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1 North Carolina Business Community for Education (NCBCE) and North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) Partnership Webinar Ms. Tricia Willoughby.

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Presentation on theme: "1 North Carolina Business Community for Education (NCBCE) and North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) Partnership Webinar Ms. Tricia Willoughby."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 North Carolina Business Community for Education (NCBCE) and North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) Partnership Webinar Ms. Tricia Willoughby Ms. Angela H. Quick email: email:

2 2 Webinar Logistics Questions?

3 3 Overview Why schooling needs to change and what weve heard from the business community

4 4 NCBCE Five Most Important Skills Apply basic mathematical concepts and skills. Work effectively as a member of a team. Use and integrate information and communication technology. Conduct oneself appropriately in line with social responsibility and sound ethics. Read and comprehend materials of varying complexity.

5 5 NCDPIs Response – The ACRE Project SBEs Framework For Change Blue Ribbon Commission Report

6 6 Governors Ready Set Go! Initiative Every kid no matter where he or she lives in NC must graduate from high school with what it really takes to succeed in a career, in a two- or four- year college or in technical training. ~Governor Bev Perdue

7 7 Essential Standards Assessments Accountability A Simple Vision for Reform

8 8 Why do we believe this effort will be successful?

9 9 Essential Standards Assessments Accountability A High Bar defining the most important knowledge and skills for the 21 st Century Comprehensive Assessment and Data Tools for accountability and for improved instruction Updated Model grounded in accountability for student growth/achievement and improved graduation rates

10 10 How will we know we are successful? Increased Student Achievement End-of-Grade and End-of-Course Assessments Post-Secondary Readiness (ACT, SAT) Increased Graduation Rates Better Prepared Employees NCDPI Performance Management System

11 11 What does it mean for… Teachers, Educators and School Leaders? Career and College Readiness? Parents and Students?

12 12 Economic and Long-Term Implications Partnership (Business and Education) Resources Fiscal Resources Human Capital

13 13 Time Frame New standards and assessments operational in 2012-2013

14 14

15 15 Questions and Discussion

16 16 Thank You! Ms. Tricia Willoughby Ms. Angela H. Quick email: email:

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