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UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS UIS Core Questionnaire on Statistics of ICT in Education: Regional Working Group.

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Presentation on theme: "UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS UIS Core Questionnaire on Statistics of ICT in Education: Regional Working Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS UIS Core Questionnaire on Statistics of ICT in Education: Regional Working Group Meeting on ICT4ED Statistics, 2013: Improving ICT4ED indicator quality Dakar, Republic of Senegal, 10-12 September 2013

2 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS OUTLINE Why measure ICT in education statistics revisited? African regional questionnaire on ICT4ED Policy and Curriculum Educational Expenditures Educational Institutional ICT infrastructure Enrolment Teachers Indicator Prioritization Sources of Information Data collection and dissemination

3 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS OBJECTIVES This workshop will allow you to : Explain the policy rationale for data collection Provide examples on how to fill in the questionnaire and perform logical checks Interpret concepts and definitions covered by the questionnaire on ICT4ED Calculate and analyse ICT4ED indicators derived from questionnaire items

4 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS WHY MEASURE ICT4E? Role of the UNESCO/ UIS UNESCO assigned to guide policy formulation and methodological work; UIS to achieve an international data collection with differing policy needs; Regional approach: Latin America and the Caribbean (2011) Arab States (5 countries) (2011) Asia (2012) Africa - and countries from other regions- (2013/ 2014)

5 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS WHY MEASURE ICT4ED? Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Target 8.F In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications Education for All (EFA) goals While not mentioned explicitly in the Education for All goals (EFA), it is argued they fulfill a pivotal role in their achievement including broadening access, eliminating exclusion, and improving quality in education. International Commitments

6 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS WHY MEASURE ICT4ED? WSIS Targets on Education and Related Indicators Target 2. Connect all secondary schools and primary schools with ICTs 1.Proportion of schools with a radio used for educational purposes 2.Proportion of schools with a television used for educational purposes 3.Learners-to-computer ratio 4.Proportion of schools with Internet access, by type of access International Commitments

7 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS WHY MEASURE ICT4ED? WSIS Targets on Education and Related Indicators Target 7. Adapt all primary and secondary school curricula to meet the challenges of the information society, taking into account national circumstances 1.Proportion of ICT-qualified teachers in schools 2.Proportion of teachers trained to teach subjects using ICT 3.Proportion of schools with computer-assisted instruction (CAI) 4.Proportion of schools with Internet-assisted instruction (IAI) International Commitments

8 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS HOW? THE QUESTIONNAIRE Questionnaire on Statistics of ICT4E Coverage: Focuses on primary and secondary (ISCED 1- 3) All programmes (general + tech. voc) Public & private Public only

9 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS HOW? THE QUESTIONNAIRE PDF format – its advantages Used widely Easy to use No need to use other software Automatically downloaded

10 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS Priority based on: Policy relevance (pilot experience 2009 -WISE) Regional specificity (partner consultation incorporates new items) LAC experience Asia experience Africa experience Minimizing burden on country respondents INDICATOR PRIORITIZATION

11 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS THE QUESTIONNAIRE Seven sections (ISCED 1-3): Curriculum Gen. info, Policy Sections A-B Expenditure on education Section C Computers Ed. institutions/ ICT infrastructure Sections D-E Enrolment Section F Teaching staff Section G ICT policy in education is geared towards ensuring better conditions for students and creating an environment conducive to learning

12 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS THE QUESTIONNAIRE… Expenditure on education Section C Enrolment Section F Teaching staff Section G Curriculum Gen. info, Policy Sections A-B Computers Ed. institutions/ ICT infrastructure Sections D-E Expenditure on education Questionnaire B Seven sections (ISCED 1-3):

13 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS THE QUESTIONNAIRE… Expenditure on education Section C Enrolment Section F Teaching staff Section G Curriculum Gen. info, Policy Sections A-B Computers Ed. institutions/ ICT infrastructure Sections D-E Infrastructure Questionnaire A Seven sections (ISCED 1-3):

14 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS THE QUESTIONNAIRE… Expenditure on education Section C Enrolment Section F Teaching staff Section G Curriculum Gen. info, Policy Sections A-B Computers Ed. institutions/ ICT infrastructure Sections D-E Computers National inventory Seven sections (ISCED 1-3):

15 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS THE QUESTIONNAIRE… Expenditure on education Section C Enrolment Section F Teaching staff Section G Curriculum Gen. info, Policy Sections A-B Computers Ed. institutions/ ICT infrastructure Sections D-E Questionnaire A Seven sections (ISCED 1-3):

