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TEAP Montreal Protocol MOP-20, 16 – 20 Nov 2008, Doha 20 th MOP - Doha Critical Use Nominations MBTOC Cochairs : Mohamed Besri Michelle Marcotte Marta.

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1 TEAP Montreal Protocol MOP-20, 16 – 20 Nov 2008, Doha 20 th MOP - Doha Critical Use Nominations MBTOC Cochairs : Mohamed Besri Michelle Marcotte Marta Pizano Ian Porter QSC Taskforce Chair : Jonathan Banks

2 TEAP MB Global Consumption 1991-2007 Consumption 2007 Non A5 - 6,000 t A5- 6,146 t (approx.) Note: Reported Production for QPS Uses in 2006 - 10,275 t (approx)

3 TEAP Reported consumption in 2007 was 38% of the total A5 baseline, down from 45% in 2006. Since 2003, total consumption (on average) has fallen by 1,420 metric tonnes per year (2003 – 2007). Over 93% of consumption in 2007 in A5 countries is being scheduled for phase out under projects funded by the MLF by 2015 or earlier. Progress in A5 Parties in 2007

4 TEAP Quarantine and Pre-shipment Largest remaining production of an uncontrolled ODS. Quantities for particular QPS uses not defined - last detailed survey was in 2002. 2006 QPS production - 34% of total MB production.

5 TEAP MBTOC Workplan for 2009 CUN Round CUN 09 Nominations submitted by Parties24 January 2009 Questions of clarification to Parties7 March 2009 CUN 09 considered at MBTOC meetingMBTOC - S: April MBTOC - QSC: April CUN 09 considered at TEAP meeting27 April - 1 May 2009 TEAP Report published on webLate May 2009 29 th OEWG (bilaterals)20 - 24 July 2009 MBTOC supplemental meeting/report (If MBTOC is Unable to Assess some nominations) September/October 2009 21st MOPNovember 2009

6 TEAP Meta-analysis Update The TEAP Special Report was published in May 2006. Clarification on the metaanalysis process was supplied to the US in May 2007. Detailed description of all studies,treatments and all published papers used in meta-analysis was also supplied to the US in August 2007. Response to Decision XIX/9 provided to the OEWG-28 in 2008. In response to issues raised at the OEWG a teleconference with the US was held and a summary provided in August 2008. After further requests at a bilateral meeting held in Alassio in September 2008 a detailed written response was provided to the US.

7 TEAP Critical Use Nomination Overview 20 th MOP - Doha

8 TEAP Trends in Total Amount (mt) of MB Approved or Nominated for Critical Uses from 2005 - 2010 Total amounts approved for critical uses continue to fall in all countries, but at different rates.

9 TEAP MB Amounts Approved or Recommended for Approval by Parties for Continuing Nominations (2005 to 2010) NZ, Switzerland and the EC have ceased submitting CUNs.

10 TEAP 2008 Nominations and Recommendations by Party (metric tonnes) Approved 2009 Nom. 2009 Rec. 2009* Nom. 2010 Rec. 2010 Australia 38 [36] Canada 346[5]30[30] Israel 699[611]-- Japan 305 289[267] USA 4,262 3,399*[3,233] Totals 4,639705 [616]*3,756[3,567] MBTOC recommended amounts under consideration for the 2008 round are shown in brackets. * Renominated amount.

11 TEAP Progress in MB Phase out by Sector In the 2008 round, MBTOC considered nominations for 4740 t MB for soils uses and 321 t MB for post harvest uses requested for either 2009 and 2010. Amounts in 2010 were revised downwards by 602 t. 95% of the reduction of MB for controlled uses in non A5 countries is for phase out for preplant soil uses. MB Consumption (tonnes)

12 TEAP Reported Stocks of MB (Dec IX/6 1,bii) MBTOC has not accounted for stocks when evaluating CUNs Party Quantity of MB as reported by Parties at the end of 2007 (metric tonnes) Australia 0 Canada0.348 EC 8.446 Israel 190.450 Japan 17.594 New Zealand 5.500 USA Total 6501.000 6723.338

13 TEAP MBTOC Soils 20 th MOP - Doha

14 TEAP Nominations for preplant soil use of MB in 2009 and 2010 Preplant Uses CUN 2009 CUN 2010 * Broomrape in vegetablesIsrael - Cucurbits, incl. melonsIsrael, Japan, USAJapan, USA Forest NurseriesUSA GingerJapan Nurseries (fruit, nut, flower)USA Orchard replantUSA OrnamentalsIsrael, USAUSA Peppers and eggplantJapan, USA TomatoesUSA Potato, Sweet potatoesIsrael, USAUSA Strawberry fruitIsrael, USAUSA Strawberry runnersAustralia, Canada, Israel, USAAustralia, Canada, USA * Israel has not yet applied for MB use in 2010

