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Gender 40 years after the Equal Pay Act. Are there equal opportunities?

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Presentation on theme: "Gender 40 years after the Equal Pay Act. Are there equal opportunities?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender 40 years after the Equal Pay Act. Are there equal opportunities?

2 Equality and the law  1970 Equal Pay Act  1975 Sex Discrimination Act  2006 The Equality Act  2008 The Equality Bill Harriet Harman, Minister for Women and Equality

3 The Pay Gap “At the current rate, it will take at least another two decades to close the pay gap. Women who work full time will earn on average £330,000 less than a man over their working lives – that’s the price of a family home. It’s amazing that we still think this is something that a decent society can live with” Trevor Phillips, Chair of Equality and Human Rights Commission

4 The Glass Ceiling “Girls and young women are outperforming males at all educational levels. They are moving into an expanding range of occupations, and building successful careers. The gender pay gap is narrowing. But for many this all comes to an abrupt halt when childcare comes into the working week.” Mary Gregory, Oxford University

5 Sexism and the City: Fawcett’s campaignFawcett’s Straight jacketed: women are disadvantaged by outdated job structures and attitudes Excluded from power: only 11% of FTSE 100 company directors are women X chromosome discrimination: every year 30,000 women lose their jobs because they are pregnant Impoverishment: two-thirds of low paid workers are women Sexual exploitation: Visiting lapdance clubs has become an increasingly normal way of entertaining business clients Money gap: Women working full-time earn 17% less than men

6 Gender Stereotyping

7 Work of “equal value”

8 Breaking the glass ceiling: Law

9 Breaking the glass ceiling: Business “It’s easy to let life’s obstacles stand in the way of your success, instead of seeing every experience as something to learn from.” Michelle Mone, Co-owner MJM International

10 Breaking the glass ceiling: The Police “I’ve been involved in policing since the age of 16 and I have done a variety of jobs in different roles. At no time have I felt I have been subject to any direct or indirect sexism.” Norma Graham, Chief Constable, Fife Constabulary

11 Breaking the glass ceiling: Transport “I took on this role because I am driven to succeed. I am my own worst critic and have always worked in a male-dominated environment so I don't know any different.” Mary Grant, Managing Director, First Scotrail

12 Breaking the glass ceiling: Politics

13 The Equality and Human Rights Commission Trevor Phillips, chair of EHRC How available is flexible working?flexible working

14 The 2008 Equality Bill Is the new, tougher, legislation necessary to overcome inequalities or has “political correctness gone too far”?

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