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Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 1 SURVEYING CURRENT.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 1 SURVEYING CURRENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 1 SURVEYING CURRENT MANAGEMENT PRACTICE This set of slides is intended to help explain why surveying the current Management practice is important, and how it can be achieved Please do not attempt to use these slides as part of a presentation until you have read and fully understood the relevant sections of ‘Managing by Design’, you know how each slide builds, and you are clear on the points you wish to make with them. Slides 2 to 6 are useful for providing an overview of the survey approach to management. Slides 7 to 18 may be used to supplement these as part of a process for preparing an internal survey team.

2 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 2 PLANNING THE WAY FORWARD Passion Systems Where we want to be A C B Where we are now

3 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 3 THE INTERNAL SURVEY Why do we need to undertake an internal survey? To fully understand current performance To provide evidence of particular issues What is the value of this? To focus improvement where it matters most To build on what is already good Why do we have to do it? To develop crucial local knowledge To establish our credibility for driving change And why is that important? To enable us to stimulate & support change To make change efficient through aligned efforts

4 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 4 INFORMATION WE MIGHT NEED Against the Business Plan Current performance Evidence of particular issues Management Approach Current position Examples of issues & problems Examples of good practice Other Confidence & capability for change Learning from the past

5 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 5 POSSIBLE APPROACHES Interviews (Individual or Group) Opinion/attitude based Investigative, evidence based Questionnaire Perceptions (of self or others) Criteria based Audit Analysis of data from existing records - QMS type investigation (Show me…) Performance data Discussion What else?

6 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 6 SOURCES OF INFORMATION Customers Internal, External, End-users, Directors... Ourselves Staff, Contractors, Suppliers, Management team... Records Case histories, paperwork, QMS… Operations Observations, measures, problem track… ? Anything else?

7 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 7 Survey Matrix HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT TO SURVEY? Key: Key Source Major Souce Some Value Focus Here Data Existing 4 4 Current degree of customer focus Current commitment to objectives... Problem resolution times What do we* want to know? Internal Interviews Customer Interviews Internal Survey... How can we* find out? *Who is we? Don’t forget to bring the client along in your thinking And... Who is your client? What can you achieve if your client doesn’t own it???

8 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 8 What the interviewer asks What the interviewee hears What the interviewee replies What the interviewer hears Context of “other things” Image of any hidden agendas Image of how what he says will be interpreted Commercial or Political Stresses INTERVIEWING What are the main barriers? How should we overcome them? Interviewee Interviewer What are the barriers to an accurate picture?

9 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 9 INTERVIEWING Consists of 5 distinct and different stages: Preparation The Beginning The Middle The End Afterwards What should we use each bit for?

10 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 10 INTERVIEWING PULSE 123 STRUCTURE “The structure sets you free!” Introduce Topic Validity Question Exploration Probing Clarification Summarising

11 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 11 TYPICAL INTERVIEW STRUCTURE (Internal) Introduction & General Background The Company and what it is trying to achieve Departmental purpose and role Targets and objectives People and teamwork How work is structured Information and its application How improvements are made Facilities and equipment Previous Initiatives Personal Aspirations Anything else

12 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 12 TYPICAL INTERVIEW STRUCTURE (Customer) General Background? What for you is the Nature of Quality? How would you describe Service Quality Currently? How is the “Service” Delivered? How would you describe the Relationship? How Forward Thinking are they? What is the scope for them to transform your work? How would you most like to see them improve? What do you like most about them? What do you like least about them? What would they need to do to delight you?

13 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 13 Unspecified Referencetoo much, too often, too… Unspecified Nounsit, they, the others… Unspecified Verbsarrives, comes, force us… Implied Necessitycan’t, shouldn’t, must…, Universal Quantifiersnever, always, all, everybody Assumed Standardsthe right way, It is wrong … Nominalisationsverbs transformed into nouns Unspecified Causecause.., makes, keeps… IssueIf the interviewee uses phrases like: DELIVERING QUALITY DATA What is the problem for the final data quality ? What challenges could the interviewer use ?

14 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 14 UNDERTAKING A SURVEY Pros Anonymous, provides some security of confidentiality Clinical and easily focused on your primary areas of interest Quantitative; it provides a datum and is relatively easy to analyse Cons Unlikely to provide evidence that you are not already specifically looking for Can, too easily, annoy the recipient

15 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 15 UNDERTAKING A SURVEY Common to get people to express their view of predefined statements according to a scale: E.g. Statement: “The sky is blue” … and you respond: 0You believe the statement is, as near as possible, totally false - in fact the converse is true 1You believe the statement is largely false though it may contain an element of truth 2You believe the statement is, on balance, slightly more false than true 3You believe the statement is, on balance, slightly more true than false 4You believe the statement is largely true though not entirely so 5You believe the statement is, as near as possible, totally true XYou have no views on the truth of this statement, and would prefer not to comment

16 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 16 PROCESS ANALYSIS AND AUDIT What is a process? What is important in a process? Evidence Paperwork, recording, changes, …. Appropriateness Reasoning, motives,... Implications Deficiencies, lost opportunity, knock-on effects,... Risks Accident, waste, disruption, error,... Result Actual effects - waste, failure, dissatisfaction,...

17 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 17 PROCESS ANALYSIS AND AUDIT For all processes - direct & indirect Evidence of customer requirements being examined formally & how the information is used Evidence of target setting and applied standards, and of linking these to the business need Evidence of training, and how the required skills for the process are identified and developed Evidence of mechanisms for ensuring consistency and for defining roles and process approach Evidence of performance measurement, and analysis of adverse variations to prevent problems Evidence of improvement effort, and learning from elsewhere in the organisation or outside Evidence, Appropriateness, Implications, Risks, Result

18 Introduction Overview Planning Interview Question’re Proc. Audit Next Steps © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2001 - 18 NEXT STEPS What is that we want to know? (And why?) Who are the best sources of the information? What approaches will we use to obtain it? Who will do what? By when? How will we pull the information into a coherent and compelling picture?

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