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Speed = Strategy How to win the competition by focusing on

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1 Speed = Strategy How to win the competition by focusing on speed. @oleschaper

2 2 “The world is changing very fast. Big will not beat small anymore. It will be the fast beating the slow.” Rupert Murdoch Speed = Strategy

3 3 -Independent Game Developer and Publisher -Founded 2008 -3 Online Browser MMO Games -Worldwide Full Service Operation -15 People Who we are

4 4 Dino Storm

5 5 Prototype ready after 3 days (and nights) Game developed in < 6 months (1 Dev) Closed Beta starting end of this month Cowboys, Dinosaurs, Laserguns

6 6 Speed to the core The Splitscreen Framework Design Goals: Let the game developer focus on the game and nothing else. Effective (does the right things) Efficient (does things right) Improve once, benefit everywhere Build reusable, modular components

7 7 3 Keys to gain speed: 1.Pace 2.Process 3.People Speed

8 8 1. Pace

9 9 2. Process

10 10 Toyota’s lean principles: -Eliminate Waste (jp: Muda) -Continuous Improvement (jp: kaizen) -Optimize Workflow (  Kanban) Lean

11 11 Processing Loops The OODA - Loop Concept by military strategist John Boyd for combat situations Continuous Process The faster you get, the harder for your competitor to keep up ObserveOrient DecideAct Collect Information Execute your decision What should we do? Understand the situation

12 12 3. People

13 13 Clarity Unity Agility 3 People factors

14 14 Shared, clear understanding of your current situation and direction. Senior leaders are closely aligned and committed People find time to review how the work is going Teams capture and communicate lessons learned Employees receive training when new initiatives are launched 1. Clarity

15 15 Agreement, that the direction is desirable and the need to work together to move ahead. Senior leaders are closely aligned and committed. Team members are flexible about switching responsibilities to make things easier for one another. Team members are comfortable talking about problems and disagreements. Management systems work coherently to support overall objectives. 2. Unity

16 16 Willingness to turn and adapt quickly while keeping the goal in mind. The company bases ist success on the ability to explore new technologies and methods. The company creates products and services that are innovative. When making important decisions, senior leaders usually put forward creative and innovative ideas. 3. Agility

17 17 Do I know where we are going and why? (clarity) Am I committed to work with these people to get there? (unity) Am I willing to suggest and try many different ways to get there (agility) 3 Questions

18 18 Focus on Value Time to Value (TTV) Value over Time (VOT) 4 Possibilities: 1.Long TTV, Little VOT 2.Long TTV, Long VOT 3.Little TTV, Little VOT 4.Little TTV, Long VOT Measuring Speed

19 19 1.Focus on Impact 2.Move Fast 3.Be Bold 4.Be Open 5.Build Social Value Facebook’s Big 5

20 20 Strategic Speed – Mobilize People, Accelerate Execution by Jocelyn R. Davis, Henry M. Frechette JR. and Edwin H. Boswell Rules of Thumb by Alan M. Webber Command and Control Theory Sources and Links

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