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April 29, 2004 Slide 1 ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel Presented by: Amy Marasco, ANSI VP and General Counsel.

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Presentation on theme: "April 29, 2004 Slide 1 ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel Presented by: Amy Marasco, ANSI VP and General Counsel."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 29, 2004 Slide 1 ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel Presented by: Amy Marasco, ANSI VP and General Counsel and Dan Bart, ANSI-HSSP Co-Chair First Year Progress and Looking Ahead

2 April 29, 2004 Slide 2 Overview Formation and Role of Panel  This was presented at GSC-8 by Dr. Arnold, ANSI Chairman Structure and Participation First Year Progress Activities Underway Initiatives Going Forward Summary

3 April 29, 2004 Slide 3 Background: Standards Coordination Needed The National Strategy for Homeland Security (2002) identified the need for standards to support homeland security (HS) and emergency preparedness  Fourteen critical infrastructure areas were noted January 2, 2003 Report for Congress stated: “Neither the federal government, nor the nongovernmental sector presently has a comprehensive, consolidated program for developing new preparedness standards.”

4 April 29, 2004 Slide 4 Response: ANSI-HSSP February 5, 2003: Formation of ANSI-HSSP announced Facilitate the identification of existing and development and enhancement of new homeland security standards Examine role for conformity assessment activities Serve as private/public sector forum for standards issues that cut cross-sector  A partnership, Co-Chairs provided by industry and government Decision made to have initial focus be on responding to the most immediate standards needs of DHS

5 April 29, 2004 Slide 5 Response: ANSI-HSSP A forum for information sharing on HS standards issues  ANSI-HSSP website ( and e-mail distribution Does not itself develop standards Not a “gatekeeper” for access to DHS or other agencies

6 April 29, 2004 Slide 6 ANSI-HSSP Structure Lead by ANSI-HSSP Co-Chairs Steering Committee  Comprised of Government Agencies, ANSI SDOs, non-ANSI SDOs, and Companies (ANSI members and non-ANSI)  Four At-Large Seats (Union, Consumer, Academia, State & Local)  Serves as a planning and sounding board – not a governing body  Total: 35-40 seats (plus 2 special advisors) Full Panel: Over 200 organizational participants Workshops utilized to address specific HS standards areas

7 April 29, 2004 Slide 7 ANSI-HSSP Participation Participation on the HSSP is open to all affected interests (ANSI and non-ANSI members), including:  Federal, State and Local governments  Industry representatives  Trade Associations and Professional Societies  Standards Developers (ANSI and non-ANSI)  Fora/Consortia  Academia  Consumer interests

8 April 29, 2004 Slide 8 2003 ANSI-HSSP Activities Five Interim Steering Committee meetings ANSI-HSSP Plenary  June 9-10 at NIST (nearly 200 attendees) Briefings at a number of conferences about ANSI-HSSP  e.g., Global Standards Collaboration (GSC-8) meeting Workshop on Biometrics ANSI Annual Conference themed on Homeland Security  Panel sessions included biological and chemical threats, personnel certification, standards for first responders, product and equipment certification, and cyber security  Largest turnout for an ANSI conference

9 April 29, 2004 Slide 9 Q1 2004 ANSI-HSSP Activities Workshops on Private Sector Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity  Recommendation was submitted to 9-11 Commission at HSSP Plenary in April Workshop on Biological and Chemical Threat Agents ANSI-HSSP Newsletter launched  Distribution to 500+ recipients Biometrics workshop report issued  Submitted to DHS and posted to ANSI-HSSP website

10 April 29, 2004 Slide 10 Q1 2004 ANSI-HSSP Activities Involved with the formation of the ISO Advisory Group (AG) on Security  ANSI invited to propose the terms of reference and nominate leadership Met with European Standards Organizations (ESOs - CEN, CENELEC, and ETSI) in January in Nice, France as part of ANSI/ESO meeting  Security standards activities were an agenda item  Agreement reached to share information - ETSI provided a update at HSSP Plenary

11 April 29, 2004 Slide 11 Q2 & Q3 2004 ANSI-HSSP Workshops Continuation of Workshop on Biological and Chemical Threat Agents  May 18, 2004 at NIST Workshop on Training Programs for First Responders  Survey made in Q1 to structure workshop  June 10, 2004 at NFPA Headquarters Workshop on Emergency Communications  Date and location to be determined, TIA and ATIS helping to coordinate

12 April 29, 2004 Slide 12 ANSI-HSSP Activities Going Forward Continue to work with DHS to address any standards needs  Outreach to other groups with HS standards needs Provide input to newly formed ISO AG on Security  ANSI-HSSP Steering Committee is the US Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to the international activity Initiation of ANSI-DHS Database project for HS standards Examination of potential new areas for workshops  Supply chain security, equipment for first responders, protection of the citizen (consumer-oriented), security management system standards, others

13 April 29, 2004 Slide 13 ANSI-HSSP Activities Going Forward Continuation of ANSI-HSSP Newsletter  Any news items from Panel participants are welcomed and should be submitted to the ANSI-HSSP Secretary for inclusion Further development of ANSI-HSSP website  Resource for news items on HS standards, on-line calendar of HS events, portal for links to further HS documents and web pages  New page to track international standards activities related to security

14 April 29, 2004 Slide 14 Summary ANSI-HSSP fills the role for homeland security standards coordination Will continue to support DHS and others with HS standards needs Will play important role with the ISO AG on Security Workshops to address specific HS needs  For areas being addressed by other initiatives, ANSI- HSSP will coordinate with them ( e.g., ASME Risk Project Team, Cyber Security Summit)

15 April 29, 2004 Slide 15 Summary Panel participants provide the base of expertise and ANSI will continue to rely on them to be active in HSSP workshops and bring key issues/needs to the Panel’s attention A good deal of progress has been made, but there is much work still to be done For further information or questions, please visit the ANSI-HSSP website ( or contact the ANSI-HSSP Secretary, Matt Deane (212-642- 4992,

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