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Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Effects Assessment Panel"— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Effects Assessment Panel
8th ORM, Geneve Environmental Effects Assessment Panel EEAP Influences of Ozone Layer Depletion and Climate Change on UV-radiation: Impacts on Human Health and the Environment Janet F. Bornman and Nigel D. Paul, co-chairs

2 Stratospheric chemistry, climate O3 depleting substances
EEAP Stratospheric chemistry, climate Depletion of strato-spheric ozone (O3) UV-B radiation O3 depleting substances Human health Ecosystem health and services Materials Air Quality ODS applications, substitutes

3 Environmental Effects Assessment Panel EEAP
The role of the Environmental Effects Assessment Panel Effects of ozone depletion Effects of climate change Consequences for life on Earth

4 Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (Full Assessment Report 2010)
EEAP KEY FOCUS AREAS (Full Assessment Report 2010) UV changes in relation to impacts: Human health Terrestrial ecosystems Aquatic ecosystems Carbon and other global chemical cycles Air quality Materials INTERACTIONS Ozone depletion, climate change, UV radiation

5 Ozone depletion, climate change, UV radiation
KEY OUTPUTS Assessment of future predictions of the effects of O3, clouds & aerosols for: UV-B radiation causing sun-burn UV-B radiation involved in human vitamin D production Ecosystems, construction materials *UV-B radiation, nm Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

6 Ozone depletion, climate change, UV radiation
Current UV-B radiation compared with 1980 Measurable effects of ozone depletion but also large variability in UV-B radiation due to clouds & aerosols Southern Hemisphere cloudier overall than corresponding Northern Hemisphere (global satellite data) At high latitudes (areas of large O3 depletion): large increases in UV-B radiation Sufficient to cause sunburn At mid-latitudes: increases in UV-B radiation by ca 5% Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

7 Ozone depletion, climate change, UV radiation
Projected future changes in UV: ozone and clouds At high latitudes: cloud cover increases (by ca 5%) Reduction of UV radiation (UV already low) Less easy to achieve exposure times needed to produce sufficient vitamin D At low latitudes (near the equator): cloud cover decreases by ca 3% Increase in UV radiation (UV already high) Greater risk of sun-burn: additional increase in sunburning-UV of 3 to 6% highlighting the take-home message about “health-related UV”. Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

8 The Montreal Protocol has PREVENTED large increases in sun-burning UV
1980 2020 2040 2065 Total chlorine (ppbv) 2 11.5 20 40 O3 (DU) 310 250 220 100 Maximum UV Index 10 12.5 15 30 UV Index: an estimation of the UV important for damage to human skin Reference future calculated using observed & currently predicted chlorine concentrations Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

9 Skin and eye diseases (especially cancers) on human health, including:
KEY OUTPUTS Skin and eye diseases (especially cancers) Assessment of the effects of UV radiation, and interactions with other environmental change, on human health, including: Immune responses Vitamin D production Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

10 Human health Exposure to sunburning UV-B radiation is a major environmental risk for skin cancers Cutaneous malignant melanoma The Montreal Protocol has PREVENTED large increases in skin cancers that would have resulted from uncontrolled ozone depletion ALTHOUGH incidence currently is high Squamous cell carcinoma Basal cell carcinoma Non-melanoma M. Norval Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

11 Environmental Effects Assessment Panel
Human health Malignant melanoma of the eye Most common eye cancer in adults and may be a link between its incidence and UV-B radiation A. Cullen UV-induced allergy Occurs in ca 5-20% of the population often after first spring/summer exposure to UV radiation S. Ibbotson UV-induced immune-suppression Complex effect but increased UV exposure may have significant effects on infectious diseases and auto-immune diseases Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

12 Human health Need to balance the risks of over-exposure to UV radiation with the potential beneficial effects Importance of vitamin D Vitamin D is produced in the skin following UV-B irradiation Supports bone health May decrease risk of: - several internal cancers - autoimmune & infectious diseases - cardiovascular diseases Effectiveness of oral vitamin D supplements, and the health effects of very high vitamin D status are both unclear Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

13 Environmental Effects Assessment Panel
Human health Solar UV-B at mid- high latitudes are below that required for adequate Vitamin D synthesis from Autumn-Spring Balance between sun-burning UV-B radiation and that needed for vitamin-D, and the effects of future environment change remain unclear Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

