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ACRE Symposium Accountability and Curriculum Revision Effort Overview and discussion of the work to develop new standards, assessments and accountability.

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Presentation on theme: "ACRE Symposium Accountability and Curriculum Revision Effort Overview and discussion of the work to develop new standards, assessments and accountability."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACRE Symposium Accountability and Curriculum Revision Effort Overview and discussion of the work to develop new standards, assessments and accountability for North Carolina students and schools.

2 Agenda for the Hour ~40 minutes ~20 minutes Questions and Discussion oOverview oEssential Standards oAssessment and Accountability oTime Line

3 SBEs Framework For Change NCDPIs Response to Framework For Change

4 ACRE Accountability and Curriculum Revision Effort A Simple Vision Essential Standards Assessments Accountability

5 Standards and Assessment ACRE Built on what is most important for students to learn in the 21 st century Summative (Statewide) Essential Standards To Inform Instruction… oCentralized Benchmarking Tool oSystematic Formative Assessment PD Modules To Evaluate Knowledge… o Transparent o Appropriately Used Non-Evaluative District Controlled Tools and PD for Student Learning Benchmark (Classroom, School, District) Formative Assessment (Classroom) Note: This does not mean more sequestered testing like the EOCs or EOGs.

6 Essential Standards Benchmark (Classroom, School, District) Formative Assessment (Classroom) Summative (Statewide) + Graduation Rate + Future- Ready Core + Readiness GrowthAchievement (EOCs and EOGs) K-12 Accountability ACRE

7 ACRE Accountability and Curriculum Revision Effort A Simple Vision Essential Standards Assessments Accountability Dr. Cindy Williamson

8 Essential Standards Content Areas Under Development English 10 Occupational Course of Study Informational Technology Mathematics Science

9 Essential Standards Membership on Writing Committees includes…. TeachersHigher Ed Accountability Staff EC & Curriculum Staff School Readiness Staff External Business

10 Essential Standards From around the state… Swain Haywood Buncombe Yancey Rutherford Watauga Ashe Catawba Iredell Surry Cleveland Gaston Mecklenburg Union Cabarrus Davidson Forsyth Rockingham Guilford Randolph Caswell Alamance Chatham Orange Richmond Moore Hoke Cumberland Columbus Durham Wake Johnston Franklin Vance Nash Wilson Edgecombe Wayne Greene New Hanover Onslow Carteret Craven Pitt Beaufort Perquimans Currituck

11 Essential Standards Aligned to National and International Standards PISA 21st Century Skills TIMSS National Content Standards Rigor and Relevance Back-mapped to the NCGP

12 Objective ES North Carolina Standard Course of Study Essential Standards Overview Essential Standard...zooming in on one Essential Standard Course Prototypical Assessment Prototypical Assessment Classroom EOC-EOG Essential Standards

13 Project Status

14 ACRE Accountability and Curriculum Revision Effort A Simple Vision Essential Standards Assessments Accountability Dr. Gary Williamson

15 Assessment & Accountability + + + CANG IART NAC Writing The Assessment and Accountability Working Groups are… New Accountability Committee Comprehensive Assessment - Next Generation Innovative Assessment Research Team North Carolina Writing Assessment System

16 + + + New Accountability Committee (NAC) oDetermining feasibility of K-12 developmental growth model oDetermining how to include the following in high school accountability… oGrowth and Achievement oGraduation Rate oThe Future-Ready Core oPost-Secondary Readiness Measures Assessment & Accountability Working on…

17 + + + CANG Formative Comprehensive Assessment Next Generation oDesigning Online PD Modules focused on the effective use of formative assessment in the classroom oPlanning for differentiated use of modules including oFace-to-face meetings oProfessional learning communities oIndividual study oCollaborating with higher education and national experts to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of the modules Assessment & Accountability Working on…

18 + + + CANG Benchmark Comprehensive Assessment Next Generation oDeveloping specifications to ensure a variety of item types are included in tool oTool will include professional development on how to use diagnostic information oGathering input from district staff and school staff Assessment & Accountability Working on…

19 + + + CANG Summative Comprehensive Assessment Next Generation oExploring the inclusion of constructive response items in new generation of summative assessments (EOCs and EOGs) oAdministering item tryouts for 3-8 reading and mathematics, English I0, and Integrated Mathematics in spring 2009 oDeveloping guidelines for understanding purpose of different item types on a summative assessment Assessment & Accountability Working on…

20 + + + Innovative Assessment Research Team (IART) oInvestigating alternative ways to assess learning including oComputer-based simulations, gaming technologies, computer adaptive testing and open-ended and performance-based tasks oDeveloping a rubric that identifies when a particular objective would be best assessed by a constructed response/performance task item oExploring the possibility of a statewide portfolio system oResearching how North Carolina can lead the way to online testing state-wide Assessment & Accountability Working on…

21 + + + North Carolina Writing Assessment System oWriting Assessment System Pilot Surveys 1 and 2 oReporting to the State Board of Education oOn-demand task redesign study oInclusion of NCCLAS and NCEXTEND1 students oRevisions to online professional development courses Working on… Assessment & Accountability

22 Timeline 2008 - 20092009 - 20102010 - 2011 2011 - 2012 2012 - 2013 July Math, Science, Eng 10, Comp Essential Stds. Math, Sci, Eng 10, Comp Skills Item Dev. Math, Sci, Eng 10 Comp, Skills Field Test Math, Sci, Eng 10 Comp, Skills Operational ELA, Social Studies, Others Essential Stds. ELA and Social Studies Item Dev. ELA and Social Studies Field Test ELA and Social Studies Operational Innovative Assessment Team ( July 09) Criteria for choosing CR/PT (Aug 09) NAC Reports (Sept 09) Formative PD Modules 1-5 (Aug 09) Modules 6- 13 (Jun 2010) Online PD Community (Jun 2010) Case Studies on Administering 21st Century, Computer-Based Assessments (Jan 2011) Benchmarking Tool Operational for Math, Science and Eng 10 (July 2011) Benchmarking Tool Operational for ELA, Social Studies and Other Subjects (July 2012)

23 ACRE Questions and Discussion

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