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…..and welcome to GOOD DAY Elementary! Every Child, Every Classroom, Every Day! “School is a building that has four walls – with tomorrow inside.” - Lon.

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Presentation on theme: "…..and welcome to GOOD DAY Elementary! Every Child, Every Classroom, Every Day! “School is a building that has four walls – with tomorrow inside.” - Lon."— Presentation transcript:

1 …..and welcome to GOOD DAY Elementary! Every Child, Every Classroom, Every Day! “School is a building that has four walls – with tomorrow inside.” - Lon Watters

2 Why is Pre-K so important? Prekindergarten prepares children for kindergarten and beyond. It teaches them the important social, physical, emotional and thinking skills they need for success. Success in Pre-K leads to…. Success in kindergarten and beyond Stronger reading and writing skills Improved behavior and social skills Graduation and college and career readiness

3 Pre-K Benefits Children & Families Develops school readiness Increases high school graduation rates Improves student achievement on standardized tests Reduces the likelihood of retention in later grades Decreases the need for special education services and interventions in later grades

4 Pre-K Benefits Communities Reduces crime and delinquency Lowers rates of teen pregnancy Leads to greater employment and higher wages as adults Contributes to more stable families Saves taxpayers up to $7 for every $1 invested in Prekindergarten reducing the need for remedial and special education, welfare, and criminal justice services, according to a number of studies Improves efficiency and productivity in the classroom

5 In prekindergarten, children are… Learning the ABCs Making friends Singing songs Listening and following directions Reading stories Writing simple words Learning to write their names Counting up to thirty Talking about plants and animals Exploring shapes Coloring, painting and cutting paper Running, jumping, playing and dancing

6 Is Attendance Mandatory? Sec. 25.085. COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. C. On enrollment in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten, a child shall attend school. Sec. 25.093. PARENT CONTRIBUTING TO NONATTENDANCE. (a) If a warning is issued as required by Section 25.095(a), the parent with criminal negligence fails to require the child to attend school as required by law, and the child has absences for the amount of time specified under Section 25.094, the parent commits an offense. YES

7 We Need Your Help Last year: Pre-K students had the lowest attendance rate out of all elementary grades and there was a total of 7,234 tardies!!! Attendance Matters – To receive the benefits of Pre K, students must be present. Every day absent results in lost learning.

8 Attendance and Tardies Attendance Goal 98%

9 Sleepy-heads can’t learn! 4 year olds need 11-13 hours of sleep

10 Research shows *Family participation in education is twice as predictive of a student’s academic success as family socioeconomic status. Be Involved *Face to Face Communication is best so don’t miss those all important Parent-Teacher Conferences. *Volunteer in your school! Children are our most valuable resource.” - Herbert Hoover

11 Family Time

12 IDEAS just for you!  Find math in everyday activities  Read a book to your child daily  Write notes to your child  Explore the outdoors together  Ask your child’s teacher for specific activities to do at home  Enjoy your child, WE DO!

13 During the first week of school, your child will:  Meet classmates & teachers  Learn and practice classroom procedures and jobs  Participate in socialization activities  Take pictures for classroom labeling and classroom schedules so they feel comfortable with routines  Experience success in classroom learning centers and activities  Tour the school and meet school personnel (PE, office, nurse, library, etc.)  Practice lunchroom procedures (lunch numbers, trays, seating, behavior, etc.)  Exercise and learn about playground safety  Complete pre-assessments to establish student strengths and needs  Build relationships

14 Customize your school slide(s) here School hours Volunteer Opportunities School Parent Organization Communication (newsletters, school’s web page, phone system, television/radio announcements, …) Anything else you want to add

15 We appreciate your commitment to your children and value the trust you place in us, as we travel with them on their educational journey. We look forward to seeing the many successes of the V.I.S.D. CLASS OF 2028 !

16 1 little2 little3 little minnows 4 little5 little6 little minnows 7 little 8 little9 little minnows 10 little minnows swimming to school

17 Thank you for coming! “Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.” - Chinese Proverb

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