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7. Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Geneva, 18-21 May 2008, Hans Claude/DWD The 7th Meeting of the Ozone.

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Presentation on theme: "7. Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Geneva, 18-21 May 2008, Hans Claude/DWD The 7th Meeting of the Ozone."— Presentation transcript:

1 7. Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Geneva, 18-21 May 2008, Hans Claude/DWD The 7th Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention Geneva, 18-21May 2008 WMO German Contributions to International Ozone Activities Hans Claude/DWD

2 7. Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Geneva, 18-21 May 2008, Hans Claude/DWD Ozone Research and Monitoring Institutes in Germany InstituteLocationFieldKeywords Deutscher Wetterdienst, Hohenpeissenberg, Lindenberg MT, R, QA/QCRDCC, NDACC, GAW Alfred Wegener Institut für Polar u. Meeresforschung Potsdam, BremerhavenR, MT, DNeumayer, Ny Ålesund, MATCH Forschungszentrum Jülich, JülichR, QA/QC, MDCalibration O 3 -Sonde, JOSIE, ClaMS MPI f. Meteorologie (DKRZ),, MDECHAM DLR, DLR/DFD, OberpfaffenhofenR, MD, MT, QA/QCGOME, ECHAM, Air-Traffic IAP Kühlungsborn, KühlungsbornR, D, MTMiddle Atmosphere, Alomar, Bundesamt f. Strahlenschutz (BfS) SalzgitterMTUV Umweltbundesamt (UBA), BerlinMT,Air quality Uni Bremen, IUP, IFE, BremenR, DGOME, SCIAMACHY, MICROWAVE Uni Köln, Inst. f. Meteorologie, KölnR, MDEURAD, FU Berlin, Inst. f. Meteorologie, BerlinR, MTStratosphere Uni Frankfurt, Inst. f. Meteorologie, FrankfurtR, MTCFC's Uni Mainz, MPI f. Chemie, MainzR, MDECHAM/CHEM Uni Heidelberg, HeidelbergR, QA/QCDOAS IMK, Forschungszentrum and University Karlsruhe Karlsruhe, Garmisch (IFU) R, D, MD, MT, QA/QC FTIR, MIPAS, ENVISAT, LIDAR, CARIBIC Uni München (LMU) MünchenR, MDUV, STAR Uni Hannover, Inst. f. Meteorologie HannoverRUV

3 7. Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Geneva, 18-21 May 2008, Hans Claude/DWD Ozone Measurements since 1966 at Hohenpeissenberg

4 7. Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Geneva, 18-21 May 2008, Hans Claude/DWD Koldewey Arctic Station Alfred Wegener Institute, Univ. Bremen NDSC Primary Station ECC-sondes, Lidar, microwave, DOAS, FTIR and UV- spectrometers.

5 7. Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Geneva, 18-21 May 2008, Hans Claude/DWD Neumayer Antarctic Station New Station Neumayer III, ready spring 2009 Neumayer II

6 7. Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Geneva, 18-21 May 2008, Hans Claude/DWD Research Institutes at Karlsruhe, Bremen and at DLR are very active in instrument development and observations of ozone and related species from space and from aircraft SCIAMACHY MIPAS GOME Research Aircraft HALO, ready for missions late 2008 Imaging FTS using sensitive 2-D detector arrays Nadir & Limb option Adjustable spectral and spatial resolution GLORIA-AB A new FTIR instrument for atmospheric research Measured parameters: p, T, O3, H2O,N2O, CH4, HNO3, …

7 7. Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Geneva, 18-21 May 2008, Hans Claude/DWD Worldwide Forecasts of the UV-Index, clear sky and cloudy

8 7. Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Geneva, 18-21 May 2008, Hans Claude/DWD Regional Dobson Calibration Center for WMO RA VI (Europe) Calibration, Maintenance for >30 Dobsons close co-operation with Observatory Hradec Kralove (Czech Republik) training courses for operators refurbishment of discarded Dobsons

9 7. Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Geneva, 18-21 May 2008, Hans Claude/DWD Regional Dobson Calibration Center for WMO RA VI (Europe)

10 7. Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Geneva, 18-21 May 2008, Hans Claude/DWD §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§

11 7. Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Geneva, 18-21 May 2008, Hans Claude/DWD Research Center Jülich (Germany) hosts the World Calibration Center for Ozone Sondes (WCCOS) Implementation of SOP's in global network: deriving transfer functions for non- SOP using sounding stations to homogenize sonde data through intercomparison experiments in the simulation chamber at the WCCOS and in the field QA-Manufacturing on regular base (every 1-2 year) QA-SOP by regular evaluation and eventual update (every 5 year) Scientific research on outstanding issues (e.g. pump flow efficiency, background) After ASOPOS-Phase (Assessment for Standard Operating Procedures for Ozone Sondes) final SOPs will appear by the end of this year.

12 7. Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Geneva, 18-21 May 2008, Hans Claude/DWD International collaborations and contributions to the community: MATCH Campaigns, co-ordinated and evaluated by AWI WDC-RSAT Data Centre at DLR (One-stop-Shop) GAWTEC, Training Courses at Zugspitze mountain and at Hohenpeissenberg CARIBIC Programme, (multiple measurements on board passenger aircraft A340-600) co-ordinated by MPI-Mainz

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