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Thermochemistry: The heat energy of chemical reactions Enthalpy is the amount of ________ transferred during a reaction. The symbol for the change in enthalpy.

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Presentation on theme: "Thermochemistry: The heat energy of chemical reactions Enthalpy is the amount of ________ transferred during a reaction. The symbol for the change in enthalpy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thermochemistry: The heat energy of chemical reactions Enthalpy is the amount of ________ transferred during a reaction. The symbol for the change in enthalpy is ∆H. An endothermic reaction is one that ___________ heat from the surroundings. (___ ∆ H) An endothermic reaction feels ______. Example--an “instant” ice pack An exothermic process is one that _____________ heat to the surroundings. (___ ∆ H) An exothermic reaction feels _____. Example--burning paper heat gains +cold loses –hot

2 Thermochemistry: How to measure heat (Energy) changes A ____________ is the amount of energy (heat) required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. The “calorie” written on food is actually not one calorie in chemistry. It is actually 1 __________ (or ____calories) and is written with a capital C (Calorie) to keep the two separate. A ____________ is the SI unit for measuring the amount of energy or heat transferred in chemistry. Write down this conversion factor: calorie (cal) kilocalorie Joule (J) 1 cal = 4.184 J 1000

3 McDonalds McChicken

4 McDonalds McDouble

5 Crunchy Cheetos

6 So what do we do with all these Calories? Your body will use these Calories as energy to do everyday activities but what if you don’t use all the calories you consume? Your body will either use the energy or it will store it as fat! So people who eat more food than their body can use exercise as a way of releasing the extra energy. But how much exercise do you really need to do in order to burn off those extra Calories?

7 Exercise! Running and walking are not the same!! Even though you can run OR walk a mile, there is a difference. According to David Swain, a Ph.D. in exercise physiology, “When you perform a continuous exercise, you burn five Calories for every liter of oxygen you consume and running in general consumes a lot more oxygen than walking.” Running burns approximately 100 Calories per mile. SO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?

8 I LOVE FOOD! But I hate running!  To run off the food previously mentioned, this is approximately how long you would have to RUN! 1 McChicken: 1.38 MILES 1 McDouble: 3.10 MILES 1 bag of Cheetos:3.30 MILES

9 Phase Changes & Energy Endothermic: melting, evaporating/boiling & sublimation Exothermic: freezing, condensation, & deposition

10 Calculations in Thermodynamics In order to calculate how much heat is transferred by a thermochemical reaction the equation we use is q = mc∆T q = the ______ lost or gained in the process m = the _____ of the substance c = the ________ _____ ________ The Specific heat of water is 4.184 Joules/gram °C ∆T = ________ Temp. – ________Temp. heat mass Specificheat capacity InitialFinal

11 Specific Heat Specific heat or “c” has units of Joule/gram °C. This refers to the energy needed to change one gram of the substance one degree Celsius. Check your understanding: Which has a higher specific heat? Aluminum or water? Why does a pizza roll that you can pickup with your fingers still have the possibility of burning your tongue? Water. Less heat is required to change aluminum’s temperature. The pizza sauce inside contains water with a high specific heat.

12 Calculations Practice Example 1: How many Joules would it take to raise the temperature of 250 g of ice from -20 °C to -5 °C? (The specific heat of ice is 2.108 Joule/gram °C) q = mc∆T q = 250g q = 250g (2.108 J/g °C)( 15 °C) q = 7905 Joules= 7.9 kJ (2.108 J/g °C)( -5 °C – (-20 °C))

13 More Practice Example 2: What is the specific heat of Ethyl Alcohol if 100 grams of Ethyl Alcohol was heated from 30 °C to 50 °C when 1160 calories of heat was applied? q = mc∆T 1160 cal = 100g 1160 cal = c x (2000 g °C) c = 0.58 cal/g °C c( 50 °C - 30 °C)

14 Calorimeters Calorimeters measure heat flow. It measures changes in water temperature after a reaction is performed. (Constant Pressure) Bomb Calorimeter Usually studies combustion (Constant Volume)

15 Thermochemical Reactions A thermochemical reaction is written as follows: 2S + 3O 2  2SO 3 + 791.4 kJ This equation represents an ___________ reaction since the heat is a ________. H 2 + Br 2 + 72.80 kJ  2HBr This equation represents an ___________ reaction since the heat is a __________. exothermic product endothermic reactant

16 Thermochemistry Problems using Stoichiometry How much heat will be released when 6.5 moles of sulfur reacts with excess oxygen according to the following equation? Also, tell whether it will be exothermic or endothermic! 2S + 3O 2  2SO 3 ∆H = -791.4 kJ 6.5 mol S X _______________ 2 mol S -791.4 kJ =-2572 kJ -∆H means heat is a product! Exothermic ~

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