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AUXILIARY HEALTH SERVICES COMO Victor J Connell MD Division Chief (DVC-HM) Chief Medical Officer for the Auxiliary POC for PAC Area, Dentists, and EMS.

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Presentation on theme: "AUXILIARY HEALTH SERVICES COMO Victor J Connell MD Division Chief (DVC-HM) Chief Medical Officer for the Auxiliary POC for PAC Area, Dentists, and EMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUXILIARY HEALTH SERVICES COMO Victor J Connell MD Division Chief (DVC-HM) Chief Medical Officer for the Auxiliary POC for PAC Area, Dentists, and EMS Personnel Michael Colondrillo MD Branch Chief, POC for Atlantic East (BC-HME) Joseph Sopko MD Branch Chief, POC for Atlantic West (BC-HMW) (Note: AUX Health Services Officers are only authorized at the National Level - District, Division and Flotilla Health Services Officers have not been authorized!) National Department of Human Resources

2 Provide Oversight for AUX Health Services Missions The Division Chief Auxiliary Health Services (DVC-HM) serves as the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for the Auxiliary and shall oversee all Auxiliarist medical support activities. As Chief Medical Officer, DVC-HM serves as the primary liaison between Auxiliary medical support personnel and USCG Office of Health Services (CG-112). CMO attempts to assure that all Auxiliarist medical support personnel and those providing administrative medical support on the National Staff: 1.Are only participating in authorized CG and Auxiliary Health Care Missions - and thus have liability coverage while performing their medical support missions. 2.Are following proper Auxiliary medical support mission policies and procedures 3.Are coordinating their efforts across different Auxiliary National Departments in order to avoid duplication of medical support missions National Department of Human Resources

3 Health Care Providers - defined by CG as physicians, dentists, nurse practitioners, and physicians assistants - volunteering in CG Clinics/Sickbays as primary care providers (as outlined in COMDTINST 6010.2 series). Allied Health Care Professionals (e.g., registered nurses, psychologists, podiatrists) in CG Clinics/Sickbays Emergency Service Personnel (EMT/Paramedics, First Responders, and First Aid/CPR Instructors) : 1.Underway with CGSTA SAR Boat Crews 2.In CG Clinics/Sickbays as medical assistants 3.Teaching First Aid/CPR/AED to personnel at CG or AUX Units (if certified Instructor) 4.Aux Med Device is Authorized for vetted physician's Current AUX Health Services Missions Past Health Services Missions Auxiliarists provided medical support to the CG Academy AIM program Auxiliarists provided medical support to the National Maritime Center National Department of Human Resources

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