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Millennials Cathleen Burns CTLA - Anaheim August 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Millennials Cathleen Burns CTLA - Anaheim August 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Millennials Cathleen Burns CTLA - Anaheim August 2008

2 WELCOME to the 1 st Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning In Accounting THANK YOU to the American Accounting Association Susan Crosson and Kevin Stocks

3 Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting… CTLA… Cee TooLs you can Apply

4 Session Agenda 1:30-1:45 A few minutes on Millennials 1:45-2:00 Individual and table reflection 2:00-2:20 Report to group Desired Learning Outcome: To develop some tools for working with Millennials in the classroom that we can post to the AAA Commons and you can use this fall in your classes.

5 What Generation are You? (handout) Silents (birth years 1925-1942) 26% of faculty Boomers (1943-1960) 51% of faculty Generation X (1961-1981) 18% of faculty Millennials (1982-2002)

6 I am not a Millennial, but… I am the mother of twin Millennials. I work with helicopter parents daily, focus groups, megasection coordination, student government, curriculum and policy committees (lots of meetings). I teach Millennials. I like Millennials. I will be working with Millennials in public accounting this fall. I think we can learn something from Millennials that will make us better.

7 Characteristics of Millennials Special Sheltered Confident Conventional Team-Oriented Achieving Pressured

8 NSSE: National Survey of Student Engagement nual%5FReport/docs/withhold/NSSE_200 7_Annual_Report.pdf nual%5FReport/docs/withhold/NSSE_200 7_Annual_Report.pdf NSSE is the largest survey of students behavior in the US. Your schools likely participates in this survey. Check with your Institutional Research staff.

9 What do students do in class? Digital Ethnography » Blog Archive » A Vision of Students TodayDigital Ethnography » Blog Archive » A Vision of Students Today This is the Spring 2007 video made by Michael Wesch and the Cultural Anthropology class at Kansas State University.

10 Digital Natives Vs. Digital Immigrants (Mark Prensky) –Do you print out your email? –Can you edit on screen? Engage Me or Enrage Me CPA = Continuous Partial Attention (coined by Linda Stone) Marc

11 Digital Natives Managing what many faculty would call distractions. Distractions come from inside the classroom and outside the classroom. How do we blend learning and the outside world? Net Generation Learners | EDUCAUSE

12 Voices of Millennials (based on interviews with Millennials) When I walk into class, you need to move me from the co-processing world I am leaving to the focused world in the class. A good way to do that is to start every class with a relevant current event that is tied to the learning objectives for the day. Use article from The Wall Street Journal or one of the movie clips at AAA.Commons.

13 Voices of Millennials I may be a disorganized mess, but I expect my professor to be organized, provide structure, and create an environment for me to learn. Rubrics handed out with an assignment allow the student to meet/exceed your expectations. Rubrics: Assessment: Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment: Indiana University KokomoRubrics: Assessment: Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment: Indiana University Kokomo

14 Voices of Millennials Dont try to impress me with your PowerPoint skills. You wont. And youll waste a lot of time trying. Sometimes bad slides or funny slides may actually help me remember the material. PowerPoint slides should be clear about the learning objectives and not be an outline of the textbook.

15 Voices for Millennials We like to count how many times he/she says…Sun Microsystems…information systems…bas-i-ca-lly. We like to make class a big game.

16 Voices of Millennials Every time I go to school I have to power down. (from Mark Prensky article)

17 Voices of Millennials Create some drama with the material. …an artificial sense of crisis

18 Voices of Millennials If a paper is returned with an A, then I guess I dont expect any more feedback. However, if a paper is returned with a B, then I expect lots of feedback on what I did wrong and how I can get an A next paper.

19 Voice of Millennials I like my parents. You remind me of my mother/father. I want to please you. Please tell me what you want. Rubrics are helpful, especially if they are distributed with the assignment. Rubrics: Assessment: Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment: Indiana University KokomoRubrics: Assessment: Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment: Indiana University Kokomo

20 Voices of Millennials Information Literacy –American Library Association Information Literacy standards to evaluate the credibility of internet resources –Rubric for evaluating students information literacy Information Literacy Rubric, Delaware Technical and Community College

21 Voices of Millennials We call our library the living room. It is a place where you go to work with your friends, drink coffee, ask someone about online resources and talk. It is not a place where you go to be quiet and look for books in stacks.

22 Voices of Millennials I know you dont have office hours right now, but I have a quick question. If you are not in your office, you can text me or call me on my cell. I dont use email. Yeah, I know that the University says it is the official method of communication.

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