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Published byBlaze Holland Modified over 9 years ago
Memory Working Memory Long term Memory Implicit Memory
Deficits: HM, Alzheimer’s, Semantic Dementia Implicit Memory
Memory Retrieval Encoding Sensory Memory Short-term Working Memory
Long-term Memory (knowledge) 200 ms ‘Vision’ 20 secs Implicit memory
Working Memory
Short-term memory: Memory for a stimulus that has just been perceived.
Delayed matching-to-sample task: A task that requires the subject to indicate which of several stimuli has just been perceived. Paired-associate task A task that requires the subject to learn to recognize pairs of stimuli.
fMRI study of WM, showing distinct activation to faces and scenes
Working Memory & Long-term memory in a single task:
the Free Recall Task (& serial position function) Subjects: - hear items (usually words), then - they say or write all the items they can remember, in any order.
Probability of reporting
1. Monster 2. Camera 3. Tricycle 4. Melon 5. Window 6. Guest 7. Quiet 8. Cherish 9. Waiting 10. Rabbitt 11. Computer 12. Child 13. Chicken 14. Ghost 15. Slave Serial Position Function Probability of reporting the item ? Turns out that one informative way to break down these data is in terms of how well subjects remember items based on their position in the list they were presented. ……… Position in Original List
Primacy Recency Faster presentation rate 30 secs filled delay
Patient HM Primacy Recency Time after time…it has been observed that there are clear effects of serial position on free recall performance. Subjects are better able to remember items presented at the beginning and at the end of the list…..leading to primacy and recency effects. So….how can we account for this effect? What might we learn about memory from these patterns of data? Well, one fairly intuitive hypothesis about the recency effect in particular, is that it is a simple consequence of short term memory. That is, the last items of the list are maintained in short term memory…and so this limited number of items is better remembered…and is readily and quickly retrieved primacy on the other hand, might be explained by differential amounts of memory rehearsal that different items in the list receive. Remember that the items are presented one at a time…a typical strategy is for subjects to begin repeatingthe words to themselves from the moment the list begins…thus, the first items in the list get more of this rehearsal time than later items. In addition, after the first several items, the number of items will quickly exceed the capacity of subjects rehearsal….thus, primacy may reflect the first items’ reception of more rehearsal time…and better encoding into LTM Privileged rehearsal better LTM encoding STM contribution
Types of Knowledge (long-term memory) Declarative Procedural Semantic
Episodic Memory Declarative memory: Memory that can be verbally expressed, such as memory for events in a person’s past. Episodic memory: Memory of a collection of perceptions of events organized in time and identified by a particular context Semantic memory: A memory of facts and general information. Semantic dementia: Loss of semantic memories caused by progressive degeneration of the neocortex of the lateral temporal lobes. Nondeclarative memory: Memory whose formation does not depend on the hippocampal formation; a collective term for perceptual, stimulus-response, and motor memory. 2+2, sky is blue The Eagles won; ‘cook’ was a word in the list Affected by Amnesia This distinction emphasizes the kind of information represented (i.e. knowledge reported verbally vs motor skills).
