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Country Presentation: Mongolia Ayush Purevjal (Senior officer) Ministry of Education, Culture and Science 2010 SOUTH ASIAN REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON SCIENCE,TECHNOLOGY.

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Presentation on theme: "Country Presentation: Mongolia Ayush Purevjal (Senior officer) Ministry of Education, Culture and Science 2010 SOUTH ASIAN REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON SCIENCE,TECHNOLOGY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Country Presentation: Mongolia Ayush Purevjal (Senior officer) Ministry of Education, Culture and Science 2010 SOUTH ASIAN REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON SCIENCE,TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION INDICATORS: TRENDS AND CHALLENGES (Kathmandu, Nepal, 06-09 December 2010)

2 Contents 1.Country profile 2.Scientific system 3.Collecting S&T statistics 4.Main results of the collected S&T statistical data 5.Major problems in collecting S&T statistics

3 1. Country profile

4 Map of Mongolia

5 Huge territory - 1.56 (11 times bigger than Nefal, 2.8 times bigger than France) Rich of natural resources - Copper, Molybdenum, Gold, Coal, Gas… Animal husbandry (40.0 mln: Cow-2.6, Sheep-19.3, Goat-19.6, Horse-2.2, Camel-0.28) –NSO,2009 Cashmere (Second largest exporter) Educational level of people: (about 20% of Government budget dedicated to Education) - literacy rate 97.6% (NSO, 2009) - 113 universities, institutes and colleges What we have…

6 Few population – 2.73 mln., NSO, 2009 (11 times less than Nepal) Extreme (severe continental) climate - +/-35 C No sea access (Between two big Powers: Russia and China) Small market No experience in market economy (during 70 years isolated socialist system ) Economy based on agriculture (animal husbandry) and row material export GDP per capita -1669 USD ( NSO, 2009) What we do not have…

7 2. Scientific system

8 Education Soviet model of R&D system (before 1990) Universities Institutes under the Academy of Sciences Research institutes under ministries Basic research Applied research and development

9 S&T under central-command system Government Research Institutes under Ministries State-owned Industry Government-funded R&D

10 R&D during the Transition (since 1990) During 1990-1997: Scientific expenditure decreased Number of researchers decreased 2.5 times Number of research organizations decreased from 91 to 32 Material investment for laboratory equipments was stopped After 1997: Reorganization of universities and research institutes Tendency to increase budget and number of researchers

11 Organizational Structure of Mongolian Scientific sector (since 1990) Government MECSOther Ministries MAS NSTF Scientific, technological and Production Corporations Universities Scientific Research Institutes Scientific Research Institutes under MAS NCST

12 3. Collecting S&T statistics

13 Legislative framework of S&T statistics Legislation acts: Law on statistics (MP, 1997) Law on S&T (MP, 1998) Main policy documents: State policy on S&T (MP, 1998) S&T Master plan (2007-2020) of Mongolia (MG, 2007) Programme for developing of national innovation system in Mongolia (MG, 2007)

14 S&T data collection process Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (MECS) UniversitiesScientific research institutions UNESCO National statistical office (NSO) By data collection forms (questionnaires) Official statistical data Official and administrative statistical data Questionnaire UIS/ST

15 Dissemination formats of results of S&T statistics Publication (annual): Mongolian statistical yearbook, NSO (Mongolian/English) Statistical abstract of Education, Culture and Science sectors, MECS statistical yearbook (Mongolian) Electronic (internet): Statistical data of Education, Culture and Science sectors by NSO (Mongolian/English) Website: Statistical database of Education, Culture and Science sectors by MECS (Mongolian) Website:

16 Coverage of R&D statistics (by sector) Sector Degree of coverage Completely covered Partially coveredNot covered Business enterprise X GovernmentX Higher educationX Private non-profit Category not applicable. It is included into Business enterprise.

17 4. Main results of the collected S&T statistical data

18 Number of institutions covering R&D statistics (data of MECS) SectorType of institutions Number of institutions 20052009 Business enterprise Private Scientific Research Institutions 4750 Government Public Scientific Research Institutions 49 Higher education Universities59 Total5668

19 Scientific research institutions (by forms): –Scientific research institutions of MAS – 22 –Scientific, technological and production corporations – 5 –Scientific research institutions of public universities – 14 –Scientific research institutions under Ministries – 9 –Private scientific research institutions – 9 Scientific research institutions (by field of science): –Engineering and technology – 12 –Natural sciences – 20 –Agricultural sciences – 7 –Medical and health sciences – 5 –Social sciences and Humanities – 15 Source: MECS, 2009 Scientific research institutions

