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NISO Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI): Z39.93 Adam Chandler Cornell University Library Charleston Conference Charleston, SC.

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Presentation on theme: "NISO Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI): Z39.93 Adam Chandler Cornell University Library Charleston Conference Charleston, SC."— Presentation transcript:

1 NISO Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI): Z39.93 Adam Chandler Cornell University Library Charleston Conference Charleston, SC November 6, 2008

2 SUSHI: What it is and Isnt What it is: –A web-services model for requesting data Replaces the users need to download files from vendors website What it isnt: –A model for counting usage statistics (that's what the COUNTER Code of Practice does) –A usage consolidation application

3 Content ProviderLibrary Internet The Librarys consolidation client and Content Providers systems are both connected to the Internet. Slide courtesy of Oliver Pesch, EBSCO Information Services

4 Content ProviderLibrary SUSHI Client Internet The SUSHI client is software that runs on the librarys server, usually associated with an ERM system. Usage Consolidation Client / ERM Slide courtesy of Oliver Pesch, EBSCO Information Services

5 Content ProviderLibrary SUSHI Server (web service) Usage Data SUSHI Client Internet Usage Consolidation Client The SUSHI server is software that runs on the Content Providers server, and has access to the usage data. Slide courtesy of Oliver Pesch, EBSCO Information Services Usage Consolidation Client Usage Consolidation Client Usage Consolidation Client / ERM

6 Content ProviderLibrary SUSHI Server (web service) Usage Data SUSHI Client Request Internet ERM When the ERM system wants a COUNTER report, it sends a request to the SUSHI client, which prepares the request. ? Slide courtesy of Oliver Pesch, EBSCO Information Services Usage Consolidation Client Usage Consolidation Client / ERM

7 Content ProviderLibrary SUSHI Server (web service) Usage Data SUSHI Client Request Internet Usage Consolidation Client / ERM The SUSHI request is sent to the Content Provider. The request specifies the report and the library the report is for. Request Slide courtesy of Oliver Pesch, EBSCO Information Services

8 Content ProviderLibrary SUSHI Server (web service) Usage Data SUSHI Client Internet ERM The SUSHI server reads the request then processes the usage data. Request Slide courtesy of Oliver Pesch, EBSCO Information Services

9 Content ProviderLibrary SUSHI Server (web service) Usage Data SUSHI Client Internet ERM The SUSHI server creates the requested COUNTER report in XML format. COUNTER

10 Content ProviderLibrary SUSHI Server (web service) Usage Data SUSHI Client Internet ERM A response message is prepared according to the SUSHI XML schema. COUNTER Response Slide courtesy of Oliver Pesch, EBSCO Information Services

11 Content ProviderLibrary SUSHI Server (web service) Usage Data SUSHI Client Internet ERM The COUNTER report (XML) is added to the Response as its payload. The response is sent to the client. Response COUNTER Slide courtesy of Oliver Pesch, EBSCO Information Services

12 Content ProviderLibrary SUSHI Server (web service) Usage Data SUSHI Client Internet ERM The COUNTER report (XML) is added to the Response as its payload. The response is sent to the client. Response COUNTER Slide courtesy of Oliver Pesch, EBSCO Information Services

13 Content ProviderLibrary SUSHI Server (web service) Usage Data SUSHI Client Internet ERM The SUSHI client processes the response and extracts the COUNTER report. Response COUNTER Slide courtesy of Oliver Pesch, EBSCO Information Services

14 Content ProviderLibrary SUSHI Server (web service) Usage Data SUSHI Client Internet ERM The extracted COUNTER report is passed to the ERM system for further processing. COUNTER Slide courtesy of Oliver Pesch, EBSCO Information Services

15 COUNTER / SUSHI relationship DateStandardEvent January 2003COUNTERCode of Practice Release 1: Journals and Databases

16 COUNTER / SUSHI relationship DateStandardEvent April 2005COUNTERCode of Practice Release 2: Journals and Databases

17 COUNTER / SUSHI relationship DateStandardEvent February 2006NISO SUSHIVersion 0.1 of the SUSHI schema [proof of concept]

18 COUNTER / SUSHI relationship DateStandardEvent September 2006 NISO SUSHIVersion 1.0 of the SUSHI schema: Draft Standard for Trial Use, NISO Z39.93-200X

19 COUNTER / SUSHI relationship DateStandardEvent October 2007NISO SUSHIVersion 1.5 of the SUSHI schema: ANSI/NISO Z39.93-2007

20 COUNTER / SUSHI relationship DateStandardEvent July 2008COUNTERCode of Practice Release 3: Journals and Databases

21 COUNTER / SUSHI relationship DateStandardEvent October 2008NISO SUSHIa) Version 3.0 of the COUNTER Code of Practice XML Schema; b) Version 1.6 of the SUSHI schema

22 May 2008 Survey Results survey monkey –10 questions –short answer, yes or no, multiple choice –list of contacts from Peter Shepherd, Director of COUNTER 48 sent successfully in May 2008, 24 responses 6 consolidators. (Thomson counts as content provider and consolidator) 18 content providers

23 consolidators ERM In production with 0.1 and 1.0 today. Support for 1.5 planned Q3 2008 Innovative Interfaces, Inc. Journal Use Reports Planned 2009 Thomson Reuters COUNTER 360 Planned Q3 – 2008 Serials Solutions ScholarlyStats In production with 0.1 and 1.0 today. Support for 1.5 planned Q4 2008 MPS Technologies Ltd ERM Planned Q4 - 2008 Ex Libris productSUSHI 1.5 (Z39.93)? name

24 content providers (part 1 of 3) Q3 - 2008EBSCO / EBSCOHost Planned Q4 - 2008Annual Reviews Planned 2009Informa plc (Taylor & Francis Group, Informa Healthcare) Planned Q4 - 2008HighWire Press, Stanford University Planned Q2 - 2008Gale - Cengage Learning Already implementedEBSCO / EJS Planned 2009American Chemical Society Publications Division SUSHI 1.5 (Z39.93)? name

25 content providers (part 2 of 3) No plans to implementJapan Science and Technology Agency Planned Q3 - 2008ProQuest Planned Q4 - 2008MetaPress Planned 2009John Wiley & Sons Planned Q4 - 2008IOP Publishing SUSHI 1.5 (Z39.93)? name

26 content providers (part 3 of 3) In production with 0.1. Support for 1.5 planned for 2009 Swets No plans to implementWorld Engineering Xchange, Ltd. Planned 2009William S Hein & Co., Inc. Planned 2009Thomson Reuters Our statistics are produced by an external organisation - Coremetrics/SurfAid. We have been pushing then for implementation details and they have been holding off until the standard was agreed. The Royal Society of Chemistry: Planned Q4 - 2008S. Karger AG SUSHI 1.5 (Z39.93)? name

27 Next steps Continue to refine documentation and support Track content provider implementations through COUNTER Code of Practice Release 3 compliance auditing process. Deadline is August 31, 2009

28 Committee membership Adam Chandler (co-chair), Cornell University Library Ted Fons, OCLC Tae Kim, Serials Solutions, Inc. Nettie Lagace, Ex Libris, Inc. Hana Levay, University of Washington Libraries Chan Li, California Digital Library Oliver Pesch (co-chair), EBSCO Information Services and lots of help from NISO staff

29 More information Web site: – Schemas: – Discussion List: –

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