobiology and brought the first glyconutritional supplement to the market- Ambrotose which holds 50 granted patents world-wide  Pioneered a new technology for developing the only plant based, standardized Real Food Technology® vitamin/mineral on the market today Mannatech holds over 70+ patents around the world to product ensuring a clear competitive advantage.  The company founder, Sam Caster and his wife also founded MannaRelief Ministries, a nonprofit charity organization providing advanced nutrients to malnourished children and orphans around the world. This charity has touched the lives of more than 80,000 children in more than 80 countries.

8 8  90% of the food we eat is processed  The Journal of Nutrition exposed that nearly the entire U.S. population fails to eat a diet in line with the daily Dietary Guideline for Americans (7 -13 servings of fruits and vegetables)  It is estimated that approximately 70% of the $2.3 trillion cost of health care in the U.S. could be eliminated simply through improved nutrition and exercise. Lack of Proper Nutrition Has Become a Global Epidemic  According to UNICEF, more than 5 million children under the age of 5 die from malnutrition every year.  Doctors Without Borders said “Food is not enough, without essential nutrients millions of children will die.”  ABC’s 20/20 News recently reported that the lack of nutrition in the early developmental years is to blame for stunted growth, retarded brain function, and death.

9 9  Mannatech is more than just another supplement company.  There are 500 million people in the world who purchase some kind of vitamin/mineral supplement. Hence, many people are aware of the need to supplement what they eat to get the nutrition they really need.  However, 95% of the vitamin/mineral supplements being bought are synthetics. What is a synthetic vitamin/mineral supplement? What Do Mannatech’s Products Provide Nonprofit Donors? Synthetically MadePlant-Sourced

10 10 Most Consumers Do Not Realize They Are Most Likely Buying Synthetic Vitamins/Minerals Made From Fossil Fuels Or Rocks! Coal Tar Petroleum

11 11 Mannatech Developed Real Food Technology SM Solutions Patented hydroponic growing techniques and new whole-food stabilizing processes provide for standardized, food-based nutrients. The Indian Mustard plant uptakes minerals through their root systems, predigest them and then bond them into a food matrix. This provides for increased solubility. Result: Plant-Sourced Minerals

12 12 The Real Food Technology SM Solution for Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation Easy CapletsDelicious Chews

13 13 The Science of Nutritional Glycobiology Harper’s Biochemistry was originally published in 1939. This textbook, published by McGraw-Hill Medical, has been educating healthcare professionals about glyconutrients since 1996.

14 14 Ambrotose: The Missing Link in Human Nutrition

15 15 Missing Sugars Spell Trouble

16 16 Ambrotose® Complex A New Category of Vital Nutrients

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18 18 Mannatech is a world leader in nutritional glycobiology and brought the first glyconutritional supplement to the market- Ambrotose ™ which holds 50 granted patents world-wide. This is a disruptive technology that has caused controversy in mainstream medicine! The pharmaceutical community has made several attempts to discredit our technologies. (You may still find some of these slanderous statements on the internet.) In the past 5 years, Mannatech has invested $20 million in research to successfully prove their claims on Ambrotose as to the valuable benefit for human health. This has silenced most of the critics as no slanderous articles have been published since 2008! Mannatech patents prevail! Scientific Studies Big Pharma Mannatech This is a Disruptive Technology

19 19 The Health Benefits – 1 st Reason I Joined Mannatech  I wanted to stop taking synthetic vitamin/mineral supplements made from petroleum and rocks and use Mannatech's plant based vitamin/mineral supplements!  I also wanted to use the Ambrotose product discovered by this company to provide my body with cell to cell communications that would enhance my immune system in a manner not available from anything else in the world!  All of these health benefits simply can NOT be obtained from anywhere except Mannatech, Inc (i.e. patent protection)!  I was also impressed that Mannatech, Inc. offers a 6 Month Satisfaction Guarantee!

20 20 The Business Opportunity! – 2 nd Reason I Joined Mannatech  A Half A Billion people in the world take some kind of nutritional vitamin/mineral supplements to make up for the insufficient nutrition in our food supply today.  What they do not know is that 95% of all vitamin/mineral supplements are synthetic. They are made from petroleum and rocks! Our stomach does not have the enzymes to digest petroleum and rocks.  The 70+ patents that Mannatech has will help to protect this business opportunity.

21 21 Personal Fulfillment By Being A Part Of Solving Global Malnutrition! – 3d Reason I Joined Mannatech  For every customer who uses Mannatech’s core products and sets up a monthly automatic order, Mannatech will supply the life saving nutrition needed to help an “at-risk” child malnutrition! There are 5 Million children under the age of 5 who die annually from malnutrition,  I would like to contribute to solving Global Malnutrition! What Would It Mean To You If You Contributed To Saving 10, 100, or 1,000 Children Around The Globe From Death?

22 22 Are You Wondering: “How Do I Earn Money To Make A Living And Achieve Financial Freedom?”  You Are Paid Well By Mannatech For Signing Up Donors (i.e. Customers) Who Buy The Mannatech Products To Support Their Favorite Charity Or Non-Profit!  Our Business Plan Is Based On Two Work Activities  Activity #1 - Call On Non-Profit Organizations,  Teach Them How To Tap Into The Technology and Cash Flow Of A Corporation (Mannatech) To Create A Constantly Growing Self Sustainable Funding Mechanism For Their Mission,  Sign Up Their Donors/Members to Purchase Mannatech Products To Support Their Charity Or Non- Profit! Your Initial Goal Is To Sign Up 600 Donors Who Have A Monthly Auto Order!  You Can Earn An Excellent Personal Income! (Note: Signing Up 1 Non-Profit Could Provide You With 10, 100, or hundreds of sales at ONE TIME!)  Activity #2 - Interview, Recruit, And Train “4” People To Do These 2 Activities And Receive A Residual Income On The Products They Sell Through These Non-Profit Organizations! As Good As The Above Potential Income, It Gets Better When Your “4” People You Interviewed, Recruited, and Trained Not Only Do These 2 Activities But They Teach Their “4” New People To Also Do These 2 Activities! Note: Everyone Makes A One-Time Effort And Receives Income Month After Month!

