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Country Report : China Science and Technology Statistics in China Gao Changlin Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development(CASTED) Ministry.

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Presentation on theme: "Country Report : China Science and Technology Statistics in China Gao Changlin Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development(CASTED) Ministry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Country Report : China Science and Technology Statistics in China Gao Changlin Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development(CASTED) Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST)

2 Contents I. Brief History of S&T Statistics in China II. Institution of S&T Statistics III. Expansion of Scope and Content of S&T Statistics IV. Statistics Norms and Standards V. Major S&T Statistic publications

3 1 Brief History of S&T Statistics in China National Survey on Science and Technology Talents in Natural Sciences and Technology Fields(1978) National S&T Census(1985) National Sample Survey on R&D(1988) Survey on S&T Input(1990) National S&T Statistics Report and Aggregating System(1991) National R&D Resources Survey(2000)

4 II. Institution of S&T Statistics


6 The scope of S&T statistics –Governmental Independent R&D Institutes Civil Defense –Higher Education Institutions U&Cs Affliated Hospitals –Business Industrial Sectors(Mining, Manufacturing and public Utilities) Architecture, Post and Telecommunications, Transportation, Agriculture and Medical Services

7 The contents of S&T statistics –S&T professionals –S&T funding-raising –S&T expenditure(including R&D) –S&T achievements –S&T projects –S&T institutes

8 The method of survey –Annual Census survey Governmental Independent R&D Institutes Higher Education Institutions Industrial Sectors(for LMEs) –Rolling Census survey Industrial Sectors(for small enterprises, integrated into National Economy Census) Architecture, Post and Telecommunications, Transportation, Agriculture and Medical Services

9 Lobour Division of S&T Statictics by industries Industries Implement deparments Agriculture, forestry, husbandry,fishing and service Statistics Departments Industry Statistics Departments : data aggregation of LMEs and SMEs S&T Departments : data aggregation of industrial enterprises transferred from government independent S&T indtitutes data aggregation of transnatioanl companies which set up independent S&T institutes in the filed of industries CSTIND : data aggregation of military enteprises Architechture Statistics Departments Geological prospecting and water conservancy Statistics Departments Transportation, storage and telecommnications Statistics Departments : data aggregation of transportation, storage and telecommnications S&T Department : data aggregation of transnatioanl companies which set up independent S&T institutes in the filed of telecommnications Computer and applying service Statistics Departments Healthcare Statistics Departments : data aggregation of other healhcare units except those affliated to universities Educational Departments : data aggregation of hospitals affliated to universities Education Educational Departments Scientific research S&T Departments : data aggregation of civil departments CSTIND : data aggregation of military departments of GIR&DI Technological service and others S&T Departments : data aggregation of non-state-owned S&T institutes and other Technological service units

10 Data Collection Procedure

11 III. Expansion of Scope and Content of S&T Statistics Statistics scope –From 1985 to 1995 Governmental Independent R&D Institutes Higher Education Institutions Industrial Sectors(for LMEs) –After 1995 Small industrial enterprises covered None industrial sectors covered –In 2000, the scope covered all the units with R&D activities throughout national economy and industries –In 2009, legal units with intense R&D activities in national economy were covered

12 Other S&T Statistics Surveys –Survey of Local Governments S&T Appropriation(since 1990) –Survey on National S&T Programs(since 1994) –Innovation Survey(Pilot survey in 1997, and first national survey in 2007)

13 Other S&T Statistics Surveys –Specific S&T Statistics Surveys national high-tech development zones national S&T achievements private S&T enterprises technology markets international S&T cooperation soft science research institutes productivity promotion centers science popularity

14 IV. Statistics Norms and Standards Classification of S&T Disciplines (GB/T13745-92,GB/T13745-2009) High-tech Products Category of High-tech Industries Classification of Social and Economic Objectives(GB/T24450-2009) Classification of Technology Field Rules on S&T Input Statistics

15 V. Major S&T Statictic Publications China Science and Technology Indicators Yearbook on China Science and Technology Statistics Yearbook on China High –Tech Industry Statistics China Science and Technology Statistics Data China High-Tech Industry Data.

16 E-mail : Website: Thank you

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