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Warm Up 1/22/14 Voices are at “0” 1.Copy down the Learning Target and POUs from the whiteboard. 2.Think about it – where does the energy for your cell.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 1/22/14 Voices are at “0” 1.Copy down the Learning Target and POUs from the whiteboard. 2.Think about it – where does the energy for your cell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up 1/22/14 Voices are at “0” 1.Copy down the Learning Target and POUs from the whiteboard. 2.Think about it – where does the energy for your cell phone come from?

2 What is Electricity? Electricity is energy transported by the motion of electrons Electricity is energy transported by the motion of electrons **We do not make electricity, we CONVERT other energy sources into electrical energy** Conversion is the name of the game KidWind Project |

3 Electricity! How much would it cost to run this 100 Watt bulb for a full day (24 hrs)? 100 Watts x 24 hours = 2400 Watt Hours (2400 Watt Hours = 2.4 Kilowatt Hours) 2.4 kWh x $0.08/kWh = $0.19 What about this 25 Watt CFL light bulb, which produces the same amount of light? 25 Watts x 24 hours = 600 Watt Hours (600 Watt Hours = 0.6 Kilowatt Hours) 0.6 kWh x $0.08/kWh = $0.05 More efficient light bulbs are great, but what is the BEST way to conserve electricity and reduce our consumption of fossil fuels??? TURN IT OFF!!! Be conscious of your energy choices!

4 Where do we get our electricity? KidWind Project |

5 Jigsaw Reading

6 What is a Fossil Fuel???

7 What is “Renewable Energy?”

8 Brainpop: Solar Energy Time 2:59 minutes Energizer – We will go over the quiz question by marching or waving hands 1.We will slash the trash for 2 answers 2.Then you will Silently make a decision about the other two by either marching in place or waving your hands

9 Solar Energy Basics Joe Rand KidWind Project

10 Solar Energy – A Bright Idea! “I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait ‘til oil and coal run out before we tackle that.” - Thomas Edison

11 People have been harnessing solar energy for a long time! Solar collector for heating water A home in California in 1906


13 Two Main Categories: Solar ThermalSolar Photovoltaic (PV) Water heating and cookingElectricity production

14 Solar Thermal Energy Cooking Water Heating

15 Solar Cooking

16 Benefits of Solar Cooking Consumes no fuels/wood – No loss of trees & habitat – Trees sequester carbon Generates no air pollution Generates no greenhouse gases Produces no smoke – Cooking smoke kills over 1.6 million people each year, mostly women & children, according to a recent report Eliminates fire dangers

17 More Benefits of Solar Cooking Eliminates work – No daily search for firewood 2 Billion people rely on wood for cooking fuel! – No risks to women and children – Frees time for other activities – No need to stir food – Helps to liberate women

18 More Benefits of Solar Cooking Cooks foods slowly and thoroughly Preserves nutrients Foods will not burn Pots are easy to clean; less clean water is needed Use for canning vegetables Use for dried fruit Kill insects in dry grains

19 Solar Cooking How Long Does it Take? Vegetables: 1.5 hrs Rice/wheat: 1.5-2 hrs Beans: 2-3 hrs Meats: 1-3 hrs Bread: 1-1.5 hrs

20 Solar Water Heating Solar water heating is the most efficient and economical use of solar energy Residential systems start at $2500 and typically cost $3500- $4500 installed Savings of $30-$75 per month, lasting 20 years Tax credits and state rebates available

21 Solar Water Heating

22 Solar Electric (Photovoltaic)

23 Photovoltaic (PV) systems convert light energy directly into electricity. Commonly known as “solar cells.” The simplest systems power the small calculators we use every day. More complicated systems will provide a large portion of the electricity in the near future. PV represents one of the most promising means of maintaining our energy intensive standard of living while not contributing to global warming and pollution. Solar Electric Systems

24 How Does it Work? Sunlight is composed of photons, or bundles of radiant energy. When photons strike a PV cell, they may be reflected or absorbed (transmitted through the cell). Only the absorbed photons generate electricity. When the photons are absorbed, the energy of the photons is transferred to electrons in the atoms of the solar cell.

25 Best Place For Solar Panels? South Facing roof, adequate space No shading (time of year, future tree growth) Roof structure, condition

26 Large Scale PV Power Plants Prescott Airport Location: AZ Operator: Arizona Public Service Configuration: 1,450 kWp SGS Solar Location: AZ Operator: Tucson Electric Power Co Configuration: 3,200 kWp

27 ROXBORO, N.C. – A five-acre solar farm built by Durham-based Carolina Solar Energy in Person County is now online and feeding power to the grid of Progress Energy.The complex is expected to produce 837,000 kilowatt-hours of energy in the first year, enough for some 60 households based on an average annual usage of 14,000 kilowatt hours.Progress Energy is buying the power from Carolina Solar, which owns and operate the farm. The complex is located at the Person County Business and Industrial Center.Financial terms of the agreement have not been disclosed.Progress Energy is acquiring power from three solar farms, including one at SAS headquarters in Cary.State law requires Progress and other utilities to begin producing power from renewable sources. Progress Energy is exploring solar, wind, biowaste and other options to produce power from renewable sources. By 2012, companies have to get 3.5 percent of all retail sales from so-called renewables. The requirement jumps to 12.5 percent by 2021.Duke Energy is also involved in numerous solar and wind projects.

28 Centralized Wind-Solar Hybrid System In hybrid energy systems more than a single source of energy supplies the electricity. Wind and Solar compliment one another

29 Demo: How Does the Color/Wavelength of Light Affect PV Efficiency? Test 5-8 colors using different backgrounds on PowerPoint Slides – Purple – Blue – Green – Yellow – Orange – Red – White

30 Approximate Wavelength: 390-455 nanometers

31 Approximate Wavelength: 455-492 nanometers

32 Approximate Wavelength: 492-577 nanometers

33 Approximate Wavelength: 577-597 nanometers

34 Approximate Wavelength: 597-622 nanometers

35 Approximate Wavelength: 622-780 nanometers


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