15 TEAP MB Preplant Soil Use - 2008 CUN Round 31 CUNs submitted, 12 for 2009 and 19 for 2010. 10 nominations were reassessed based on new information from the parties after the OEWG-28. The US revised their total nominated amount from 3722.23 t to 3164.982 t to account for uptake of iodomethane which obtained a new registration in Florida and reregistration in all States except California. (Revised nominations were received for tomatoes, strawberries, ornamentals and peppers). Japan submitted new technical advice on its action plan to phase out by 2013, and this led to reassessment of four CUNs (cucumbers, peppers, melons, watermelons).

16 TEAP Changes in nominated and recommended amounts of MB for preplant soil uses after the interim report (May 2008) PartyCUNInitial Nom. Interim Rec. Revised Nom. Final Rec. Japan*TOTAL221.40152.87-199.90 USA Cucurbits340.405266.199-302.974 Peppers658.952457.299463.282 Ornamentals111.39192.91295.20484.617 Strawb. fruit1191.815998.0631103.4221007.477 Tomatoes994.582704.715737.584 TOTAL3297.1452519.1882739.8972595.934 * Japan sectors reconsidered - cucumber, peppers, melons & watermelons

17 TEAP Final recommendations for soil use in 2009 and 2010 (metric tonnes) Total Quantity approved in CUN07 for 20094,191.498 New quantity nominated for 2009 Recommended Not Recommended 697.048 608.454 88.594 Initial nomination for 2010 Revised nomination for 2010 after OEWG Recommended Not Recommended 4,042.582 3,485.298 3,297.800 187.498

18 TEAP Progress in phase out of MB for major preplant uses - Vegetable crops The US (5), Israel (4) and Japan (4) are the remaining nominating parties. Other parties have phased out MB for vegetable crop uses.

19 TEAP Progress in phase out of MB for major preplant uses - Strawberry fruit crops US and Israel are the remaining nominating parties. Australia, EC (France, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom) and New Zealand have phased out MB for this use.

20 TEAP Standard presumptions used in the 2008 round Film Type Maximum MB Dosage Rate (g/m 2 )* in MB/Pic mixtures considered effective for: Strawberries and Vegetables Nurseries*Orchard Replant Ornamental s Barrier films - Pathogens 12.515 Barrier films -Nutsedge 15.017.5 No barrier films - pathogens 20 No barrier films - Nut sedge 26 During the CUN round of 2008, the maximum dosage rates considered necessary for specific uses and film types are shown below. A review is being conducted of commercial rates adopted with different films. * Maximum rate unless certification specifies otherwise

21 TEAP Economic feasibility of Iodomethane (IM) At the request of the United States at the OEWG-28, MBTOC considered the economic feasibility of IM in a partial budgeting analysis framework. For many crops and locations, IM is an economically feasible alternative. The cost for fumigant is typically a relatively small share of total costs and variable production costs. After adjusting for dose rates expected to provide equivalent yields, IM/MB price ratios of 1.4 to 2.0, result in percentage changes in net revenue which can be very small ( US$50,000/ha).

22 TEAP In early 2008, registration of iodomethane was obtained in 45 US States, and a non timebound reregistration granted. The US reduced the nominations by 558 t to account for this progress. Registration of IM is expected in Australia, Israel & Japan. A number of other chemicals are now in the registration process for specific sectors, including dimethyl disulphide (DMDS) in Europe and the USA and ethane dinitrile (EDN) in Australia and a range of new herbicides. Issues raised by the CUN08 for preplant soil CUNs

23 TEAP CUN Preplant Soil Uses - Significant Issues Australia and Canada could reduce CUNs if they adopt regulatory changes that lower MB dose rates and/or adopt barrier films for strawberry runners. Japan has further developed an action plan with alternatives identified to achieve phase out for all preplant soil uses by 2013. Israel is considering registration of chloropicrin and 1,3-D/Pic to reduce MB use. Israel, Japan and SE USA continue to increase use of barrier films to reduce MB dose rates, however they are still prohibited in California.

