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Society for Information Management SIM Outreach and STEM Goals and Plans for 2013 Jana Markowitz Director, Outreach/STEM Initiatives.

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Presentation on theme: "Society for Information Management SIM Outreach and STEM Goals and Plans for 2013 Jana Markowitz Director, Outreach/STEM Initiatives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Society for Information Management SIM Outreach and STEM Goals and Plans for 2013 Jana Markowitz Director, Outreach/STEM Initiatives

2 Society for Information Management The Problem – More Jobs than Grads United States Department of Labor estimates that by 2018 there will be more than 1.4 million new computing-related job openings. The Bureau of Labor Statistics in a 2010 report said US computing jobs will increase in number by 30% between 2008 and 2018. Some computer-related jobs in the network and information security areas will grow by 50% in the 2008 to 2018 timeframe. At current graduation rates we would only be able to fill HALF those 1.4 million jobs with candidates who have a Bachelors in Computer Science from US universities

3 Society for Information Management The Problem – Leaky STEM Pipeline In addition to the leaky pipeline from high school to college we have a high drop-out rate in college STEM degree programs. To make matters worse we have women dropping out of IT careers in their mid-30’s in huge numbers (no, not to have children, just leaving the IT field.) And we have Boomers retiring. Fifty percent of Federal IT workers will retire in the next five years. The Perfect Storm.

4 Society for Information Management As the number of IT jobs goes up and the number of people qualified for them goes down: –IT salaries will go UP –Length of time to fill an IT position will go UP If US companies cannot fill IT jobs in the US: –They will try to increase the number of H1B visas –Will they move IT organizations to other countries? What does this mean to IT?

5 Society for Information Management Is your hair on fire yet??

6 Society for Information Management How Do We Solve the IT Skills Shortage? Solving this Problem will require collaboration among Corporations, Government and Academia High school is too late to start – we must start in Kindergarten. We MUST provide IT Role Models, in person and on video, no later than Middle School. Career shadowing. We must support students throughout their undergraduate work – with mentors, tutors and internships. We lose too many students AFTER they declare a Computing or Engineering major. We must increase the % of underrepresented groups (women, minorities) by showing them there are IT jobs and organizations they would ENJOY!

7 Society for Information Management What Can SIM Chapters Do About This? In 2013 we have these 5 goals: 1.Establish an Outreach Contact person at EVERY SIM Chapter 2.Document the Outreach each SIM Chapter is doing (whether Scholarships, Tech Camps, Career Panels, Career Shadowing, Internships etc.) 3.Put information about each Chapter’s outreach programs on Simnet so other Chapters can easily replicate what works 4.Put links to STEM outreach resources – so Chapter members can volunteer locally even if their Chapter does not have an outreach program. Also provide links to resources for teachers and college counselors. 5.Ask EVERY SIM member to PERSONALLY TAKE ACTION on the IT Pipeline Issue in some way

8 Society for Information Management What Can SIM Chapters Do About This? To get started: Please complete the survey and let us know what your chapter is doing and how to connect you with others in SIM. SIM will update simnet to reflect what each chapter is doing and how to contact a chapter for advice or guidance. SIM will create a STEM Resources page for you to use – including organizations where your members can volunteer to do IT/STEM outreach. Until simnet is updated I am the resource – call or email me: | 901.682.0830

9 Society for Information Management Questions?

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