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Lone Working Contents What is lone working? Health and Safety Legislation Increased risks Tools for assessing risks Measures to keep safe Travelling.

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2 Lone Working

3 Contents What is lone working? Health and Safety Legislation Increased risks Tools for assessing risks Measures to keep safe Travelling out and about Tracing systems Personal awareness and dealing with aggression What if things go wrong Who does what and why Risk assessments

4 What is lone working? HSE defines lone workers as those who ‘work by themselves without close or direct supervision’. In this guidance the term ‘lone workers’ means any person meeting the HSE’s definition who are working, studying or carrying out research on behalf of the University, whether they are working on or off campus.

5 Health and Safety Legislation Lone working General duty (SFARP) The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSWR)

6 Increased Risks Practical – First Aid – how do you obtain it – Slips trips and falls – Fire – Access and egress – is it locked – Increased risk of violence – Medically fit - epilepsy – Lack of suitable training – Manual Handling etc.

7 Tools for assessing risks What do you know about your area? Know who to report to? Does someone know where you are? Information

8 Measures for keeping safe Procedures Risk Assessments Training Reviewing Communication Practical – Design a form to be completed by a staff member who is going on a visit or who is lone working on campus

9 Travelling out and about Where are you going? How are you getting there? Who are you meeting? When are you leaving? When are you getting back? Are you going home or straight to the office? What contingencies have you got for when this travelling goes wrong? Do you have a plan B?

10 Tracing Systems How do you monitor the staff? What further can be done?

11 Personal Awareness and dealing with aggression Practical session

12 What if things go wrong? Good question Practical – Think about some different scenarios and list them – Next we are going to decide what we would do as the person involved in the scenario – Then we will decide what we are going to do as the person in the office receiving the information

13 Risk Assessment Why do they need to be completed? 5 steps to risk assessment What are the hazards in the department? (A broken plug) List them What are the hazards outside the department? (?) List them Risk = Likelihood v severity (getting electrocuted and what happens if you do) What can we do to reduce the likelihood that a risk is present? (control measures) Practical Complete a risk assessment

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