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C YBER B ULLYING : D ON ’ T B E A P IGGY B LOGGER Michael Bacchus Medaille College Edu: 571 Technology for the Elementary Classroom U28 Professor Matt.

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Presentation on theme: "C YBER B ULLYING : D ON ’ T B E A P IGGY B LOGGER Michael Bacchus Medaille College Edu: 571 Technology for the Elementary Classroom U28 Professor Matt."— Presentation transcript:

1 C YBER B ULLYING : D ON ’ T B E A P IGGY B LOGGER Michael Bacchus Medaille College Edu: 571 Technology for the Elementary Classroom U28 Professor Matt Rydelek

2 W HAT IS C YBER BULLYING describes a bully as; a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people describes cyber bullying as; to bully online by sending or posting mean messages, usually anonymously

3 C YBER BULLYING V ICTIMS Many students become victims of cyber bullying Student victims have a hard time telling their parents, teachers or trusted adults about the bullying Rumors, means words, and threats plague students’ daily lives

4 T HE BULLY The bully or bullies can be can be anyone and even be anonymous The bully isn’t always someone who would be a bully in person The bully doesn’t see the impact they have on their victim as they are not face to face

5 P IGGY B LOGGERS AND B YSTANDERS At times, other students on public chat boards are able to see a bully make their comments to a victim but do nothing to stop it (bystander) Students may also be told by a friend that they are being bullied and choose to do nothing to help (bystander)

6 P IGGY B LOGGERS AND B YSTANDERS Piggy bloggers are students who add to online comments or agree with an initial comments posted by an online bully Piggy bloggers just like the bully may be anonymous Bystanders and Piggy bloggers are just as accountable as the bully for the pain and suffering the victim expreience

7 D IGITAL C ITIZENSHIP AND C OMMUNITY Creating digital citizenship is creating a community of safe internet use Being a citizen of an online community commits students, teachers, and adults to practice ethical and safe online use Netetiquette is practicing good online manners


9 E DUCATING C HILDREN T EACHERS AND P ARENTS It’s important that parents, children and teachers are educated on how to keep the internet a safe place community This website focuses on providing top curriculum technology recourses and internet safety education

10 O NLINE SAFETY This websites is a resource for students, parents, and teachers It has tips on online safety, lessons plans, and online safety resources

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