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UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS UIS Education Survey: Assessing data reporting and quality Juan Cruz Perusia 26-28 February 2008, Hastings.

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Presentation on theme: "UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS UIS Education Survey: Assessing data reporting and quality Juan Cruz Perusia 26-28 February 2008, Hastings."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS UIS Education Survey: Assessing data reporting and quality Juan Cruz Perusia 26-28 February 2008, Hastings

2 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Overview n Response rates per questionnaire and timeliness n Quality of the data provided in terms of producing key indicators n A note on population data n Internal consistency of reported data in questionnaire A n Discussion

3 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS The UIS Education Survey n Questionnaire A - Pre-primary, primary, secondary and post- secondary non-tertiary education n Questionnaire B - Educational finance and expenditure n Questionnaire C - Tertiary education n Questionnaire on national education programmes

4 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Data reporting to the UIS

5 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Timeliness in the data submission

6 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Coverage in terms of countries with some data n Caribbean region: 22 countries and territories n Data availability for 2005 or 2006 è Enrolment for primary education: 19 countries è Total public expenditure on education: 12 countries è Enrolment for tertiary education: 8 countries

7 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Monitoring coverage of the education systems n Partial data (public institutions only) and no data for specific ISCED level (e.g. ISCED 0) n Distribution by age not reported n Reported data inconsistent with population estimates

8 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Monitoring access to primary education n Countries did not reply to UIS Survey n Distribution by age not reported n Reported data inconsistent with population estimates

9 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Monitoring primary completion n Age distribution for last year of primary not provided n Graduates not provided or with mistakes (new concept introduced in questionnaire 2007, but it was in former questionnaire S)

10 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Population estimates n Background data for producing most of the indicators n UNPD: official source for the UIS, except for countries with less than 80,000 inhabitants è Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Turks and Caicos Islands

11 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Questionnaire A – Internal consistency problems

12 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Questionnaire A – Links between tables

13 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Potential reasons for lack in coverage and data quality problems n Lack of national data, specially in some sectors (e.g. private education) n National data exists, but can not be converted into international comparable data (e.g. finance data) n Inadequate time to provide data to UNESCO n … …

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