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Google App Engine(GAE) Ma, Zhichao 2012.06.19. Cloud.

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Presentation on theme: "Google App Engine(GAE) Ma, Zhichao 2012.06.19. Cloud."— Presentation transcript:

1 Google App Engine(GAE) Ma, Zhichao 2012.06.19

2 Cloud

3 Agenda  What is GAE?  Why GAE?  Pricing  Experiment  Assessment

4 GAE  Overview  Runtime environment & Architecture  Datastore  Services  Administration console

5 Overview  PaaS  Run web apps on Google's infrastructure  Easy to build, Easy to maintain, Easy to scale  API  Support languages: Python, Java(JVM-based interpreter or compiler), Go  Domain:  Who's using App Engine

6 Runtime Environment(Java)  Servlet Environment, Java 6  No state  30 seconds limit  Sandbox: walled arena

7 Architecture The App Engine request handling architecture

8 DataStore  High Replication Datastore(HRD)  Blobstore  Google Cloud SQL

9 High Replication Datastore(HRD)  Based on big table  Schemaless  JDO, JPA  Kind, Entity, property, key

10 …… kind 实体实体 属性

11  Saving entities 1. Entity e = new Entity(“STUDENT”); 2. = “zhangsan”; 3. datastore.put( e );  Deleting entity 1. Entity e = datastore.get(key); 2. datastore.delete( e );

12  Query  API  Query q = new Query("Person"); q.addFilter("lastName", Query.FilterOperator.EQUAL, lastNameParam); q.addFilter("height", Query.FilterOperator.LESS_THAN, maxHeightParam); PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(q); for (Entity result : pq.asIterable()) { }  GQL: SQL-like, no join

13  GQL syntax : SELECT [* | | __key__] FROM [WHERE [AND...]] [ORDER BY [ASC | DESC] [, [ASC | DESC]...]] [LIMIT [,] ] [OFFSET ] := { | >= | = | != } := IN := ANCESTOR IS

14 Blobstore  Object : Up to 2G  Writing Files to the Blobstore (Experimental)

15 Google Cloud SQL  Web service  Based on MySql  Preview

16 Services  Taskqueues and Cron jobs  Memcache  Images  Users  Mails  Url Fetch  ……

17 Task Queues and Cron Jobs  Work that can’t be done within 30sec  Ensures every task gets done eventually  Enqueue task within transaction  Cron Jobs: scheduled tasks

18 Administration console  Web-based interface  Create and manage app  View resource usage statistics  View logs

19 Agenda  What is GAE?  Why GAE?  Pricing  Experiment  Assessment

20 Why GAE?  Scalability  Lower total cost of ownership  Rich set of APIs  Fully featured SDK for local development  Ease of deployment  Web administration console and diagnostic utilities

21 Agenda  What is GAE?  Why GAE?  Pricing and Quotas  Experiment  Assessment

22 Pricing and Quotas Free quotaspricing Instance Hours28 hours/day$0.08 / hour Datastore Stored Data1G$0.24 / G / month Outgoing Bandwidth1G/day$0.12 / G Email API100 recipients/day$0.01 / 100 recipients Datastore API50k free read/write/small$0.10/100k write ops $0.07/100k read ops $0.01/100k small ops

23 Agenda  What is GAE?  Why GAE?  Pricing and Quotas  Experiment  Assessment

24 Experiment

25 Assessment  Easy to build  Easy to scale  Easy to maintain  API  Limit

26 Useful resources   pengine/pricing.html pengine/pricing.html

27 Q&A

28 Thank you !

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