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 Why do people sins?  Ignorance, pleasure, addiction, unconcern  Moral weakness  Lack of virtue  Christians are not to “conform” to the world:

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3  Why do people sins?  Ignorance, pleasure, addiction, unconcern  Moral weakness  Lack of virtue  Christians are not to “conform” to the world: Rom. 12:1-2 3 Peer Pressure Can be positive or negative; who we associate with determines its direction of influence (Prov. 13:20; 1 Cor. 15:33).

4  Companions: 1 Cor. 15:33; Psa. 1:1  We need to be extremely careful who we chose as companions!  May be some of our most important choices in life!  Joseph’s brothers: Gen. 37:18-20  Amnon and Jonadab: 2 Sam. 13:1-14 4

5  False religions: Jn. 9:18-23  Social club atmosphere, everyone wants to “fit in” (PC).  Preachers face this danger too! 2 Tim. 4:1-4  Pressure to please men can be very strong! Gal. 2:12-14 5

6  Family: Matt. 10:34-39  Some do not obey the gospel due to family pressure.  Some Christians also cave to family pressure.  Children must obey their parents, wives must be submissive to their husbands: Eph. 6:1-3; 5:22  BUT, don’t follow their bad habits, set a good example regardless, make sure you have your own faith! 6

7  Employer: Gen. 39:7-9; 1 Tim. 5:8  Desire to please to retain job, gain promotion, etc.  Desire to get along with co-workers.  Don’t want to bring “hardship” on co- workers.  We must not allow our need to make a living destroy our soul! Matt. 6:33 7

8  Government: Dan. 3:12, 16-18; 2 Sam. 11:14-17  Who knows how much pressure we, as a congregation, may face in the very near future?!  Will churches be forced “underground”?  Will we pressure one another to conform? 8

9  School:  So many issues: evolution, homosexuality, pre-marital sex, alcohol, drugs, etc.  Students are vulnerable; if don’t “tow the party line” may affect your grades.  Don’t cave! Fight the good fight! These people are not as smart as they think! 9

10  Society in general:  For example, young people today are mocked if they are a virgin: 1 Cor. 6:18; Heb. 13:4  If you don’t support abortion you are “anti- women.”  If you don’t celebrate homosexuality and same-sex marriage you “on the wrong side of history.” 10

11  Crowd: Ex. 23:2  Good example in the Old Testament: Ex. 32:1  Don’t underestimate the power of a crowd to influence your behavior.  The majority are usually wrong, not right! 11

12  Sins arise from peer pressure: 1 Pet. 4:3-4  Pleasing your date?  Pleasing your friends?  Please team members? Coach?  Desire to be popular; “in crowd”?  People will do things in a group setting they would never do as an individual! 12

13  Bad habits formed early in life: 1 Cor. 15:33  Smoking, drinking, drugs, cursing, etc.  Cursing/ebonics: Coach Lewis  If you never start you never get hooked: Jer. 17:1-2 13

14  Sins committed by adults: 1 Cor. 15:33  Cheat/steal on the job; don’t give a full day’s work for a full day’s pay.  Miss services due to other “obligations.”  Socialize with co-workers (e.g., drinking, water-cooler talk). 14

15  Remember who we are to fear: Lk. 12:4-5  Chief rulers forgot this: Jn. 12:42-43  Peter and Barnabas forgot this: Gal. 2:11-14  Let’s imitate Paul: 1 Thess. 2:4; Gal. 1:10  Cannot serve two masters! Matt. 6:24 15

16  Choose companions wisely: 1 Cor. 15:33  Jesus associated with sinners so can I: Matt. 9:9-13  Is that our purpose? How long will they associate with us if we follow Jesus?  Do your “friends” care about your eternal soul? 16

17  Be careful where you go: Psa. 1:1  “Wrong place at the wrong time.”  Verily I say unto you: “Don’t go to the wrong place in the first place!”  Weak Christians often place themselves in difficult situations: 2 Pet. 2:7-8  Chose your job/career very carefully. 17

18  Learn the word of God:  How did Jesus confront temptations? Matt. 4:4, 7, 10  How do we confront temptations? Psa. 119:11 18

19  Grow in virtue: 2 Pet. 1:5, 8-10  Virtue: moral excellence, goodness, righteousness.  From “valor”; expresses the idea of moral and spiritual courage and excellence.  The courage to do what is right just for the sake of “rightness.” 19

20  Assemble regularly: Heb. 10:23-25  Regular association with God’s people critical: Heb. 3:13  Use hospitality to cultivate strong friendships with faithful Christians: 1 Pet. 4:9; 2 Pet. 1:1 20

21  Why keep His commandments? Eccl. 12:13-14  Do you have the moral and spiritual courage? Gal. 1:10  The payoff is great! Rom. 6:23; Acts 6:7 21

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