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Data Management Accountability Conference February 17, 2010 Traci Blount, Section Chief, Web Services & Publications Kayla Mathis, Policy and Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Management Accountability Conference February 17, 2010 Traci Blount, Section Chief, Web Services & Publications Kayla Mathis, Policy and Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Management Accountability Conference February 17, 2010 Traci Blount, Section Chief, Web Services & Publications Kayla Mathis, Policy and Planning Analyst Karl Pond, Enterprise Data Manager Gary Williamson, Director of Accountability Operations

2 What happens to LEA and School Data? –Federal Reporting by Program –State Reporting (SBE) –Ad Hoc Reports and Request –Limited Analysis Program Staff Finance Student

3 CCD – Common Core of Data EDEN – Educational Data Exchange Network CSPR – Consolidated State Performance Report (NCLB) OSEP SPP (APR) – Office of Special Education Programs State Performance Plan (Annual Performance Report) (NCLB)

4 CEDARS - NC Common Education Data Analysis and Reporting System SIF – Schools Interoperability Framework MDM – Master Data Management School Report Card UID- Unique Identifier for Students and Staff

5 NC Common Education Data Analysis and Reporting System (CEDARS)

6 CEDARS Components Program information (CECAS, Title I, etc.) Unique ID System ( UID ) Ensures that relevant source systems have properly matched students and staff with unique IDs Data Transfer Data Repositories Matches based on UID Checks to ensure quality Stores data over time Organized into domains based on type of data Data Access Financial systems Teacher licensure (LIC/SAL) School data managers ABC Teachers Students Testing Data (Assessment) Student information (NCWISE) Source Systems State, federal ABC Common location for data access (info library) Different views based on type of user Data Dictionary Standard reports Query tools Federal submissions (e.g. EDEN) LEAs, schools Other access, (e.g. online portal) LDS Data marts

7 Master Data Management –Common Standards –Common Definitions –One Authoritative Source –Data Quality

8 Objectives Reduction of Effort for Schools/LEAs/SEA Higher Quality Data More Accurate Data Timely Data Consistent Data Definitions

9 State Longitudinal Data System (SLDS): A data governance mechanism that ensures enterprise-wide coordination (including master data management) of data collection, management, and use

10 State Longitudinal Data System (SLDS): A statewide unique ID (UID) system for students and staff that enables linking of different types of data across collections and over time A longitudinal data store (LDS), along with analytical tools and reports, that enables analysis of trends and relationships

11 Data Management Group (DMG)

12 What is the DMG? Official NCDPI oversight body for data Charged with responsibility for and authority to set policy and resolve issues concerning data collection, management and use (See DMG Governance)DMG Governance

13 Purpose of DMG Enables the NCDPI to meet the responsibility of providing accurate and timely data –Approves data collections –Coordinates conflicting data collections –Supports the agency objective of having authoritative data collection systems –Establishes comprehensive, enterprise data management guidelines, standards, and policies

14 Group Diverse Representation Facilitated and coordinated by Karl Pond, Enterprise Data Manager, and other NCDPI Policy & Strategic Planning (PSP) Division staff (Tom Field, Kayla Mathis, Lauren Furer, Patrick Dougherty) Members include:

15 DMG Policies Approved policies fall within the following categories: –Data QualityData Quality –Data SecurityData Security –CommunicationCommunication –Information and Needs AnalysisInformation and Needs Analysis –Research FacilitationResearch Facilitation

16 Data Quality Policies DMG-2008-001-DQ: Authoritative Data ElementsDMG-2008-001-DQ DMG-2008-002-DQ: Conducting Data AuditsDMG-2008-002-DQ DMG-2008-003-DQ: Data Audit/Data ProfilingDMG-2008-003-DQ DMG-2008-004-DQ: Data Validation ProcessDMG-2008-004-DQ DMG-2008-005-DQ: Implementing the Data Validation ProcessDMG-2008-005-DQ DMG-2009-001-DQ: New Data Elements or Changes to Existing Data ElementsDMG-2009-001-DQ DMG-2009-002-DQ: Metadata RepositoryDMG-2009-002-DQ DMG-2009-003-DQ: Master Data CalendarDMG-2009-003-DQ

17 Research Facilitation Policies DMG-2009-001-RR: Sharing Data with ResearchersDMG-2009-001-RR –Memorandum of Agreement TemplateMemorandum of Agreement Template DMG-2009-002-RR: Requests for Personally Identifiable InformationDMG-2009-002-RR DMG-2009-003-RR: Employees Working with DataDMG-2009-003-RR –Employee Confidentiality AgreementEmployee Confidentiality Agreement

18 Planned Initiatives Data Manager Certification Program Currently in the Discussion/Development Stage Different Levels of Certification based on Roles and Responsibilities Will bring a more consistent approach to data submissions to the SEA level Increase the Quality of Data submitted

19 DMG Website Location Click the Data & Statistics link on agency home page Or

20 Questions and Answers

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