16 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS THE QUESTIONNAIRE… Expenditure on education Section C Enrolment Section F Teaching staff Section G Curriculum Gen. info, Policy Sections A-B Computers Ed. institutions/ ICT infrastructure Sections D-E Questionnaire A Seven sections (ISCED 1-3):

17 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS Recording information in the questionnaire Please do not leave any cell blank. Use the following symbols in the tables if you do not have the data requested: a = category not applicable m = data missing (or not available) n = quantity nil x (c,r)= data included in another column or row (or to be indicated with a comment or a footnote) All reported data should be recorded as actual values with no commas: example: 2,1 million No text information should be recorded in the tables of the questionnaire (except symbols above). If required, attach footnotes by RIGHT clicking mouse button and click on Insert comments 2100000

18 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION A: GENERAL INFORMATION A.1 REFERENCE YEAR FOR THE DATA SUBMITTED IN THE QUESTIONNAIRE Data reported in this questionnaire should refer to the academic year ending in 2013. If data are not available for the requested year, please report the most recent year available. The academic year began in......................... (month) 20....... and ended in.................................................. (month) 20.......

19 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION A: GENERAL INFORMATION A.2 DATA SOURCES Section Ministry/Dept Data Source Policy and curriculum: ……………….. ……………… Government expenditure: ……………….. ……………… ICT Infrastructure: ……………….. ……………… Computers: ……………….. ……………… Enrolment: ……………….. ……………… Teaching Staff: ……………….. ……………… ISCED97 A.3 Do the data provided in this questionnaire correspond to your national ISCED97 mapping?

20 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION A: POLICY AND CURRICULUM Items B.1 – B.6 What policies and systems are in place to promote effective use of ICT in education? What policies/plans/provisions are in place to integrate ICT into education systems? Are ICTs part of curriculum reform? Instructional time allocated to using ICTs? Are ICTs used the basis for accredited teacher training programmes?

21 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION A: POLICY AND CURRICULUM B.1 Does your country have a national policy, plan, law or regulatory mechanism to promote and/or implement the integration of ICT in education? (please select all boxes that apply for each ISCED level)

22 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM POLICY Refers to a set of ideas that has been agreed officially by a group of people, a business organization, a government or a political party usually expressed in a government-issued document which outlines the principles, guidelines and strategy in relation to a particular (or determined) public activity. PLAN Refers to a government-issued document on how its goals are to be achieved within a specified timeframe. It details each activity to be undertaken, the method employed for implementation, the resources required and the actors responsible for implementing each activity.

23 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM LAWS Refer to legal regulatory provisions usually issued by governments to regulate the way in which a society behaves. REGULATORY MECHANISM Refers to a separate organization, committee or bureau that has been given responsibility by the government for promoting, coordinating and ensuring correct implementation of ICT in education.

24 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM B.2 Do any of the existing ICT in education policies, plans and/or laws address equality and/or equity in favour of the following? (please select all boxes that apply for each ISCED level

25 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM GENDER Refers to the roles and responsibilities of men and women that are created in our families, our societies and our cultures. Gender roles and expectations are learned. They can change over time and they vary within and between cultures. Systems of social differentiation such as political status, class, ethnicity, physical and mental disability, age and more, modify gender roles. The concept of gender is vital because, applied to social analysis, it reveals how women's subordination (or men's domination) is socially constructed. As such, subordination can be changed or ended. It is not biologically predetermined nor is it fixed for ever. POOR GROUPS Refer to persons living below the national poverty threshold in both urban and rural areas.

26 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM RURAL AREA Is based on the definition applied in national statistical practices and exercises. For example, a rural area can be considered as a geographical region outside the urban agglomeration. PERSONS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Are a broad group of persons for whom schools need to adapt their curriculum, teaching method and organization, in addition to providing additional human or material resources to stimulate efficient and effective learning. MINORITY Is a group numerically inferior to the rest of the population of a State, in a non- dominant position, whose members - being nationals of the State - possess ethnic, religious or linguistic characteristics differing from those of the rest of the population and show, if only implicitly, a sense of solidarity, directed towards preserving their culture, traditions, religion or language.

27 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM B. 3 Does the education curriculum include a course on basic computer skills or computing?basic computer skillscomputing (please select all boxes that apply for each ISCED level) CURRICULUM refers to the design, planning and sequencing of teaching and learning processes. It includes a statement of purpose, contents, activities and learning practices, as well as the modalities for assessing pupils achievements.