23 23 Your Mannatech INCOME Building Block #1 You Sales Rep #1 Sales Rep #2 Sales Rep #3 Sales Rep #4 Nonprofit #1 ……………… Nonprofit #n Sign Up As Many Nonprofits As It Takes To Get 600 Donors On A Monthly Auto Order! (600 times $100/month = $60,000 Volume) Estimated Monthly Income = $2,592 Help Each Of Your 4 Sales Reps To Do The Same Thing. Sign Up As Many Nonprofits As it Takes To Get 600 Donors On A Monthly Auto Order! You will be promoted to Presidential Director Your Total Estimated Monthly Income $12,960* (excludes the $825 bonus) 1. Earn a Vacation Trip + Spending Money (1) 2. Earn a $10,000 Cash Bonus (2) 3. Earn a $20,000 Cash Bonus (3) PLUS if you purchased one of the $499 ALL Star product packs when you joined Mannatech or whichever occurs first: just before you become a National Director or by the end of the 6th BP, then you will (1) if $6,000 Team Volume Achieved by end of 6 th Full BP (2) if $20,000 Team Volume Achieved by end of 12 th Full BP (3) if $60,000 Team Volume Achieved by end of 18 th Full BP *Income Estimates Are Based On A $100 Average Monthly Auto Order er Donor You will be promoted to Platinum Presidential Director When You Have Your 4 Reps Get Their 600 Donors and Become A Presidential Director1 + $2,592 + $2,592 Earn 1-Time $825 Bonus** ** Purchase Of a $499 Product Pack Benefit! Earnings Disclaimer: Examples of income in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. You may earn more or less than the figures used in any income example presented in this presentation. However, many associates make more income. A Simple Example Of How You Earn Income

24 24 Your Mannatech INCOME Building Block #2 You (as a Platinum Presidential Director Sales Rep #1 Sales Rep #2 Sales Rep #3 Sales Rep #4 Nonprofit #1 ……………… Nonprofit #n Help Each Of Your Nonprofits To Sign Up As Many Nonprofits As It Takes To Get 600 Donors On A Monthly Auto Order! *Income Estimates Are Based On A $100 Average Monthly Auto Order Per Donor NP1NP2NP3NP4NP1-4 Help Each Of Your 4 Sales Reps To Do The Same Thing As You! Estimated Monthly Income = ($2,952x4) +($2,952x4)+($2,952x4)+($2,952x4)+($2,952x4) Your Total Estimated Monthly Income $ 12,960* In Building Block #1 Additional Estimated Monthly Income $ 51,840* In Building Block #2 Your Total Estimated Monthly Income $64,800* In Building Block #1&2 Building Blocks #3, #4, #5, #6, etc. Continues To Add Additional Income! Earnings Disclaimer: Examples of income in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. You may earn more or less than the figures used in any income example presented in this presentation. However, many associates make more income.

25 25 2010 U.S. Income Averages of Mannatech Career and Compensation Plan These Average Incomes in 2010 Were Prior To The New Fundraising Opportunities To Call On Nonprofit Organizations! And, Very Few, If Any, Associates fully utilized the Advanced Internet Marketing Techniques That Our Team Is Recommending For The First Time in 2011! Our Business Plan was designed to get you to the level of Platinum Presidential as quickly as possible! Just Sign Up Nonprofits Until You Collectively Have 600 Donors On A Monthly Auto Order And Find 4 New Recruits Who Will Do The Same Thing And All Associates Maintain A Minimum Monthly Auto Order of $100 Per Month. You Are Then Promoted To A Platinum Presidential Director! Continue Working The Business And Grow You Income To Significantly Beyond The $672,128 Annual Income Shown In The Chart Thanks To The Fundraising Opportunity! Earnings Disclaimer: Examples of income in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. You may earn more or less than the figures used in any income example presented in this presentation. However, many associates make more income.

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28 28 How To Get Started †Business Period = 4 Weeks Screen 1Screen 2 You Have One Opportunity To Upgrade To One Of The $499 All Star Product Packs! You Must Upgrade BEFORE You Are Promoted To National Director or Before The End Of The 6 th BP! So if finances prevent you starting initially with a $499 All Star Product Pack, then start with a minimum of $100 and set up a minimum of $100 monthly auto order by the end of the initial BP!

29 29 Have You Had Any Of These Thoughts? Is the economy hurting you and your loved ones? Do you desire to change your life, your current financial situation? Do you know that you can truly help yourself by simply helping others? Are you tired of your job, boss and businesses that don't work out? Would you like more personal satisfaction in your job/career? Are you ready to experience financial freedom once and for all? If So, Then Join Us In Making A Positive Change In The World And Getting Paid Above Average To Do It! > 77% of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck! ​ > In a declining economy, how many weeks could you survive without a paycheck? ​ > According to one survey, 1 out of 3 Americans would not be able to make a mortgage or rent payment next month if they suddenly lost their current job. ​ > There are a lot of people who will be interested in this business opportunity due to rising unemployment. The Reality Today Is That

30 30 We Can NOT Do This Without You And Others! Will You Join Us In Mannatech And Help? Our Team’s Goal Is To Contribute To Saving 1 Million Lives Of Children Under The Age of 5 Over The Next 10 Years!

31 31 Where Mannatech Is Today On Reaching 5 Million Children Globally!

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