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Support in choosing a career

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1 Support in choosing a career
YES - Romania Rodica Silvia Pop YES – Romania Coordinator Support in choosing a career Sevillia 2012

2 Description of Project
Target Group 1 group of young people up to 30 years old who graduated the school but do not have a job (15) 1 group of young women up to 35 who come back on the labour market after had given birth to a child (15) 1 group of unemployed over 45 years old (15) As follow up the target group extended to: 15 workers from the Maramures County Museum 60 teachers from 12 high schools and 20 middle schools

3 Description of Project
Rationale for Intervention According with the Regional Office of Statistics Maramures, the unemployment rate is very high within the women. In 2012, the rate is 9.2%. In the period the number of fired persons in the county was up to 16,242 persons representing about 35% from the total of the fired people in the whole area. Statistical data show that from the total persons who are looking for a job, the most are women, young people graduating a high school and even a university or persons over 45 years old.

4 Description of Project
Project Goals to prevent, ameliorate and decrease the unemployment rate in the North-West Area where the project is in progress to prepare teenagers for wage and self-employment to construct an active and responsible attitude towards yourself and your own career, according with the requirements of a modern society in permanent change to improve the formal educational system through a non-formal education to help 40 % of the target group to find a job to help 60 % of the target group to get basic transferring abilities that will subsequently allow mobility on the labour market

5 Description of Project
Project Design Principles The project supports the UNEMPLOYMENT needs: career guidance finding of the job practising of the job according with interests, personal abilities, and with requests on the labour market. HELPING THEM TO HAVE A CAREER. Strengthen social cohesion and community solidarity And reduce poverty !

6 Description of Project
Project Duration 4 months

7 Description of Project
Project Inputs Human resources: The working team was made up of - 3 specialists trained by Danish experts in ICC Project (Informing and career counselling), financed by World Bank. They elaborate learning packages and have practical experience in career counselling field, in 1 years of running of project. - 2 IT-trainers who also elaborate learning packages and have practical experience in IT. Material resources: - A JOB CLUB - An IT lab

8 Project Cycle Conceptualization
There were regional problems which determined the conceptualization of this project : The high rate of unemployment within the women from Maramures county, namely 9.2% In June 2010 the number of unemployed women in Maramures was 6, 900 persons. The lack of perspective due to the massive reductions of jobs in the existing enterprises; for example, Phoenix Enterprise in Baia Mare, from 3,000 employees in 2001 reached 200 employees in 2010 The lack of jobs for women, the area being a mining one, with the most of jobs for men. Abolishment of big enterprises that provided places of work.till now. In June 2011, the number of unemployed over 45 years old was in Maramures 7,420 persons.

9 Project Cycle Implementation (1) … and >>
In Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania This stage includes the months 2- 4. It is being materialized in the following types of activities : backing and supervision by experts of the training program ”Choose the career !” for the target groups that included «  career consultancy » and « PC training – computer operating ». The implementation of the WORKSHOPS was done by the 2 trainers with the supervision of 1 expert Sessions of PC training will be organized in order to allow the achievement of practical abilities for computer operating, with a view to obtaining fast and actual information on the regional labour market. … and >>

10 Project Cycle Implementation (2) … and >>
The methodology of implementing the second stage is based on the following interactive strategies between the participants to the training, in which everyone may openly express, may ask quetions, so that self-esteem might be visibly developed: workshops work on groups team building active-participative methods: dialogue, play role, techniques for elucidation of values, exercise, explanation, demonstration self-knowledge exercises, acknowledgement of resources, settlement of the objectives and the founding of an action plan with concrete terms methods of developing the creativity : brainstorming, interrogative list, lists method, matrix method techniques for finding a job techniques of individual and group counselling … and >>

11 Project Cycle Implementation (3)
communication techniques: active listening, how to give and offer positive feed-back actual situation- future situation meetings on career counselling meetings with businessmen or with persons involved in setting up a business questionnaires of final evaluation PC operating The implementation methods refer on the one hand to development activities (lectures, seminars) and on the other hand to the consultancy activities.

