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Radio and Children Sex, violence, racism and the medium the provides it all…

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1 Radio and Children Sex, violence, racism and the medium the provides it all…

2 Federal Communication Commission (FCC) FCC also create and employ regulatory programs, handle applications for licenses, handle complaints and carry out investigations. The Media Bureau (MB) creates, recommends and administers the policy and licensing programs relating to electronic media, including cable television, broadcast television, and radio all over the country.electronic media cable televisionbroadcast television

3 Federal Communications Commission On June 15, 2006, President George W. Bush signed into law the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2005 sponsored by Senator Sam Brownback, a former broadcaster himself, and endorsed by Congressman Fred Upton of Michigan who authored a similar bill in the United States House of Representatives. The new law stiffens the penalties for each violation of the Act. The Federal Communications Commission will be able to impose fines in the amount of $325,000 for each violation by each station that violates decency standards. The legislation raised the fine tenfold over the previous maximum of $32,500 per violation.PresidentGeorge W. BushBroadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2005SenatorSam BrownbackbroadcasterCongressmanFred UptonMichiganUnited States House of Representatives decency

4 Violence on the radio… " Fuck tha Police" is a protest song by the gangsta rap group N.W.A on the album Straight Outta Compton.protest songgangsta rap N.W.AStraight Outta Compton "Cop Killer" is a 1992 song by American heavy metal band Body Count, from its 1992 self-titled debut album. The song provoked much controversy and negative reactions from politicians such as George H.W. Bush, [3] Dan Quayle [3] and Tipper Gore, [4] although some defended the song on the basis of the band's First Amendment rightsAmericanheavy metal Body Countself-titled debut albumGeorge H.W. Bush [3]Dan Quayle [3]Tipper Gore [4]First Amendment

5 What does violence mean for your children? “When we look at the research it indicates that kids who listen to a lot of music, who watch a lot of music videos, actually are at an increased risk for violent behavior, for substance abuse, for risky sexual behavior,” said Dr. Michael Rich, director of the Center on Media and Child Health at Children's Hospital in Boston.

6 Sex on the Radio…. THEN "Me So Horny" is a song by rap group 2 Live Crew from 1989 on their album As Nasty As They Wanna Be. The explicit nature of the lyrics of this song and the album led to the initially successful prosecution of the group on obscenity charges and the album being banned from sale in Florida. This ban was overturned on appeal.2 Live Crew albumAs Nasty As They Wanna BeexplicitFloridaappeal NOW “She licked me like a lollipop” “You spin my head right round, right round, when you go down, when you go down down” “Look back and watch me smack that, all on the floor Smack that, give me some more Smack that, 'til you get sore Smack that, oh-ohhh-oh-ohh’ Sexual lyrics were coined “obscene” in 1989 and now they make up the majority of mainstream pop music on the radio

7 Sex on the Radio Stern has been described by the media as a "shock jock" for his controversial style of his radio and television shows. Howard Stern himself has said that it was never his intention to "shock" people, but to offer his honest opinions on issues, ranging from world affairs to the staff on his radio show. Though controversial, Stern is the highest-paid radio personality in the United States, and the most fined presenter in radio broadcast history.shock jock

8 Effects on children of sex on radio “Like many families, we do not watch television in the mornings, but do instead listen to morning radio for news, weather and traffic updates. Whilst commercial radio does not (obviously) portray visual images, I have found that the sexualised and smutty content of the various morning “crews’” humour, as well as the explicit lyrics to many songs aired during this timeslot, to be inappropriate for children. Far from being background noise, children listen intently to radio, and many are exposed to this content in the home and in the family car on the way to school. Two recent discussions heard by my husband at 8.30am on a weekday morning on commercial radio (while the children were in the car on the way to school) were (1) the merits of vibrators and (2) selling one’s “

9 Racism and offensive material in radio Don Imus and those doggone “Nappy Headed Hoes” “George Bush does not care about Black People”


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