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Library Circulation Practices John Stoner Library Staff March 7, 2006.

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1 Library Circulation Practices John Stoner Library Staff March 7, 2006

2 2 Need your input for policy clarification and communication to scientists 712 books in circulation, 312 overdue repeatedly (30 people) 55,000 items in total circulation catalog (Books, reports, multimedia, objects. Does not include backfile journals or reference materials.) Currently, excessive staff effort to repeatedly renew each item every 30 days for hundreds of patrons Books are not returned, showing patron still has possession; sometimes for more than five years. Retired or terminated employees not returning books. Need to deposit in the Book Return box, not leave on tables or carts in the Library where other patrons can mistakenly borrow them without checking in. Impact on Library and Scientists: Detracting from research assistance to scientists Books not replaced due to expiration of programmatic funds, bad accounts Contributes to culture of book collection erosion  Scientists horde books so as not to depend on book being in circulation  Scientists unable to browse their interest areas in collection Circulation Practices

3 3 Path Forward: Staff effort to reclaim or replace lost books o Contact long-term borrowers by e-mail and phone; require returns o 90 day grace period (amnesty) after TABL notice o No renewals in future, past 60 days  without physical return to demonstrate possession (question?) o Privileges suspended until books returned or Account ID provided for replacement, no ILLs either o Patron charged replacement cost plus handling fee of $20. Notice in TABL every 6 months and on website Notices to patrons with renewals, stating policy; plus Lib. signage Termination process step to secure returns prior to separation o Library will work on this with IT Termination team Changes in Library Practices & Policy

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