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Danielle Benedetto Kathy Hoppe

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Presentation on theme: "Danielle Benedetto Kathy Hoppe"— Presentation transcript:

1 Danielle Benedetto Kathy Hoppe
Who’s the Daddy? A Problem Based Learning Unit on DNA Structure, Function and Analysis Danielle Benedetto Kathy Hoppe

2 What is PBL?????

3 Goals Of PBL PBL Model Motivate and Involve Students
Facilitate Learning Rather Than Dictate Interdisciplinary Lesson ELA/Science

4 Students working together in small groups to solve real world problems through:
Stories Personal Inquiry Literature Research Scientific Inquiry Group Problem Solving Reporting Out

5 Standards Anyone? Social Studies ELA Math and Science

6 In the Beginning…….

7 Now!

8 Who’s the Daddy? Take a Book Tour (Contents) Pre-Assessment
Where do I find this unit online? go to right side and click problem based learning under “What’s New?” Pre-Assessment What do you know about DNA? Complete a Carousel Brainstorm Activity Use a different color pen in each group Travel to each poster and brainstorm in order to finish the statement Return to original poster in your group and report out

9 Who’s the Daddy? Background: Part 1: Building DNA
Building DNA Model (p ) DNA Explorer (p ) Part 2: PBL 1 Who’s the Daddy Read PBL 1 (p ) Highlight or use post-it notes to identify important information

10 Work on Your Own List Facts Develop Questions
Record Lists on Individual Facts and Individual Questions Sheets

11 Team Roles: Role Cards Secretary Recorder Spokesperson

12 Brainstorm Guidelines
Take Turns and Call out ideas Record ideas as stated (verbatim) Strive for quantity Resist evaluation of ideas Encourage all ideas Piggy-back on other ideas Review Brainstorm Guidelines 5 min Finish by 9:05

13 Team Brainstorming Recorder creates 2 posters
Team brainstorms a list of Facts Team brainstorms a list of Questions Each team member adds to their “Facts” and “Questions” sheets (Optional) Facts Questions

14 Who’s the Daddy? BREAK

15 Who’s the Daddy? Part 2: PBL 1 Who’s the Daddy Part 3: Research
DNA Extraction (p ) Part 3: Research Spinner Activity Chart (p ) Technical Information DNA Analysis (p )

16 How do we STOP and SPIN? You will read sections of the article provided Use the spinner in order to choose a word which will direct you on how to explain the text (in a chart) Each person in your PBL group may spin and use a different way to interpret the text such as: Predict: write about what might happen in the future Describe: write what is happening Compare: write about things that are the same Clarify: write about the text to get rid of confusion Visualize: recall in images; describe a picture Summarize: write a short explanation of what you read Question: write to ask for more information or to find out something that is unclear

17 Stop and Spin Activity Summarize Visualize Clarify Compare Question
Predict Describe Describe Predict Clarify Question Compare Summarize Visualize Free Pick ARTICLE: Technical Information about DNA Analysis

18 Who’s the Daddy? Part 4: PBL 2 Who’s the Daddy PBL Story (p. 41)
Simulated Gel Electrophoresis (p ) Bioethical Decision Making (p )


20 Our Path PBL: Who’s the Daddy? PBL: Family Secrets Biodiversity Lab

21 More PBL’s Available Online
Mad Honey Killer Bees Diagnosis Sam Quiggle (adapted from unknown author) Owl and Hurricanes Mitosis and Meiosis (adapted from UB)

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