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C HILD C ARE & D EVELOPMENT Toddlers. T ODDLERS AND M OBILITY Fontanels – Gaps or soft spots between the skull bones Deciduous teeth – Baby teeth Large/gross.

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2 T ODDLERS AND M OBILITY Fontanels – Gaps or soft spots between the skull bones Deciduous teeth – Baby teeth Large/gross Muscle Movement – running, jumping, and even squirming Toddlers sometimes fall when walking because they walk on objects instead of over them Toddlers true run at age 2

3 T ODDLERS AND M OBILITY 12 months (1 year) – by then end of their first year, toddlers can use their fine motor skill of holding objects between their thumb and index finger 95% of children are right handed

4 T ODDLER L EARNING AND S PEECH 18-24 months – Toddlers think about what they do before they do it Deferred Imitation – the ability to recall someone’s behavior and later imitate it Comparison – the thinking skill required when identifying objects through perceived differences

5 T ODDLER L EARNING AND S PEECH Parentese – the high pitched style of speech/language that parents use toward children Less talkative caregivers have less talkative children 15 months – uses 4-5 words 18 months – uses 5-10 words 24 months – use words they know to make 2-3 word sentences 30 months – fastest growth for vocabulary

6 T ODDLER S OCIAL /E MOTIONAL D EVELOPMENT Trusting Relationships – developed by positive experiences with adults (babysitters, relatives, neighbors) and other social interaction Decrease Toddler Fears Handle in a matter-of-fact way Do not tease or push into scary situations Limit TV Nightmares begin at age 2 Temper Tantrum – done when something does not go the child’s way Anger is not purposely directed at someone until age 3

7 T ODDLER I NTELLECTUAL D EVELOPMENT Regression – going back to an earlier stage in order to exert independence Daily Activities that meet Intellectual Needs Eating Bathing Dressing Helping around the house Running errands with caregivers

8 T ODDLER I NTELLECTUAL D EVELOPMENT Science and Everyday Life How vacuum picks up dirt How air dries clothes How heat makes cookie dough change

9 T ODDLER I NTELLECTUAL D EVELOPMENT Self assertion – doing as one chooses Obedience – acting within limits set by someone else Self Awareness – being aware of one’s self Create a photo album or “Book About Me”

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