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Toxmatch - a tool to assess chemical similarity
Nina Jeliazkova - Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria Ana Gallegos Saliner, Grace Patlewicz - European Chemicals Bureau, Ispra, Italy Joanna Jaworska - Procter & Gamble, Brussels, Belgium
SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Introduction Chemical similarity is a widely used concept in toxicology, based on the hypothesis that similar compounds have similar biological activities. Toxmatch software Full-featured and flexible user-friendly open source software, Encodes several chemical similarity indices in order to facilitate systematic approaches of classifying chemicals into categories. The core functionalities include The ability to compare datasets, based on various structural and descriptor-based similarity indices; Calculate pair wise similarity between compounds and aggregated similarity of a compound to a set; Several graphical displays that highlight the closeness of chemicals between data sets. Toxmatch has been commissioned by the European Chemicals Bureau (ECB) and will be made available as a free download from its website [ ]. Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Similarity : philosophers’ view
“it is ill defined to say “A is similar to B” and it is only meaningful to say “A is similar to B with respect to C” (1) W. V. Quine, Natural kinds. In Ontological relativity and other essays, Columbia University Press, New York, NY, 1977. The notion of similarity is used mainly in early stages of the development of a particular science, and it may be quantified and explained accurately later as the theory of this science develops. (2) N. Goodman (Ed.), Seven structures on similarity. Problems and Projects, 437 ?447. Bobbs-Merril, New York, 1972. A chemical “A” cannot be similar to a chemical “B” in absolute terms but only with respect to some measurable key feature Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Similarity : chemists’ view
Intuitively, based on expert judgment A chemist would describe “similar” compounds in terms of “approximately similar backbone and almost the same functional groups”. Chemists have different views on similarity (based on experience or context) Lajiness et al. (2004). Assessment of the Consistency of Medicinal Chemists in Reviewing Sets of Compounds, J. Med. Chem., 47(20), Nikolova N., Jaworska J., Approaches to Measure Chemical Similarity - a Review, QSAR Comb. Sci. 22 (2003) pp Similarity between chemical compounds is perceived often intuitively based on expert judgment. A chemist would describe “similar” compounds in terms of “approximately similar backbone and almost the same functional Groups”. A synthetic chemist may regard two molecules as similar when their topological descriptions of atoms and Connecting bonds contain a sufficiently large number of common features *Lajiness et al. (2004). “Assessment of the Consistency of Medicinal Chemists in Reviewing Sets of Compounds“. J. Med. Chem., 47(20), Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Similarity by computers
Computerized chemical similarity assessment needs unambiguous definitions Chemicals of interest are encoded numerically (using graphs, descriptors, wave functions, etc) The measure between the numerical representations is called similarity index. The variety of numerical representations and ways to define a comparative measure have resulted in plethora of approaches to measure similarity between chemical compounds. How to select the proper one? Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
From similarity to toxicological activity
The aim in assessing chemical similarity in toxicology is to systemically identify chemicals with similar biological activities. The similarity hypothesis is well substantiated but there are also many contradictory examples, where a small change in chemical structure has led to a dramatic change in the biological response. This “similarity paradox” suggests that no single and universally applicable similarity measure exists, but the choice depends on the particular endpoint. Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Tailored similarity A “tailored” similarity space is a space comprising specifically selected descriptors or structural patterns. The process within Toxmatch is as follows: Train similarity measures for specific activities (a training set is required) Select relevant features by supervised learning methods (e.g. Weka data mining library) Calculate similarity to the set Calculate pair wise similarity Use pair wise similarity values of k most similar chemicals to make a decision on toxicity: Predict toxicological activity or Classify into groups of similar toxicity Group similar chemicals (through unsupervised clustering based on pairwise similarity). These groups will not necessarily coincide with groups of similar toxicity Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Tailored similarity in Toxmatch