24 TEAP MBTOC QSC Quarantine, Structures and Commodities MOP-20 Doha, Qatar

25 TEAP MBTOC QSC CUNs for 2007- News of Progress! EU publication of Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for fluoride resulting from SF treatment of dried fruit and nut commodities resulted in ~ 55% reduction in US commodities the 2010 CUN because their main export market is the EU. Development of alternatives for high moisture dates is being conducted under aegis of UNIDO. New information from the US indicates the dates in their CUN are also high moisture fresh dates. Applicants with CUNs continue to support research efforts on alternatives in commercial scale trials and adaptations and to make necessary contributions to registration efforts.

26 TEAP 2008 CUNs for 2009 and 2010 PartyCUNFinal Nomination (tonnes) Recommendation AustraliaPackaged Rice7.826.65 CanadaFlour22.878 CanadaPasta4.74 IsraelDates2.1 IsraelFlour mills0.3 JapanChestnuts5.4 USCommodities19.242 USFood processing facilities37.778 USMills and processors191.993173.023 USDry cured pork4.654.64

27 TEAP QSC CUN Summary Australia rice 2010; nominated 7.82 tonnes. Recommended 6.65 tonnes. Australia reported rice growers beleaguered by drought will not adopted alternatives until rice harvest revert to pre-drought levels. Canada flour mills 2010, nominated 22.878. Recommended. Canada requested less MB than is required for one MB fumigation per year per mill. A new regulatory change allows sharing of MB allocation, within the sector, to the neediest mills. Canada pasta 2009; reduced nomination of 4.74 was recommended. This allows partial treatment of three pasta mills. Canadas currently has a zero MRL for fluoride residue from SF treatment of flour mills or pasta facilities. This makes the use of SF difficult or impossible under some circumstances. Israel dates; nominated 2.1 tonnes. Recommended. Doing research to try to expand heat treatment to other varieties

28 TEAP QSC CUN Summary contd Israel flour mills, 2009; nominated 0.3 tonnes. Recommended. Industry may replace MB with spot heat treatments by 2010. Japan chestnuts, 2010; nominated 5.4 tonnes. Recommended. Methyl iodide suitable but not yet registered. US commodities 2010; reduced nomination from 43.007 tonnes to 19.242 tonnes. Recommended. We hope a new understanding of its date sector will enable the US to expand date research. US food processing facilities 2010; nominated 37.778. Recommended. CUN indicates 2010 as final year for transition in herbs and spice equipment and processed food facilities, except cheese in storage. US mills and processors 2010; nominated 191.993. Recommended 173.023. Reflects significant decreases in rice milling and pet food processing approx 24% decrease in flour milling. US dry cured pork 2010; nominated 4.65. Recommended. There is no technically effective and registered alternative for this use.

29 TEAP CUE/CUNs for 2009 and 2010 assessed in 2008 round (metric tonnes) Total Initial nominations 321.808 Revised nominations277.746 Additional quantity nominated for 2009* 7.14 Additional quantity recommended for 2009 7.14 Quantity nominated for 2010 270.606 MBTOC recommendation for 2010 269.436 *Not including first round of CUNs in 2007 for 2009

30 TEAP Current Status of Technical Efficacy, Costs and Adoption of Methyl Bromide Alternatives in Flour Mills MBTOCs review of the current status of flour milling alternatives was published in May TEAP report. Flour milling is the largest non QPS post harvest MB use in CUNs from Canada, Israel and the United States. MB nominations have declined each year, but slowly. Some flour mill representatives express continuing concern about the efficacy and cost of alternatives. Fumigators with experience in alternatives say they work and costs are reasonable. MBTOCs report summarizes methods to ensure flour mill pests -- at all life stages -- are controlled with MB alternatives

31 TEAP Key Technical Concern There are consistent indications of the ineffectiveness of SF in killing insect eggs at low or ambient temperatures, Unlike MB, current regulations do not allow SF to contact many food ingredients present in mills. These factors sometimes discourage the adoption of SF. As with MB, which also does not always kill all insect life stages present, other pest management methods could be deployed to keep the mill pest free. Insect eggs can be killed by increasing SF dosage rates, but adds cost and might not be the wisest choice from a total environmental perspective.

32 TEAP Non-MB Mill Pest Control Findings Intensive sanitation and enhanced integrated pest management (IPM) are prerequisites to full site treatment. Heat treatments – 50°C for 24-36 hours - are effective when carefully planned and executed with additional pest barriers. SF fumigations should be conducted jointly with heat to a temperature of 27°C (80°F) to achieve satisfactory egg kill. In many cases, supplemental heat will be required. The majority of pest control operators achieved technical efficacy and comparable costs as they gained skills and experience in treating a particular mill.

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