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Technology Lesson Plan Kid Pix slide show A Second Grade Science Unit Mary Barr.

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2 Technology Lesson Plan Kid Pix slide show A Second Grade Science Unit Mary Barr

3 Insects: Butterflies

4 Unit Goals and Objectives  Technology –Locate information from a variety of sources. –Share information using a variety of methods.  Science –Compare and contrast insects with other animals. –Identify different parts of the anatomy of insects. –Describe physical appearance, habitat and food source of insects.

5 Lesson Goals and Objectives  Create a slide for each piece of information about their butterfly with a minimum of four slides.  Write a complete sentence for each slide they create.  Create a slide show in Kid Pix.

6 Learner Prerequisites  Basic knowledge of Kid Pix.  Finished research on their butterflies. –E-books –Reference CD  Some have begun creating their slides in Kid Pix.

7 Learner Activities  Reading Literature –Story books –Reference books  Butterfly Life Cycle  Kid Pix Slides –Title page –Physical appearance –Habitat –Food source

8 Management  Slide Show Demo (10 minutes)  Independent work (40 minutes)  Presentations (40 - 50 minutes)  40 minutes during centers time.  Continue research on butterflies and their life cycle.

9 Teaching Materials  Children’s books and reference books.  Pictures and posters.  Kid Pix, CDs.

10 Follow-Up Activities  Read other Eric Carle books.  Grow a butterfly garden.  Research on the Internet.

11 Discis Slides


13 Creepy Crawlies Slides



16 Kid Pix Slides






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