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Lecture 8 Advanced Topics in Enterprise JavaBeans.

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1 Lecture 8 Advanced Topics in Enterprise JavaBeans

2 Primary Container-Bean Callbacks ejbCreate() –called by the container after a client has invoked one of the create methods on the bean’s home interface. There should be a one-one match between the create methods in the bean’s home interface and the ejbCreate() methods in the bean’s implementation. Realized by the bean’s implementation. ejbRemove() –called by the container just before the bean is destroyed, after which, the bean is available for garbage collection by the JVM.

3 Primary Container-Bean Callbacks ejbActivate() –called by the container during deserialization out of passivated state. This is the bean’s opportunity to restore handles to any resources it needs to function. Realized by the bean’s implementation. ejbPassivate() –called by the container during serialization into a passivated state. A passivated state is where the conversational state of the bean is stored in some semi- permanent storage for possible later recovery. This method allows the bean to release any handles to resurces that it currently has open. Realized by the bean’s implementation.

4 Introduction to Entity Beans Entity Beans provide an encapsulation of business entities in the problem domain Entity Beans persist across multiple client communications and over the lifetime of the EJB server. Entity Beans always represent the current state (dependent on the Isolation Level) of the business data. When the entity bean is no longer needed, the container will call ejbPassivate before releasing the entity bean.

5 Introduction to Entity Beans Entity Beans which have been passivated are returned to the container’s pool of entity beans for possible later reuse. Entity Beans must provide a class encapsulation of the primary key which serves as the index into the database. Entity Beans are defined to run within connection pools, which are described in the Bean’s metadata (deployment descriptor).

6 The Primary Key The primary key contains all the information necessary to uniquely associate a business object at runtime with it’s data in permanent storage. Often, the primary key will be some ID number, or combination of fields which will uniquely identify a particular business object in storage. The container will use the primary key during it’s load and save mechanisms. A primary key must implement the Serializable interface. A primary key is usually a very simple class that defines one or more data members that collectively uniquely identify a business object, along with at least two constructors (one of which takes the arguments for setting the data members). The primary key fields must be a subset of the container-managed fields defined in the deployment descriptor

7 The Primary Key Primary keys must: –be a public class –offer a default constructor (no args) –be a class containing all public data members (no private data members) –be a class whose data member names exactly match the corresponding data members of the entity bean’s implementation –be declared in the Deployment Descriptor for the bean All BMP Bean implementations must define an ejbFindByPrimaryKey(PK) method.

8 Entity Bean Persistence, Revisited Bean-Managed Persistence (BMP) Bean developer, not the container, provides all data access logic Developer implements callbacks such as ejbFind…(), ejbCreate(), ejbActivate(), ejbLoad(), ejbStore(), ejbPassivate(), ejbRemove() Developer uses JDBC or SQL/J to interact with the database

9 Entity Bean Persistence, Revisited Container-Managed Persistence (CMP) The container explicitly defines and implicitly performs all database operations on behalf of the CMP entity bean You must provide a serializable Primary Key class Object-Relational database mapping is done declaratively in the deployment descriptor via EJB Query Language (EJB QL) Programmer generally writes little if any direct JDBC connection code (but is free to if he wishes) finder functions are described in the deployment descriptor:

10 EJB Query Language findByName java.lang.String NOTE: All Finder methods are declared in Java in the HOME interface.

11 Subordinate Entity Bean Callbacks The ejbCreate() methods actually create storage in the database –for BMP, usually through an “insert into …” SQL statement –for CMP, just sets the bean’s state via the bean’s member variables The ejbRemove() method actually destroys storage in the database –for BMP, usually through a “delete from …” SQL statement –for CMP, usually has an empty body A matching ejbPostCreate() method must exist for each ejbCreate() method defined in the Bean’s implementation (and thus for each create() in the Home Interface).

12 Subordinate Entity Bean Callbacks The ejbStore() method is called when the bean needs to store its state to permanent storage The ejbLoad() method is called when the bean needs to load its state from permanent storage –loading takes place on the basis of the primary key which is derived from the bean’s current context The setEntityContext(EntityContext) method is called in order to pass the bean a runtime context The unsetEntityContext() method is called to allow the bean’s implementation to release its association with a particular context

13 The Entity Context The bean’s current state is controlled by an EntityContext object –set via the setEntityContext(EntityContext) callback –unset via the unsetEntityContext() callback Think of an Entity Bean object as a modular shell (or skeleton) which can have different EJBObjects (implementations) and primary keys “plugged in” during the runtime of the application

14 The Entity Context the bean’s corresponding EJBObject via the getEJBObject() method the bean’s corresponding primary key via the getPrimaryKey() method other default context methods: –getHome() - get a reference to the Home object factory –getEnvironment() - gets user-defined environment properties (in DD) – getCallerIdentity() –isCallerInRole( –getUserTransaction() - for TX_BEAN_MANAGED transactions –setRollbackOnly() - mark rollback flag in current transaction –getRollbackOnly - find out if marked for rollback

15 Finder Methods Finder methods offer clients a way to retrieve entity beans that already exist (as opposed to calling create(…) methods) Finder methods are declared in the entity bean’s home interface and: –For BMP: implemented in the bean’s implementation –For CMP: prototyped in the deployment descriptor for the bean. All findXXX() methods declared in the home interface must either: –return a reference to the Remote Object; or –return a collection of references to the Remote Object EJB 1.0: only Enumeration types allowed EJB 1.1: both Enumeration and new Java 2 Collection classes allowed EJB 2.0: use Collection classes with Iterators Clients use finder methods to locate existing data entities in the persistent store

