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Presentation on theme: "Finding the Data 1 AN OVERVIEW OF WEB SOURCES FOR INSTITUTIONAL DATA Fall 2012."— Presentation transcript:


2 SMC Office of Institutional Research Workshop Overview Why should I be familiar with outside web sources for data? What sources are available? SMC IR website (internal) Chancellor’s Office Data Mart 2.0 What happened to Cal-Pass? Institute for Evidence-Based Change Other data resources Outside research resources 2

3 SMC Office of Institutional Research Office of Institutional Research Website 3

4 SMC Office of Institutional Research 4 Office of Institutional Research Website

5 SMC Office of Institutional Research 5 Office of Institutional Research Website

6 SMC Office of Institutional Research 6 Office of Institutional Research Website

7 SMC Office of Institutional Research 7 Office of Institutional Research Website

8 SMC Office of Institutional Research 8 Office of Institutional Research Website

9 SMC Office of Institutional Research Chancellor’s Office Data Mart 2.0 9

10 SMC Office of Institutional Research Chancellor’s Office Data Mart 2.0 10

11 SMC Office of Institutional Research Chancellor’s Office Data Mart 2.0 11

12 SMC Office of Institutional Research Explore CO’s Data Mart Take a few minutes to look around the Data Mart and try running some reports… 12

13 SMC Office of Institutional Research Data Mart 2.0 The new Data Mart provides institutional level data for the CCC system Data can be accessed through “Queries” that are categorized by 5 different topics Student/Headcounts Courses Student Services Outcomes Faculty & Staff Except when noted, this data is the same MIS data used in IR website reports 13

14 SMC Office of Institutional Research Student Headcounts Unlike the data in the IR website docs, these counts do include non-credit students. Users can disaggregate data by enrollment status, gender, age group,Ethnicity and unit load Example: To get the enrollment status count for Spring 2012 you select the following options: Enrollment status ->Districtwide Search ->Santa Monica CCD ->Term Search -> Spring 2012 The results can be downloaded into Excel 14

15 SMC Office of Institutional Research Outcomes Queries Basic Skills Cohort Progress Tracker Provides users with a way to track the number of students that begin in a Basic Skills course, and then complete a Transfer level course in the same subject Users can select the initial and end term, and the specific Basic Skills subject Users can disaggregate cohort by gender, age, ethnicity CalWORKs, DSPS, EOPS and a few financial aid options 15

16 SMC Office of Institutional Research Outcomes Queries cont. Transfer Velocity Calculato r The query shows the number of students in a cohort that transferred to a four-year institution within a 2 through 6 year time frame The initial cohort is made out of students that completed 12 units and who attempted a transfer level math or English course. Students are assigned to the school for which they earned most of their units, and the term they first enrolled at a CCC. The data can be disaggregated by gender, age group, ethnicity, CalWORKs, DSPS, EOPS and whether they were a financial aid recipient The most recent cohort is for the 2006-2007 term 16

17 SMC Office of Institutional Research Other Queries The Courses section allows you to query by: Count of sections, accounting method, SAM code, day/evening status, six digit TOP code The Student Services section allows you to query by: Assessment type, CalWORKS status, Disabled students, EOPS, Financial Aid and Matriculation services Within these groups by gender, age and ethnicity The Faculty and Staff section provides statewide staffing reports and allows you to query fall staffings by: Type, gender, age and ethnicity Success and Retention rates By demographic, course status and TOP code Program Awards by TOP code ARCC Performance Indicator Rate Count of students in a cohort that met the Progress and Achievement Measure and/or students who earned at least 30 units 17

18 SMC Office of Institutional Research What is Cal-Pass? California Partnership for Achieving Student Success (Cal-Pass) is a data consortium with participation from 6,800 K-12, community college, and four-year institutions Features: SMART tool (standard queries) Data-sharing with participating K-12 and 4-years What happened? Funding Moved 8/2012; largely K-12 now although an expansion is planned with “Cal-PASS PLUS”. 18

19 SMC Office of Institutional Research Institute for Evidence-Based Change SMC recently signed an MOU to participate in California Transitions. “IN-SITES” (Instance Strategic Information Tracking Educational Success) suite of tools will launch in the next few months. May replace Cal-Pass for our needs. 19

20 SMC Office of Institutional Research 20 Institute for Evidence-Based Change

21 SMC Office of Institutional Research Other Data Sources CSU Analytic Studies Division UC Statfinder Economic Modeling Sepcialists, Inc (EMSI)EMSI Workforce development has subscription to service US Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook US Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook 21

22 SMC Office of Institutional Research Research Resources Research & Planning Group for California Community Colleges (RP Group)RP Group Conducts research and evaluation from within the CCC system Provides professional development workshops and conferences. Provides a repository of different studies, how-to-guides and multi-media presentations Active listservs Community College Research Center (CCRC)CCRC Provides a database of research studies on the major issues affecting community colleges in the United States Recent study topics include career-tech programs, college 101 courses, teaching academically underprepared students, student confidence, and college remediation 22

23 SMC Office of Institutional Research Research Resources (cont.) National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment Chronicle of Higher Education LearningWorks American Institutes for Research EdSource American Association of Community Colleges Inside Higher Ed Pew Internet & American Life Project (Education section) Pew Internet & American Life Project (Education section) 23

24 SMC Office of Institutional Research Additional Assistance ment/InstitutionalResearch/Pages/defaul t.aspx ment/InstitutionalResearch/Pages/defaul t.aspx IR office: (310) 434-4556 24

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