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United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.

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Presentation on theme: "United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development

2 MESA University Programme Mainstreaming Environment and Sustainability in African Universities Programme

3 Quote To provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations. (UNEPs mission) The overall goal of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) is to integrate the values inherent in sustainable development into all aspects of learning to encourage changes in behavior that allow for a more sustainable and just society for all. (UNESCO,06)

4 MESA University Programme Objectives: to enhance the quality and policy relevance of university education in Africa in the context of sustainable development and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. to offer unprecedented opportunities for collaborative projects between universities, civil society / communities and the private sector

5 MESA & DESD Strategies Building Vision and Advocacy Consultation and Ownership Partnership and Networks Capacity-Building and Training Research and Innovation Use of Information and Communication Technologies – ICTs Monitoring and Evaluation

6 Background On the African continent there are over 351 public and private institutions of higher education, educating thousands of young men and women These bright young students > are Africas future! > play a significant role in whether the DESD becomes a success and MDGs will be achieved

7 Background (2) UNEP and its partners developed the MESA university programme - To support a process for sustainability in African universities - With special focus on Africa - As contribution to the DESD

8 Priorities results to be achieved as in MDGs, DESD, the Bali Strategic Plan and NEPAD Enhancement of institutional capacities in Africa Mainstream environment & sustainability learning and research in university education and university life Strengthen the network amongst African universities and other stakeholders in ESD Promote leadership on sustainable development

9 Priorities results to be achieved (2) as in MDGs, DESD, the Bali Strategic Plan and NEPAD Making universities more relevant to the communities that surround them Increase awareness on ESD in these communities Trigger initiative & innovation Trigger the sense of feeling that both small and large initiatives can make a difference

10 Priorities results to be achieved (3) as in MDGs, DESD, the Bali Strategic Plan and NEPAD Voice of students in ESD decision-making is seen as essential The private sector is expected to share its experiences and give opportunities to students

11 Target stakeholders Partner institutions Universities university management (including government) teaching staff administrative staff students Private actors, companies and communities

12 Partner Institutions African Universities UNESCO South African Development Commission Regional Environmental Program (SADC-REEP) Nile Transboundary Environmental Project (NBI-NTEAP) Association of African Universities (AAU) Global virtual University (GVU) Global Higher Education for Sustainability Partnership (GHESP) United Nations University (UNU) Online learning (Tokyo) International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC) New Partnership for Africas Development (NEPAD) Africa Integrated Environmental Assessment and Reporting Network (AFINET) African Network for Agro-Forestry Education (ANAFE) Environic Foundation International (EFI) Global Student Leadership Programme (GLS) UNU – Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (INRA)

13 Activities Pre project Planning Phase (1) Baseline Study on African Universities Pre project planning meetings: Finalize course dates and location Participant selection Define responsibilities and personnel Identify collaborating institutions Identify private sector actors Course promotional material

14 Activities (2) Phase 2 University Leaders Seminar (1) Educate the Educators Seminar (1) Leadership Training for Students Seminar (1) Development of: website online support material communications channels Monitor build up of National Committees

15 Activities (3) Phase 3 Intensive workshops (1) Implementation of Curricula, committee, projects

16 Activities (4) Phase 4 Monitoring session Evaluation and Improvement Awarding Rotational Chair on ESD innovations Students Award International Conference

17 Activities (5) Phase 5 University Leaders Seminar (2) Educate the Educators Seminar (2) Leadership Training for Students Seminar (2) Intensive workshops (2) with manual Implementation of Curricula, committee, projects Monitor build up of National Committees

18 Activities (6) After Project Phase (Phase 6) Evaluation

19 Difficulties - Risks - Sensitivities Difficulties: 4 official languages Communication and transportation Risks: War / conflict situations Financial commitment parties Sensitivities: Social issues in differing religions and cultures

20 OUTPUT: Core capacities on mainstreaming of ESD through conventional means and ICT Adequate management capacity to maintain ESD Availability of an extensive resources base of learning support materials Strengthened network and partnership between African universities and similar global networks

21 OUTPUT (2) ESD training University Leaders Training of trainers on innovative teaching and learning methods, as well as online support on pedagogy Training of staff and students on ESD and awareness-raising-skills ESD-specific approaches increasingly adopted in learning situations of all kinds High-quality materials and methodologies in ESD

22 OUTPUT (3) Course Material Mentorship Active student committee 1 biennium international conference held Conference report on research, best practices and exemplar projects Rotational professorial Chair on ESD Innovations Evaluation reports

23 Costs Total Cost of Project:US $ 2,840,000 Funds requested from donors:US $ 2,040,000

24 Nature of the programme: Spreading of the Vision AcademicsStaff Private sector Community Civil Society Students social circles

25 Nature of the programme: Spreading of the Vision Pilot university National government Private sector in home country Other universities in home country

26 Nature of the programme: Catalytic Projects NOT meant to be ongoing forever! but practice is meant to be lasting! Student committees are being trained to educate their new partner universities Build up of national committees Building of the network should be ongoing after the programme has stopped, as well as the raising of funds to support the movement

27 Post Implementation Review Pilot = 3 years: But want to have programme running throughout the DESD! The pilot is evaluated thoroughly Did universities extract new funds and find new partners? Did they spread the vision on national level?

28 MESA University Programme Thank you! - Reorienting university education -

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