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Information Point Introduction Olympic Value Eat Well Get Active Get Active Feel Good.

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1 Information Point Introduction Olympic Value Eat Well Get Active Get Active Feel Good

2 Introduction Small Steps 4 life is part of the Change4life movement which is encouraging families to eat well, get active and feel better about themselves. In Summer 2012 London is hosting the world famous Olympics, and the best way to show your support is to get involved in challenges with the rest of the country. Smallsteps4life aims to motivate young people to improve their health and well being while doing something that they will enjoy. Back

3 Olympic/Paralympic Value Determination The Paralympic value “Determination” is all about carrying on when times get tough. We all feel like giving up when times get hard but determination is key when taking up a new challenge. Even if you fail first time try and try again and you will eventually pick it up. Small Steps for life promotes the value “Determination” by getting young people involved in challenges to improve their wellbeing. By creating fun challenges for them to complete the young people are inspired to try their hardest and really get involved. The aim is to see the challenge right through to the end by using determination to get through each challenge they take up. Back

4 Eat Well Having a balanced diet is very important, not only does it keep us healthy but eating good food with family and friends can give us the chance to talk to each other. Smallsteps4life offers a variety of challenges for young people to eat well. Some challenges you could start TODAY Eat Breakfast – breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should be eaten to maximise concentration levels for the day. Eat more fruit – get involved with your friends and see how much fruit you can eat over 4 weeks. Try new things – Trying new foods is always a great idea as you could find a new meal you enjoy. Back From survey results “vegetables” were the least popular food group, this is your chance to try something new and eat something you don’t usually enjoy. It is important to eat vegetables to have a balanced diet.

5 Get Active Back Exercise doesn’t have to be boring, you can make it fun and enjoyable by taking control of what you do and how long you do it for. Playing sports with friends and family can put the fun back into exercise and is encouraged by smallsteps4life. Try a new challenge today on your own or with friends. 5 a week – choose 5 activities that you would enjoy and an aim at the end of the week so you have something to work towards. Outside Gym – visit a local park with family and friends and set up exercise equipment. Get dancing – get a group of friends and create a dance routine that you can perform to family and friends at the end of 3 weeks. Remember to pace yourself and not to over do it with the practices we recommend two a week, From the survey we found yoga, swimming and walking the dog were popular activities. Choose an activity you don’t usually get involved in to get the most out of this active challenge.

6 Feel Good Back Feeling good about yourself is important to staying healthy. We might not feel great all of the time but we need to know what to do when times get tough and we feel stressed and upset. There are many challenges that you can take up so you can return as quick as possible to feeling good. Doodle Diary – Each time you feel stressed think things through while doodling, at the end you will feel a lot more relaxed. Story Writing – Write a story about something that means something to you, you could do this with friends and pass it round each of you writing a sentence. Help Someone Else – Helping someone else can make you feel great about yourself while benefiting others. From the survey results we can see that staying cool is a popular form of raising well being. People like to stay cool as it relaxes them and means they can enjoy life to the full.

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