Another Possible architecture of:
Long-term Memory Systems Implicit Memory Explicit Memory Motor Skill Learning Priming Semantic Memory Episodic Memory According to this view, memory can be classified into two basic categories….explicit and implicit. Remember before that we discussed the division between Declarative and Procedural knowledge representations… This is almost the same distinction being drawn here…except that the emphasis is on the process by which memory is accessed as opposed to the particular type of information being accessed. So, implicit memory (or knowledge) includes more than just motor skills, as we emphasized earlier…priming can be perceptual or conceptual…classical conditioning involves learned automatic responses (like Pavlov’s dog)…As you can see, similar types of information are accessed in both implicit and explicit memory situations… Implicit knowledge is not always low-level (muscle or reflex)--people also develop implicit memories for things like puzzles. An amnesic patient working on complex puzzle will show the normal benefits of experience, without any conscious knowledge of their history with the puzzle... Classical Conditioning Instrumental Learning 2+2, sun is blue Affected by Amnesia This emphasizes how information is accessed (conscious vs automatic)
Anatomy of Explicit Memory
Fornix Posterior Parahippocampal cortex Mammillary body Hippocampal formation Mediotemporal Lobe (MTL)
Medial temporal lobe (MRI)
Folded shape stained hippocampus 1. Hippocampus 3. Posterior parahippocampal cortex 4. Amygdala 2. Perirhinal cortex
Bird species with good spatial memory have larger hippocampi
Mastering London Topography Changes Hippocampal Structure in Taxi Drivers (humans) London taxi cab drivers have "the Knowledge" = a detailed memory for every single street in London and how to go from one place to another by the quickest route. Studies show high levels of activation via PET scans for spatial related questions (e.g., What is the shortest route from the Tate Museum to Buckingham Palace?). Further, drivers have larger posterior hippocampi than normal. Humans with hippocampal damage do poorly on tests of spatial memory Bird species with good spatial memory have larger hippocampi
fMRI in normal subjects provide convergent evidence for the
Role of hippocampus on episodic memory
Relational Memory What did you do at home last Wednesday?
A temporal context (last Wednesday) A physical context (home) A set of memory events (turkey, annoying parents, tiredness, watching the game) A relation between the events and the context (relational memory)
Amnesia Bitemporal Lobectomy (patient HM)
- treatment for epileptic seizures - It caused anterograde amnesia, but normal IQ, digit span, conversation, motor learning Anterograde amnesia: Amnesia for events that occur after some disturbance to the brain, Retrograde amnesia: Amnesia for events that preceded some disturbance to the brain,
Impaired Long-term Memory Encoding
(chaplin vs. Britney spears; Old memories ok) Spared Working memory (digit span, recall) Spared Implicit memory - conceptual - perceptual - motor
Implicit memory: Conceptual Priming in anterograde amnesia
Study phase: “is this word pleasant or not? “rape”, “love”, “sincere”, …..” Test phase: Free Recall: Name the words on the list Word Stem Completion: Complete “sco_ _ _” Impaired recall but normal stem completion (i.e., as likely as normals to complete stems with words that were observed earlier). amnesics also show typical priming effects with brief presentations of words. That is, they are better able to read briefly presented words that they have seen recently. Remember that this effect was explained by a higher baseline level of activation of words that had been seen earlier. This suggests that similar mechanisms are working in amnesic patients. Recognition requires the subject to remember that the word scorch was presented at a particular time and place (earlier in this experiment). In contrast, the word stem completion experiment makes no explicit (directly instructed) requirement that the subjects think about any particular instance of “SCO” words…the subjects are free to fill in whatever word comes to mind first. Normal subjects, after seeing a list of words that they may not have been trying to memorize, will be influenced by that list on a subsequent word-stem completion task. That is, they will be more likely to complete these partial words with words they’ve seen recently, even if they have no conscious memory of the list items. We know that amnesic patients are poor at recognizing items they’ve seen before…how will they perform on this word stem completion task? Just like normals! (Graf, Squire, & Mandler, 1984)
Implicit memory: Perceptual priming
Implicit memory motor: sequence learning task
implicit memory: rule learning
Tower of Hanoi game HM cannot remember playing, but solves quickly. Start Position Goal 2 (2 moves) Goal 10 (5 moves)
summary Medial Temporal Lobe amnesics So far: single dissociation
Explicit memory: unable to create Implicit memory: relatively intact So far: single dissociation 2 possibilities: Implicit/Explicit 2 independent systems Implicit simply easier, relies on residual processing of a single, partially damaged system Double dissociation would support claim of 2 independent systems
Compared to MTL amnesics and healthy controls.
