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Business Major Jeopardy Love Matches $alariesCareersStudent OrgsPotpourri $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Major Jeopardy Love Matches $alariesCareersStudent OrgsPotpourri $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Major Jeopardy Love Matches $alariesCareersStudent OrgsPotpourri $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000

2 What is Management Information Systems? Likes computers, problem solving, new technology $200 – Love Matches

3 What is Management Information Systems? $200 – Love Matches

4 What is Management? Likes persuading, leading, queues, and people (especially customers) $400 – Love Matches

5 What is Management? $400 – Love Matches

6 What is International Business? Likes to travel, wants to experience new cultures, loves learning languages $600 – Love Matches

7 What is International Business? $600 – Love Matches

8 What is Finance? Loves playing the stock market, analyzing cash flows, excellent at economics $800 – Love Matches

9 What is Finance? $800 – Love Matches

10 What is Supply Chain Management? Enjoys seeing things through from start to finish, problem solving, working with all types of people in different jobs $1000 – Love Matches

11 What is Supply Chain Management? $1000 – Love Matches

12 What is the average 2007 full-time starting salary of all McCombs undergraduates? $50,583 (+/- $9,538) $200 – $alaries

13 What is the average 2007 full-time starting salary of all McCombs undergraduates? $200 – $alaries

14 What is the average 2006 summer internship salary of all McCombs undergraduates? $2,962 (+/- $1,112) $400 – $alaries

15 What is the average 2006 summer internship salary of all McCombs undergraduates? $400 – $alaries

16 What is cost of living? The reason for salary differences for the same occupation in different geographic regions $600 – $alaries

17 What is cost of living? $600 – $alaries

18 What is Business Honors? This major made the highest full-time average salary of all Business majors in 2007 $800 – $alaries

19 What is Business Honors? $800 – $alaries

20 What is Supply Chain Management? This major’s average salary is currently unknown $1000 – $alaries

21 What is Supply Chain Management? $1000 – $alaries

22 What is Marketing? This major may lead to job titles of brand manager or buyer $200 – Careers

23 What is Marketing? $200 – Careers

24 What is Finance? Careers in this field may involve jobs in investment banking $400 – Careers

25 What is Finance? $400 – Careers

26 What is Engineering Route to Business? Students in this major are usually hired by engineering firms to work in their business & administrative operations $600 – Careers

27 What is Engineering Route to Business? $600 – Careers

28 What is Accounting? Jobs from this major fall in the categories of public, private/industrial, and governmental $800 – Careers

29 What is Accounting? $800 – Careers

30 What is On-Campus Recruiting? This website gives McCombs students the ability to search for internships and future careers $1000 – Careers

31 What is On-Campus Recruiting? $1000 – Careers

32 What is the University Accounting Association? Organization for accounting students $200 – Student Orgs

33 What is the University Accounting Association? $200 – Student Orgs

34 What is the Freshmen Business Association? McCombs organization specifically for freshmen $400 – Student Orgs

35 What is the Freshmen Business Association? $400 – Student Orgs

36 What is the Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting? Goes by the acronym ALPFA $600 – Student Orgs

37 What is the Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting? $600 – Student Orgs

38 What is the Asian Business Students Association? Goes by the acronym ABSA $800 – Student Orgs

39 What is the Asian Business Students Association? $800 – Student Orgs

40 What is Alpha Kappa Psi? The oldest business student organization at UT $1000 – Student Orgs

41 What is Alpha Kappa Psi? $1000 – Student Orgs

42 What is Business Honors? This major admits applicants for their sophomore year partially based on a challenging freshman class load, extracurricular activities, and college leadership skills $200 – Potpourri

43 What is Business Honors? $200 – Potpourri

44 What is International Business? This major requires the equivalent of 6 semesters of language classes and encourages study abroad $400 – Potpourri

45 What is International Business? $400 – Potpourri

46 What are 30 hours? The number of hours required before you can declare a major $600 – Potpourri

47 What are 30 hours? $600 – Potpourri

48 What are required business classes for every Business major? MIS 310BA 324STA 309 ACC 311ACC 312LEB 323 FIN 357MKT 337MAN 335 or 336 $800 – Potpourri

49 What are required business classes for every Business major? $800 – Potpourri

50 What are ways that students can learn more about different majors? Academic Advisors, Career Advisors, Student Organizations, Career Library, BA 101 $1000 – Potpourri

51 What are ways that students can learn more about different majors? $1000 – Potpourri

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