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ICEL Ron Michener 7 June 2015 Title: Crying from chaos, keeping courage for redemption Scripture: Psalm 130 (NIV)

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Presentation on theme: "ICEL Ron Michener 7 June 2015 Title: Crying from chaos, keeping courage for redemption Scripture: Psalm 130 (NIV)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ICEL Ron Michener 7 June 2015 Title: Crying from chaos, keeping courage for redemption Scripture: Psalm 130 (NIV)

2 ICEL Introduction o - Is your life in chaos? o - Feeling despair? o - Need hope?

3 ICEL Psalm 130 1 Out of the depths I cry to you, L ORD ; 2 Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. 3 If you, L ORD, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? 4 But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you. 5 I wait for the L ORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.

4 ICEL Psalm 130 6 I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. 7 Israel, put your hope in the L ORD, for with the L ORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption. 8 He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins.

5 ICEL A. Background and context: - Hymn of lament - Song of ascent

6 ICEL B. Four character themes 1. Forgiveness (verses 1-4) 1 Out of the depths I cry to you, L ORD ; 2 Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. 3 If you, L ORD, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? 4 But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you.

7 ICEL B. Four character themes 1. Forgiveness (verses 1-4) 2. Hope (verses 4-7) 4 But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you. 5 I wait for the L ORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. 6 I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. 7 Israel, put your hope in the L ORD, for with the L ORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.

8 ICEL B. Four character themes 1. Forgiveness (verses 1-4) 2. Hope (verses 4-7) 3. Waiting (verses 5-6) 5 I wait for the L ORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. 6 I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.

9 ICEL B. Four character themes 1. Forgiveness (verses 1-4) 2. Hope (verses 4-7) 3. Waiting (verses 5-6) 4. Redemption (verses 7-8) 7 Israel, put your hope in the L ORD, for with the L ORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption. 8 He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins.

10 ICEL B. Four character themes 1. Forgiveness (verses 1-4) 2. Hope (verses 4-7) 3. Waiting (verses 5-6) 4. Redemption (verses 7-8)

11 ICEL Conclusion Let us plead for God’s mercy, understanding our despair, recognizing God’s hand of forgiveness, and maintaining a firm hope in His full redemption.

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