12 What are the results? The results were very spectaculous!!!!!!!!
60% were employed immediately after finishing the courses. Other 30% were employed in one year.

13 Numbers of persons reached by the activities?
120 persons had career counseling at the end of this project Career counselling workshops were organized with 3 groups each having 15 persons. 15-young female; 15young people (7male and 8 female); 15 people over 45 ( 5 male and 10 female) Computer training were organized with all students. After the partial assessment realised by the donors, they suggested to develop the project, organizing this kind of training with the school and college teachers. The suggestion has been put into practice and the project has been developed by including 5 more groups to be trained (85 persons): - 1 group from public area (city community-Maramures County Museum = 12 women and 3 men); - 3 groups: teachers from Baia Mare schools and colleges. … and >>

14 Numbers of persons reached by the activities?
These courses have been complementary organized with a number of 70 teachers from our city schools and colleges: Group I = 15 teachers from School nr. 3 - Baia Mare( 10 women and 5 men) Group II = 15 teachers from “Vocational Auto College” - Baia Sprie( 9 women -6 men) Group III = 20 teachers of religion from 20 Middle schools of Baia Mare! (15 women and 5 men) Group IV = 20 religion teachers from 12 colleges. of Baia Mare ( 14 female and 6 male) All these courses were performed by volunteering, because no funds were forecasted for this project extension.

15 Response from Community
Here is the evaluation made by the CITY HALL experts: The activities rolled-out by ‘’ YES-ROMANIA are within the program foreseen in the project action plan. The advising activities unrolled in the same time with the computer courses, in very good conditions and catching a great interest from the students (they attended regularly the courses). YES-ROMANIA got very good results: 60% were employed immediately after finishing the courses. Other 30% were employed in one year. The project was also applied to 70 teachers from the city A new group of four volunteers was formed out of the teachers from the complementary groups. They also did such a training for their colleagues from schooling area (20 hours), having as topic “THE HUMAN BEING TRAFFIC” The idea of voluntary work inside the community was developed, and we hope this will be a long term process. Mariana Popescu Anca Raţ Local Coordinator Local City hall Bureau - Baia Mare



18 YES Framework for Action
Employability; 60% were employed immediately after finishing the courses. Other 30% were employed in one year. Employment Creation; As a multiplying effect we mention the decrease of unemployment rate, through the incease of the number of companies that would be set up by the present unemployed and by the future businessmen. Equity; The project sets itself to develop the human resources, especially for a more vulnerable category of active population, which in this moment does not raise interest, in which no money are invested, but which can become a future labour force from the North-West area. Entrepreneurship; A long-term effect is also the satisfaction of the future employer. Environmental Sustainability; This is a micro-project of Local City Hall Empowerment; We prepared the teenagers for choosing a career, using information, abilities, attitudes for making their own decision, for creating their own future, concordant with socio-economical reality. -to able teenagers with the personal, social and technical skills to successfully participate in the economy -to promote values of ethical business practices and economic citizenship among teenagers

19 Plans for the future A LARGE YES ROMANIA NETWORK
Duration of the project: months The main aim of the project is to create a large YES-Romania Network and to implement the YES program all over the country including all the 40 counties by having a network of special trained youth employment workers developing active measures in the labour market. (Agency for Occupation and Professional Training) . This programme will take place in Maramures county of Romania Target group - young unemployed people. -Activities include: Career guidance, finding of the job, practising of the job in concordance with, personal abilities, interests and requests from labour market; Training and support to the selected stakeholder group targeted to their needs and skills gaps and those of the potential employers who could also become stakeholders in the project. The activities are to give an opportunity to know more about: self-knowing; essence of counseling; self-esteem; the essence of communication; conflict solving and career counseling; . The activities will be organized through a series of workshops full of active learning. Theory and praxis will be intertwined and there will be a real learning by doing. Results: 40 small centres of YES Romania all over the country.

20 YES Framework for Action
Thank you very much!!!!

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