Patient MS 29 year old, right handed male Intractable epilepsy: surgery removed right BA 17,18, part of 19. Hemianopic (blind in left field) Compared to MTL amnesics and healthy controls. Explicit memory task Shown 24 words, later shown 48 words (24 from 1st phase, 24 new foils): asked to say if words were previously seen. Amnesics poor, visual lesion patient fine. Gabrieli et al. (1995)
Implicit memory: word completion task
Shown/Heard 24 words ‘stick’, later asked to complete 48 stems, 24 could be solved with items from 1st phase (‘sti__’) and 24 unrelated stems (‘sta__’). Healthy people show priming effect (faster if solution seen previously). This effect is much bigger if words were seen (physical match) rather than heard. Amensics show normal priming. Shows implicit memory. MS visual priming is no greater than auditory priming. Therefore, shows no extra benefit for physical match of stem and previously seen word. Conclusion Double dissociation Explicit memory has some distinct processing from implicit memory. ‘Conceptual’ priming intact in MS, perceptual priming damaged
Anterograde Amnesia: causes
Fornix Mammillary body (Korsakoff Patients) Hippocampal formation - HM
Other causes of amnesia include
Chronic alcoholism (atrophy of mamillary body due to vitamin depletion, thiamin) Alzheimer’s disease (midtemporal atrophy) Electroconvulsive therapy Left frontal stroke (example) Confabulation: The reporting of memories of events that did not take place without the intention to deceive; seen in people with Korsakoff’s syndrome.
Other causes of amnesia include
- Anoxia (CA1 atrophy) Interestingly, a genetic mutation inactivating NMDA receptors in CA1 leads to: Lack of Long-term potentiation Poor spatial memory in the watermaze Large & unfocused spatial receptive fields
Long-term Memory Systems
Implicit Memory Explicit Memory Motor Skill Learning Priming Semantic Memory Episodic Memory Classical Conditioning Instrumental Learning 2+2, sun is blue Semantic dementia: Loss of semantic memories caused by progressive degeneration of the neocortex of the left lateral temporal lobe.
Graham et al. suggest double dissociation:
Early Alzheimer's patients ‘Semantic dementia’ patients Alzheimers Patient Hippocampus atrophy Semantic Dementia Temporal lobe atophy
B: Test stimuli A: Semantic naming task (‘phone’)
Correct answer: ‘phone’. Memory tested 30 minutes later: B: Episodic memory task (perceptually identical) Correct answer: ‘I saw a phone earlier’ C: Episodic memory task (perceptually different) Correct answer: ‘I saw a phone earlier’.
C: Semantic memory Semantic dementia patients have difficulty naming items. AD patients are fine at this task.
D: Episodic memory AD patients SD patients poor episodic memory.
OK with identical items Poor with perceptually different (especially if unable to name item in picture naming phase).
E: Conclusions Suggests semantic and episodic memory may be separate.
Hippocampal formation: encoding episodic memories Temporal lobe: storage of semantic memories. Additional support from Vargha-Khadem (1997), who reports 4 patients with selective hippocampal damage: all show impaired episodic but intact semantic memory. Note: all sustained hippocampal damage early in life, so does not necessarily generalize to adult brain.
Interaction of different brain regions
Lesions in animals and functional imaging suggest network of regions work together to encode memory.
Spatial memory Anatomy: Evidence Medial temporal lobe:
Hippocampus Posterior parahippocampal area Evidence Human Neuropsychology HM London taxi drivers Animal research
Medial temporal lobe (MRI)
Folded shape stained hippocampus 1. Hippocampus 3. Posterior parahippocampal cortex 4. Amygdala 2. Perirhinal cortex
Bird species with good spatial memory have larger hippocampi
Mastering London Topography Changes Hippocampal Structure in Taxi Drivers (humans) London taxi cab drivers have "the Knowledge" = a detailed memory for every single street in London and how to go from one place to another by the quickest route. Studies show high levels of activation via PET scans for spatial related questions (e.g., What is the shortest route from the Tate Museum to Buckingham Palace?). Further, drivers have larger posterior hippocampi than normal. Humans with hippocampal damage do poorly on tests of spatial memory Bird species with good spatial memory have larger hippocampi
Spatial memory: Animal research
Spatial memory: Animal research
Place fields are stationary over time
Place cell: A neuron that becomes active when the animal is in a particular location in the environment; most typically found in the hippocampal formation (in dorsal hippoc, which is analogous to human post hippoc)
Contextual information Spatial alternation task (left, right, left)
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007
From Patterson, 2007, NatNeuroRev
From Patterson, 2007, NatNeuroRev
From Patterson, 2007, NatNeuroRev
From Patterson, 2007, NatNeuroRev
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007
Delayed non-match to sample
Familiarity vs. explicit memory
Long-term Memory Systems
Implicit Memory Explicit Memory Motor Skill Learning Priming Semantic Memory Episodic Memory Classical Conditioning Instrumental Learning Chapter 13: Single cell recording
Perceptual learning: Learning to recognize a particular stimulus.