Select training set ( 4 predefined datasets available) Encode chemicals into descriptors, fingerprints or atom environments Perform data preprocessing Perform feature selection Calculate similarity Use similarity values for: classification into categories toxicity prediction, read across clustering dataset comparison Visualization, interpretation Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Toxmatch main screen Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Training sets Toxmatch comes with following training sets: Aquatic toxicity Bioconcentration factor Skin sensitization Skin irritation Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Structure representation
Descriptors Imported (e.g. calculated by third party software) Calculated ( > 100 descriptors available from open source software The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) Fingerprints Daylight style hashed fingerprints, 1024 bit length CDK implementation Atom environments (circular fingerprints) Ambit implementation Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Data preprocessing and feature selection
Data standardization Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Missing values processing Feature selection Purpose: select most relevant descriptors or structural patterns (tailored similarity space) Algorithms: RelieFF ( finds subset of descriptors that will give best results in prediction or classification) Infogain (finds descriptors that discriminate best between groups) Implementation Toxmatch makes use of open source Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA) [ ] Developed by the Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato, New Zealand Machine learning/data mining software written in Java (distributed under the GNU Public License) Used for research, education, and applications worldwide Implementation of hundreds of published data mining algorithms (regression, classification, clustering, evaluation and validation) Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Similarity indices in Toxmatch
Euclidean distance Cosine similarity Hodgkin-Richards index Tanimoto distance on descriptors Tanimoto distance on fingerprints Hellinger distance on atom environments Maximum Common Structure similarity Descriptors, Euclidean distance Fingerprints, Tanimoto distance Similarity values colour coding: Atom environments, Hellinger distance 1 Similarity matrices for structures with Reactive Mode of Action EPA Fathead Minnow dataset (DSSTox) Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Pairwise similarity - visualization
Similarity matrix Compare chemicals in: the training set subsets of the training set the test set subsets of the test set training set and test set subsets of training and test set Click on a matrix cell displays the pair of chemicals and similarity value Retrieve most similar chemicals to a query one (user selected threshold) Similarity values colour coding: 1 Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Pairwise similarity - visualization
Retrieve most similar chemicals to a query one Load training set Select similarity measure Load (draw or enter by IUPAC name or SMILES your query compounds) Switch to similarity matrix tab Specify similarity threshold Press <Show> button to display most similar chemicals The results can be browsed or exported to a file 1 Similarity values colour coding: Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Similarity to nearest neighbors, by Fingerprints and Tanimoto distance
Example: Most similar compounds to n-hexanal from BCF training set Cyclohexane CAS: LogBCF=1.84 2-Butanone oxime CAS: LogBCF=0.58 Isophorone CAS: LogBCF=0.84 0.46 Tanimoto =0.43 Tanimoto = 0.47 N-hexanal 0.43 0.375 Decalin CAS: LogBCF=3.25 Methylcyclohexane CAS: LogBCF=2.25 0.375 0.375 0.375 Pentadecane CAS: LogBCF=1.21 Pentadecane CAS: LogBCF=1.21 CAS: LogBCF=1.31 Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Pairwise similarity is not everything!