16 The Entity Bean Life Cycle NonExistant –moves to Pooled state via a Class.newInstance() call by the container, followed by setEntityContext() Pooled –moves to Ready state via a client-provoked create() or findXXX(), and a container called ejbCreate() and ejbPostCreate() –moves to NonExistent state via a container called unsetEntityContext() call or a JVM-provoked Object.finalize() call Ready –allows ejbStore() and ejbLoad() methods to be called by the container –moves to Pooled state via a client-provoked remove() call (thus ejbRemove()) or a container-provoked ejbPassivate() call

17 Entity Bean Life Cycle: Object Creation When the server starts, a connection pool (defined in the Deployment Descriptor) is created, and one or more entity beans is instantiated to handle incoming client requests. A client calls a create(…) method or a findXXX(…) method on an entity bean’s home interface –When create() is called, the container chooses a bean from the pool and calls the corresponding ejbCreate(…) method on the bean’s remote interface. This method creates a primary key object within the container. –When a findXXX() method is called, the container chooses a bean from the pool and calls its corresponding ejbFindXXX() method (which may be defined in the bean’s implementation for BMP or is provided by the container in CMP). This method creates one or more primary key objects within the container.

18 Entity Bean Life Cycle: Object Creation The container then assigns an identity (via the primary key and an associated remote EJBObject) to a new EntityContext, and hands this EntityContext off to an existing entity bean skeleton by calling its setEntityContext() method The entity bean’s implementation of setEntityContext() then stores this context in a member variable (non-persistent).

19 Entity Bean Life Cycle: Object Passivation/Activation If all references to the entity bean have been dissolved, or if the container needs an available entity bean skeleton, the container may passivate an entity bean The container calls ejbStore() (for BMP beans) to allow the bean to store its internal state into persistent storage. The container then calls ejbPassivate() on the entity bean, which allows the bean to free any connections or handles it may be currently holding.

20 Entity Bean Life Cycle: Object Passivation/Activation After passivation, the bean reenters the connection pool of available beans and is available for reassignment All beans in the pool are equivalent, they all have an EntityContext, but that context is not associated with a particular business entity (it’s primary key and EJBObject are null). During activation, a bean is pulled from the bean pool, its EntityContext is reassociated with a particular business entity by reassignment of its primary key and EJBObject, and then ejbActivate() is called, followed by ejbLoad() which in the case of CMP beans notifies the bean that it has data or in the case of BMP allows the bean to reload its data.

21 EJB Development Create the Remote Interface Create the Home Interface Create the Bean Implementation Create the Deployment Descriptor text file Run ejbc on the serialized deployment descriptor Create a manifest file (optional) Jar the bean files

22 Jar File Contents The jar file, after creation, should contain, at a minimum, the following files:  The class for the Remote Interface  The class for the Bean Implementation  The class for the Home Interface  The serialized deployment descriptor for your Bean implementation  The Enterprise Object Implementation for your bean  The Service Stub for the Enterprise Object Implementation  The WebLogic Skeleton for the Enterprise Object Implementation  The WebLogic Stub for the Enterprise Object Implementation  A Service Stub for your Bean Implementation  A WebLogic Skeleton for your Bean Implementation  A WebLogic Stub for your Bean implementation Serialized descriptors for the Enterprise Object Implementation

23 Deployment Descriptor Contents: ejb-jar.xml : JNDI name of bean for lookup : The name of the EJB class : the name of the Home interface class : the name of the Remote interface class : [true|false]: if true, the same transaction is allowed to revisit a bean : the type (class) of the primary key : the type of persistence desired (container/bean)

24 Deployment Descriptor Contents: Control Descriptors Setting Transaction capabilities: Required in ejb-jar.xml –Never: Never involved in a transaction. –Mandatory: Caller must start transaction. –Required: EJBean requires a ransaction –NotSupported: Container suspends caller's transaction –RequiresNew: Container starts a new transaction for every call –Supports: Container simply passes the caller's transaction along.

25 Deployment Descriptor Contents: Environment Properties : decides the size of the pool : Maximum number of objects of this class that are allowed in memory : the LRU chain is cleaned of inactive objects at this interval in seconds : A flag for the name of the method called when the entity bean is stored. Returns true or false if the bean has been modified.

26 Deployment Descriptor Contents: Finder Descriptors For CMP beans only “findXXXName” “description” –where: operator can be one of: "(", ")", "=", " ", " =", "!", "&", "|", “LIKE", “IS NULL", “IS EMPTY” argument parameters are referenced with ?, as in ‘?1’, ‘?2’, etc. think of the expression as a SQL “where” clause in select statement

27 Deployment Descriptor Contents: Finder Descriptors Example findByName(String name): –Old way: “findByName(String name)” “(= name $name)” –New way: findAccount double

28 Example EJB QL Calls Find all items with status between 10 and 20: –SELECT OBJECT(p) FROM Items p WHERE p.status BETWEEN 10 AND 20 Find all items with bidAmount greater than a parameter passed in: –SELECT OBJECT(p) FROM Items p WHERE p.bidAmount > ?1 Find all users whose name begins with an ‘S’: –SELECT FROM Users u WHERE LIKE ‘S%’ Find all auctions: –SELECT FROM Auctions a

29 weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml: Class Attribute – Database Column Mapping Maps class attributes to database columns: containerManaged examples-dataSource-demoPool ejbAccounts accountId id … True

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