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By Kathleen T. Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island Know For Fishing, Whaling, Trapping, Ship Building and Logging.

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Presentation on theme: "By Kathleen T. Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island Know For Fishing, Whaling, Trapping, Ship Building and Logging."— Presentation transcript:


2 By Kathleen T.

3 Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island Know For Fishing, Whaling, Trapping, Ship Building and Logging

4 New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey Know For Agriculture, Textiles Production, Papermaking

5 Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia Know For F arming (rice indigo tobacco sugarcane cotton)

6 Poor- Used whatever they could find that was available to make home Middle- Lived in 1 to 2 room houses Rich- Lived in Southern Plantations

7 Woman- Gowns, Stays, and Muffs Men- Breeches, Hats, and Cravat

8 Peanut Soup Tidewater Chili Collops of Salmon

9 Practice Letters, Read Children's Books Girls work on samples and mend clothes

10 Rolling Hoops Walking on Stilts Cards

11 Hammers Planes Saws

12 Milliner- Makers of shifts, gowns, aprons, hats and cloaks Cooper- Creators of casks for everything from wine to gunpowder Gardener- Fine gardens tools plants and colonial techniques

13 James Madison Leader of House of Representatives 4 th president of United States John Jay 2 nd Governor of New York 1 st chief justice of Supreme Court Alexander Hamilton Senior officer of Army 1 st United States Secretary of the Treasury Benjamin Franklin United States minster to France and Sweden 6 th president of Pennsylvania

14 Webliography

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