Motor learning: Learning to make a new response.
Instrumental learning
Instrumental learning (also called operant conditioning): A learning procedure whereby the effects of a particular behavior in a particular situation increase (reinforce) or decrease (punish) the probability of the behavior;. Neural Circuits Involved in Reinforcement (as in drug addiction lecture) Medial forebrain bundle (MFB): A fiber bundle that runs in a rostral-caudal direction through the basal forebrain and lateral hypothalamus; electrical stimulation of these axons is reinforcing Ventral tegmental area (VTA): A group of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral midbrain whose axons form the mesolimbic and mesocortical system; plays a critical role in reinforcement Nucleus accumbens: A nucleus of the basal forebrain near the septum; receives dopamine-secreting terminal buttons from neurons of the ventral tegmental area and is thought to be involved in reinforcement and attention.
Classical Conditioning (associative Learning)
Hebb rule: The hypothesis proposed by Donald Hebb that the cellular basis of learning involves strengthening of a synapse that is repeatedly active when the postsynaptic neuron fires. Long-term potentiation: A long-term increase in the excitability of a neuron to a particular synaptic input caused by repeated high-frequency activity of that input Population EPSP: An evoked potential that represents the EPSPs of a population of neurons. When a presynaptic and post-synaptic neuron are activated at the same time, the synapse between these cells is strengthened, hence “cells that fire together, wire together”. What is the bases of such learning? Synaptic plasticity: “cells that fire together, wire together” (Donald Hebb) Long-term potentiation: Following increased input there is a long-term increase in the excitability of the neuron that receives such input
Long-term potentiation in the rat hippocampus
Hippocampal formation: A forebrain structure of the temporal lobe, constituting an important part of the limbic system; includes the hippocampus proper (Ammon’s horn), dentate gyrus, and subiculum. Entorhinal cortex: A region of the limbic cortex that provides the major source of input to the hippocampal formation. Granule cell: A small, granular cell; those found in the dentate gyrus send axons to the field CA3 of the hippocampus. Dentate gyrus: Part of the hippocampal formation; receives inputs from the entorhinal cortex and projects to the CA3 field of the hippocampus. Perforant path: The system of axons that travel from cells in the entorhinal cortex to the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation. Field CA3: Part of the hippocampus; receives inputs from the dentate gyrus and projects to field CA3. Pyramidal cell: A category of large neurons with a pyramidal shape; found in the cerebral cortex and Ammon’s horn of the hippocampal formation. Field CA1: Part of the hippocampus; receives inputs from field CA3 and projects out of the hippocampal formation via the subiculum.
Learning and Synaptic Plasticity (Role of NMDA Receptors): Associative long-term potentiation: A long-term potentiation in which concurrent stimulation of weak and strong synapses to a given neuron strengthens the weak one. NMDA receptor: A specialized ionotropic glutamate receptor that controls a calcium channel that is normally blocked by Mg2 ions; involved in long-term potentiation. AP5: 2-Amino-5-phosphonopentanoate; a drug that blocks NMDA receptors. AMPA receptor: An ionotropic glutamate receptor that controls a sodium channel; when it’s open, it produces EPSPs
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