28 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS is a curriculum module that covers the most common usages of a computer, including a majority or all of the following: understanding the basic notions of computer manipulation; managing computer files, word processing, using spreadsheets and databases; creating presentations; finding information and communicating using computers; and being aware of social and ethical implications of Internet use. From a statistical perspective, nationally-defined content of such modules should be considered. In the absence of a national standard, please consider curriculum modules that have a majority or all of the above content units as equivalent to a basic computer skills course. Basic computer skills may be taught as a separate subject or integrated into other subjects. A common standard applied by a growing number of countries is the International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) assessment system, which is derived from the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL).

29 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM COMPUTING refers to a course programme usually taught at ISCED 4, 5 or 6 levels. Some schools may also teach computing (mainly computer programming) at ISCED 3. Typical computing course content may include: system design, computer programming, data processing, networks, operating systems and software development. Computing does not include computer hardware design, construction and production.

30 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM B. 4 Please indicate for which subjects and grades (all or some), recommendations exist to use ICTs to support teaching and/ or learning

31 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM MATHEMATICS also comprises mathematics with statistics, geometry; NATURAL SCIENCES: physics, physical science, chemistry, biology, human biology, environmental science, agriculture / horticulture / forestry; SOCIAL SCIENCES: History, geography, psychology, sociology, economics, etc.; LANGUAGES: Reading and writing in the mother tongue, reading and writing in a second mother tongue, language studies, public speaking, literature; SECOND LANGUAGES: Reading and writing in the tongue of the country as a second language (for non natives), language studies, public speaking, literature.

32 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM ICT-ASSISTED INSTRUCTION refers to teaching methods or models of instruction delivery that employ ICT in supporting, enhancing and enabling course content delivery. It includes any, all or combinations of the following: radio-, television-, computer- and Internet-assisted instruction. INTERNET COMPUTER TELEVISION RADIO I C T- ASSISTED INSTRUCTION


34 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM B.5 Please indicate the total annual intended instructional time (in hours) for students for the following ISCED Levels INTENDED ANNUAL INSTRUCTION TIME The number of hours per year that pupils are instructed according to the compulsory and flexible part of the intended curriculum. The total number of intended instruction hours per year is calculated by multiplying the total number of classroom sessions per year by the duration of one session. The intended curriculum is the subject matter content, as defined by the government or the education system. The intended curriculum comprises compulsory subjects, as well as the flexible part of the curriculum (subjects of the intended curriculum).

35 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM Data for B.5 in Table 1 should correspond to data reported at the national level by your country in the UIS Education survey (Questionnaire on Intended Instructional Time). If data do not correspond, please include an explanation or comments in the space provided clearly identifying the item number and its source.

36 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM Intended instruction time for students (hours per year) is calculated as: = ((Number of periods in a day) * (Duration of one class)/ 60 minutes)) * (Instructional days per school year) Whereas Instructional days per schools year is calculated as = ((Weeks per school year) * (Days per school week)) – (Non-instructional days per school year) EXAMPLE = ((5 periods in a day) * (45 minute class/ 60 minutes)) * (190 instructional days per year) Whereas = ((40 weeks per school year) * (5 Days per school week)) - (10 non-instructional days per school year) = 712.5 intended instructional hours per year Intended instruction time for students (hours per year) is calculated as: = ((Number of periods in a day) * (Duration of one class)/ 60 minutes)) * (Instructional days per school year) Whereas Instructional days per schools year is calculated as = ((Weeks per school year) * (Days per school week)) – (Non-instructional days per school year) EXAMPLE = ((5 periods in a day) * (45 minute class/ 60 minutes)) * (190 instructional days per year) Whereas = ((40 weeks per school year) * (5 Days per school week)) - (10 non-instructional days per school year) = 712.5 intended instructional hours per year Data for B.5 in Table 1 should correspond to data reported at the national level by your country in the UIS Education survey (Questionnaire on Intended Instructional Time). If data do not correspond, please include an explanation or comments in the space provided clearly identifying the item number and its source.

37 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM NON-INSTRUCTIONAL DAYS are days in the school week or year (not including weekends) devoted to non- instructional activities, including examination periods, holidays, festivities, teacher development, in-service training days, or other special days when students are not expected to be in school.