14 Human health Combined effects of climate change & solar UV radiation
Higher temperatures may lead to more skin cancers For the same UV exposure, for every 10oC increase, there is an estimated 3-6% increase in skin cancers Several indications of further interactions Increase in certain infectious diseases (malaria, Lyme) Increase in allergic diseases Suppression of the immune response to disease Increased photosensitivity of the skin (temp., dust -deserts) Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

15 Terrestrial ecosystems
KEY OUTPUTS Assessment of effects of ozone depletion since 1980 on current plant productivity Food security & food quality Assessment of the effects of future changes in UV radiation, and interactions with other environmental change on: Ecosystem responses to UV radiation & climate Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

16 Terrestrial ecosystems
Plant growth has been reduced by ca 6% in response to increased UV radiation in areas of significant ozone depletion Growth reductions are due to direct damage plus diversion of plant resources towards protection and repair - UV Green pigment used for energy capture & growth Loss of green pigment Reduced growth + UV

17 Terrestrial ecosystems
Plant growth has been reduced by ca 6% in response to increased UV radiation in areas of significant ozone depletion long-term effects of reduced plant growth may be important for potential carbon capture/retention Interactions with other components of climate change

18 Terrestrial ecosystems
Combined effects of predicted climate change & UV radiation: plants and ecosystems Increasing temperature, rainfall leads to spread of plant pests - Increased UV-B radiation: large effects on plant interactions with pests because of induced chemical compounds Moderate drought: decreases UV sensitivity in plants - More frequent drought & rising temperatures reduce productivity Important implications for food security and quality Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

19 Terrestrial ecosystems
Combined effects of predicted climate change & UV radiation: plants and ecosystems Climate-change-related reduced cloud cover (low latitudes) Deforestation and other land-use changes Effects on important ecosystem processes including nutrient cycling and CO2 loss to the atmosphere Increased UV radiation exposure Promotes decay of dead plant material Reduces plant biomass production Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

20 Terrestrial ecosystems
Impacts of climate change & land-use change on organisms and ecosystems Impacts of climate change & changes in stratospheric ozone on UV radiation (includes increased UV-B radiation in some regions) Implications for food security & food quality Ecosystem responses to UV radiation & climate Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

21 Aquatic ecosystems KEY OUTPUTS Assessment of the effects of future changes in UV radiation, and interactions with other environmental change on: Aquatic organisms and ecosystem processes Sensitivity of waterborne human pathogens to UV radiation Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

22 Environmental Effects Assessment Panel
Aquatic ecosystems Ozone layer Clouds,aerosols UV attenuation Main factors affecting the quantity & quality of UV radiation received by aquatic organisms Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

23 Penetration of UV-B, UV-A radiation & visible light
Aquatic ecosystems 5 10 15 20 1 100 Depth, m Irradiance, % of surface UV-B, 305 nm UV-A, 380 nm Visible light Dissolved organic matter determines UV penetration into water Quantity & quality of UV radiation received by aquatic organisms depends on: Water properties Ozone levels Clouds Elevation Penetration of UV-B, UV-A radiation & visible light in an alpine lake High UV irradiance Low levels of dissolved organic matter – increased penetration

24 Environmental Effects Assessment Panel
Aquatic ecosystems Changes in climate and UV are expected to: - Increase inputs of organic matter in some areas of the oceans Increase the degradation of dissolved organic matter The balance will vary between different oceanic regions, but in many areas, aquatic organisms will be exposed to increased UV radiation Dissolved organic matter is a key limiting factor for UV penetration in to water bodies Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

25 Aquatic ecosystems Combined effects of predicted climate change & UV radiation: global change processes Environmental climate‐driven changes may exceed protective strategies to adapt to UV radiation Increasing temperature increases breakdown of dissolved organic material More exposure of aquatic organisms to solar UV-B Increasing CO2 Increases acidity (low pH) Decreases skeletal formation in calcified organisms Increased vulnerability to solar UV‐B radiation Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