Similarity to a set: Average similarity between a query structure and the nearest k chemicals; Similarity between a query structure and a representative point of the set dataset centre (descriptor space) weighted fingerprint Doesn’t work well for diverse data sets Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
How to use similarity values
Similarity vs Activity plot Similarity to the set vs. activity Similarity values per se are not correlated with toxicity values How to make use of similarity values? Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Toxicity prediction by similarity (1)
in Toxmatch is based on weighted average of activity values of the k nearest neighbours. The actual set of k most similar compounds depends on similarity measure. The weights are proportional to the pair wise similarities (e.g. the activity value of most similar compound is has largest weight and vice versa). In order to predict dependent variable (activity), the measured activity values should be available for the training set. Two values are reported per each compound– averaged similarity to the k nearest neighbours and predicted activity value. Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Toxicity prediction by similarity (2)
Predicted vs. Observed plot The procedure See also poster Ana Gallegos Saliner et al. THE USE OF A DESCRIPTOR-BASED APPROACH TO PREDICT SKIN IRRITATION USING READILY ACCESSIBLE SOFTWARE TOOLS Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Read across Read-across is the process by which endpoint information for one chemical is used to make a prediction of the endpoint for another chemical, which is considered to be similar in some way. Read across can be either qualitative or quantitative though in both cases, a common substructure is required. Toxmatch : Prediction by weighted average of toxicity values of most similar chemicals (nearest neighbours) is essentially performing quantitative read across Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Classification into toxicity classes
Toxmatch classifies chemical compounds into groups of toxicological activity, based on similarity values of k nearest neighbours (k most similar compounds) The query compound is classified into the group where most of the k nearest neighbours belong. For this purpose activity groups should be available for the training set (e.g. potency classes or other grouping). The values reported are : Probability to belong to a group ( m/k , where m is the number of compounds in the group) The group predicted. Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Classification into toxicity classes
skin sensitization training set, 5 potency classes Query: Most similar chemicals Moderate – 40% Weak-40% Nonsensitizers – 20% Set of query chemicals Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Categories “Traditional organic chemical categories do not encompass groups of chemicals that are predominately either toxic or nontoxic across a number of toxicological endpoints or even for specific toxic activities” Rosenkranz H.S., Cunningham A.R. (2001) Chemical Categories for Health Hazard Identification: A feasibility Study, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 33, Conclusion: use expert knowledge or machine learning methods to develop categories Toxmatch provides both options Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Classification by expert defined rules
Implementation of structure and physicochemical property rules (BfR) for skin irritation prediction Available also as a Toxtree plug-in Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Datasets comparison in Toxmatch
Example: Comparison of EINECS database and LLNA skin sensitization dataset in fingerprint similarity space Theory: Training set far from Test set Training set close to Test set Test set close to the training set Test set far from the training set Distance to the training set Distance to the test set Correlating Test and Training set Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Conclusions One approach to comparing the similarity between two or more chemicals is through the use of similarity indices. This relies on the chemicals of interest being encoded numerically (using graphs, descriptors, wave functions, etc) and then using a measure, the similarity index to make the comparison. To facilitate similarity assessment, such indices can be readily encoded into software tools. Toxmatch is a new program that helps to facilitate the systematic assessment of chemical similarity which is a key component in the development and evaluation of grouping approaches such as read-across and chemical categories. Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Why Toxmatch Open source Toxmatch core relies on actively developed and widely used open source software Chemoinformatics (The CDK) Data mining (WEKA) Scientifically transparent (there are many CDK and WEKA related peer reviewed publications) Easily extendable Platform independent Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Acknowledgments ECB contract #CCR.IHCP.C X0 / “DEVELOPMENT OF A SOFTWARE TOOL TO ENCODE AND APPLY CHEMICAL SIMILARITY INDICES” Various open source software packages: The Chemistry Development Kit (cheminformatics) WEKA data mining library (data mining algorithms) Ambit (structural similarity and data management) Toxtree (Verhaar rules for toxicity MOA and implementation of BfR rules for skin irritation prediction) JFreechart (visualization) JAMA (matrix operations) Many more Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
Thank you!
SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
What do we measure We compare numerical representations of chemical compounds The numerical representation is not unique The numerical representation includes only part of all the information about the compound A distance measure reflects “closeness” only if the data holds specific assumptions Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
ReliefF An instance based method that involves finding nearest neighbours Supervised (makes use of the class attribute, i.e. makes use of available grouping) References Kira, K. and Rendell, L. A. (1992). A practical approach to feature selection. In D. Sleeman and P. Edwards, editors, Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning, pages Morgan Kaufmann. Kononenko, I. (1994). Estimating attributes: analysis and extensions of Relief. In De Raedt, L. and Bergadano, F., editors, Machine Learning: ECML-94, pages Springer Verlag. Marko Robnik Sikonja, Igor Kononenko: An adaptation of Relief for attribute estimation on regression. In D.Fisher (ed.): Machine Learning, Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Machine Learning ICML'97, Nashville, TN, 1997. Ideaconsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting (20-24 May 2007)
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