38 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM B.6 Does your country offer accredited teacher training programmes which offer ICT-enabled distance education programmes? If yes, please list the teacher training programmes and their associated ISCED levels which provide ICT-enabled distance education programmes :ICT-enabled distance education programmes

39 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION B: POLICY AND CURRICULUM ICT-ENABLED DISTANCE EDUCATION PROGRAMMES ICT-enabled distance education programmes refer to programmes or instructional systems that use ICT (Internet, radio sets, television sets, personal computers, audiovisual material or print material to a minimal degree) to deliver all or a significant portion of teaching to learners removed in space and time. Distance education can take a variety of forms, which include: Internet-based distance learning either synchronously or asynchronously; Telecourse or broadcast-based education, in which content is delivered via radio or television; CD-ROM or DVD-based self-learning in which the learners interacts with computer content stored on a CD-ROM or DVD; Mobile devices-based learning where the learner accesses course content stored on a mobile device or through a wireless server; and Integrated distance learning, combining live versus recorded delivery modes, individualized interaction versus group instruction through various channels, and/or print materials to a minimal degree, etc.

40 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION C: GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES C.1 Please provide information on expenditure data and your national currency: C.1.1 What is the name of the national currency used in Tables 1 and 2? C.1.2 Please specify the monetary unit used: (data should be reported in units if possible) C.1.3 Please specify the type of expenditure: (if actual expenditure is not available please provide budget allocations) Table 1: Total government expenditure on ICT in education by level of education - public and private institutionspublic and private institutions

41 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION C: GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES PRIVATE EDUCATION is offered by educational institutions that are controlled or managed by a nongovernmental organization (including but not limited to a church, trade union or business enterprise), whether or not it receives financial support from public authorities. PUBLIC EDUCATION is offered by educational institutions that are controlled or managed by a governmental education authority or agency that can be at the national/federal, state/provincial or local level, irrespective of the origin of its financial resources.

42 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION C: GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES CURRENT EXPENDITURE ON ICT IN EDUCATION Current expenditure on ICT in education is expenditure on goods and services for operating ICT-assisted instruction which are consumed within the current year and which may need to be renewed for subsequent year(s).

43 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION C: GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES CAPITAL EXPENDITURE ON ICT IN EDUCATION Capital expenditure on ICT in education is expenditure on ICT assets within the context of educational institutions that last longer than one year. It includes expenditure on construction, renovation and major repairs of infrastructure (e.g. computer or audiovisual laboratories), computer networks, main telephone lines, cable installations, satellite dishes and other ICT equipment. Capital expenditure on the acquisition of computers, servers, audiovisual materials, radio sets, television sets and other related ICT equipment that last longer than one year is also included.

44 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION C: GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES COMPUTER LABORATORY Computer laboratory is a room or space equipped with computers (networked or not) devoted to pedagogical use in an educational institution or school library. A computer laboratory differs from an 'Internet café' because its usage is in theory safe from any disruptive, non-pedagogical content and users need authorized access credentials. Irrespective of the number of computers available for pedagogical use, the computer laboratory must be able to accommodate computer-assisted instruction with appropriate software to support learner activities.

45 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION C: GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES ICT HARDWARE Includes all equipment related to the use of ICT in education including computers, printers, scanners, network equipment, routers, televisions, radios, etc. SOFTWARE Software refers to that which can be stored electronically in contrast to storage devices and display devices which are called hardware. Software is often divided into two categories. Systems software includes the operating system and all the utilities that enable the computer to function. Applications software includes programs that do real work for users. For example, word processors, spreadsheets, and database management systems fall under the category of applications software.

46 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION D: ICT INFRASTRUCTURE INSTRUCTIONS: All programmes (general and vocational) Double counting is permitted since an educational institution may offer two or more programmes that span more than one ISCED level. For example, if an educational institution offers both ISCED level 2 and 3 programmes, it must be counted once under ISCED level 2 and once under ISCED level 3. Primary and secondary organizational units refer to the total of all educational institutions regardless of the number of ISCED level 1 to 3 programmes they offer. Please note that it is therefore not the total of the previous columns.

47 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SECTION D: ICT INFRASTRUCTURE By double counting, the following numbers are obtained DOUBLE COUNTING Types of schoolsTotal Primary schools20 Lower secondary schools5 Upper secondary schools10 Combined primary and lower secondary schools5 Combined secondary schools2 Combined primary and secondary schools3 Total Schools45 Primary Lower secondary Upper secondary Total Schools 2815 45

48 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION STATISTICS SUMMARY Objectives Commitments Rationale Completing the questionnaire Some concepts & definitions Objectives Commitments Rationale Completing the questionnaire Some concepts & definitions In a nutshell…



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