26 Aquatic ecosystems Implications for food security
Impacts of changes in temperature, CO2 and acidity on aquatic organisms and ecosystems Impacts of climate change & changes in stratospheric ozone on UV radiation penetrating into water bodies Implications for food security Ecosystem response to UV radiation & climate Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

27 Carbon and other global chemical cycles
KEY OUTPUTS Assessment of the effects of future changes in UV radiation and interactions with other environmental change on: The cycling of carbon and other elements The potential for “feedbacks” through changes in global element cycles Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

28 Carbon and other global Environmental Effects Assessment Panel
chemical cycles to reinforce the point that this sections builds on processes introduced in the previous sections. Ecosystem responses to UV radiation and climate change will affect global chemical cycles, resulting in feedbacks into environmental change and its effects Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

29 Carbon and other global Environmental Effects Assessment Panel
chemical cycles Interactions between continuing changes in UV radiation and the effects of other components of environmental change are diverse and complex Interactions are best defined in the oceans and involve: - Decreased uptake of atmospheric CO2 by the oceans - Increased production and release of nitrous oxide from the oceans Ecosystem response to UV radiation and climate change will affect global chemical cycles, resulting in feedbacks into environmental change and its effects Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

30 Carbon and other global
chemical cycles Negative effects of climate change & UV radiation on aquatic organisms Decreased CO2 uptake by the oceans Increased run-off of organic matter from land into the oceans UV-induced breakdown of this organic matter Increased CO2 emissions from the oceans (also increased NOx ) Resulting increase in atmospheric CO2 may enhance global warming beyond current predictions Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

31 Carbon and other global Environmental Effects Assessment Panel
chemical cycles Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

32 Tropospheric air quality Environmental Effects Assessment Panel
KEY OUTPUTS Assessment of the interactive effects of ozone depletion and other components of environmental change on tropospheric ozone (at low & mid-latitudes), and other tropospheric air pollutants Assessment of effects on human health and ecosystems of breakdown products of ODS substitutes (HCFCs and HFCs) Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

33 Tropospheric air quality Environmental Effects Assessment Panel
UV initiates production of hydroxyl radicals (∙OH), which are atmospheric ‘cleaning agents,’ destroying many air pollutants, ODS, photochemical smog With O3 recovery, less UV, as a result ∙OH is predicted to decrease globally by ca 20% by 2100 Potential for increased photochemical smog, with negative effects on human health and the environment Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

34 Tropospheric air quality
Surface (tropospheric) O3 in mid-latitudes is predicted to increase because of climate change and interactions with atmospheric chemistry Drivers used in the models for this: - doubling of CO2 - 50% increase in emissions of plant compounds (isoprene) - doubling of emissions of soil-derived NOx (from human activity, and from the ocean)

35 Tropospheric air quality Environmental Effects Assessment Panel
CFC replacements break down into trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) but this is currently judged to present a negligible risk to human health or the environment Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

36 Materials damage KEY OUTPUTS Assessment of effects of UV radiation and climate change on construction materials UV radiation degradation of plastics & wood Damage due to high temperatures, humidity, & atmospheric pollutants Assessment of availability of technologies as protective measures/agents Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

37 +, effectiveness Materials damage
Effect of climatic variables on light-induced degradation of materials +, effectiveness Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

38 Pine wood surface after 2 years of outdoor exposure
Materials damage UV radiation and climate change shorten useful outdoor lifetimes of materials Development of technologies to counteract these effects of UV radiation and climate change - allows service lifetimes of materials to be maintained or improved Use of plastic nanocomposites & wood-plastic composites Increased use of nanomaterials as stabilisers Pine wood surface after 2 years of outdoor exposure Improved stabilisation technologies allow service lifetimes of materials to be maintained or improved, despite increased solar UV-B levels can control the deleterious effects of environments with enhanced UV radiation and temperature to some extent and only for some types of the common plastics relatively high solar UV stability Plastic nanocomposites and wood-plastic composites use of nanofillers in composites is effective Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

39 Environmental Effects Assessment Panel
8th ORM, Geneve Environmental Effects Assessment Panel EEAP Solar UV radiation Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems Human health Materials Climate change Current & future climate change interactions with UV radiation add to the uncertainty of many aspects of environmental impacts While many of the processes are defined, the magnitude of the effects remains a challenge.

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