20 Total full-time R&D personal by occupation (Headcount data for statistics of MECS) Year Total full- time R&D personal Occupation Researchers (including Administrative staff) Engineering and technical staff Other supporting staff 200924831748137598 200824201723125572 200723791740120519 200623161707114495 20052283173181471

21 Total full-time R&D personal by sex (Headcount data for statistics of MECS) Year Total full-time R&D personal of which: Researchers (including Administrative staff) TOTALFemale % of female in total TOTALFemale % of female in total 20092483126250.83174884148.11 20082420122050.41172381647.36 20072379118949.98174083748.10 20062316116350.22170782248.15 20052283111848.97173181947.31

22 Total full-time R&D personal by sector of employment (Headcount data for statistics of MECS, 2009) Sector Total full-time R&D personal % of total Researchers (including Administrative staff) % of total TOTAL 2483100.01748100.0 Business enterprise 1716.89955.43 Government215386.71153887.99 Higher education 1596.401156.58

23 Researchers by formal qualification and sector of employment (Headcount data for statistics of MECS, 2009) Qualification Total researchers Sector % of qualification in Total researchers Business enterprise Govern- ment Higher education TOTAL1748951538115100.00 I.ISCED 6531184575630.40 II.ISCED 5A 12177710815969.60 III.ISCED 5B ----- IV. All other qualifications -----

24 Researchers by field of science and sector of employment (Headcount data for statistics of MECS, 2009) Field of science Total researchers Sector % of field of science in Total researchers Business enterprise Government Higher education TOTAL1748951538115100.00 I. Natural sciences 6984061939 39.93 II. Engineering and technology 2012612649 11.50 III. Medical and health sciences 196181744 11.21 IV. Agricultural sciences 3011127416 17.22 V. Social sciences and humanities 35203457 20.14

25 Researchers by age structure (Headcount data for statistics of MECS)

26 Total researchers per thousand total employments (data for statistics of MECS and NSO) Indicators200020052009 Total employments (thousand persons) 809.0968.31006.3 Total researchers169317311748 Total researchers per thousand total employments 2.091.791.74

27 Expenditure on R&D (data for statistics of MECS and NSO) Year Total expenditure on R&D Gross domestic product (GDP), at current prices Ratio to GDP, % 2009 15987.16055794.3 0.26 2008 18070.76019838.1 0.30 2007 10410.04599541.5 0.23 2006 7701.13714952.9 0.21 2005 7231.22779578.3 0.26 Millions, Mongolian tugrik (T)

28 Sources of finds of R&D expenditure Government budget (central) Local budget Private organizations Higher education Foreign funds Money from basic and supporting activities of scientific research organizations Other resources

29 Expenditure on R&D by sources of funds (data of MECS, 2009) Total expenditure Source of funds Business enterprise Government Higher education Fund of abroad Not specified 15987.1582.212358.2394.7289.72362.3 100%3.677.32.51.814.8 Expenditure by sector of performance: Government -80.9% Business enterprise -6.9% Higher education -12.2% Most of R&D carried out in public sector research institutes and universities Central government main source of R&D funding Private sector R&D not assessed


31 Expenditure by type of R&D activity (%, data MECS, 2009)

32 5. Major problems in collecting S&T statistics

33 Major problems in collecting S&T statistics in Mongolia: Not established a national integrated system of S&T information and statistics. Non-existence of completely information or data on Industry and Business enterprise involvement into the S&T sector and that makes difficult to determine the current condition of S&T sector in Mongolia. Sometimes S&T statistical data and methodology on data collection is different in Mongolia. For example: we dont use theFull-time equivalence (FTEs) indicator and dont know how to calculate them. Also some of indicators such as (researchers, publications) should be calculated in accordance with the internationally recognized methods.

34 Major problems in collecting S&T statistics in Mongolia: The importance and role of the S&T statistical information is very limited and public awareness on the S&T statistical information is poor in Mongolia. Capacity of Institutional statisticians in the S&T sector is very low and un experienced. Use of advanced ICT is the main negative factor for collecting, processing and aggregating statistical data as well as distributing this information to users. Lack surveys on monitoring and evaluation of S&T statistical information and indicators at qualified level.

35 Future suggestions and actions to improve the S&T statistics in Mongolia: Collecting and integrating S&T information and statistics according to international classification and standards: To increase the number of internationally comparable S&T statistical data; to develop a guideline on definitions of the main S&T indicators and methodologies these calculations. Calculating an Industry and Business enterprise involvement into the S&T sector: Expanding the degree of coverage of the Business enterprise and Industrial institutions to the S&T statistical information; under this framework need to integrate the National Statistical Office of Mongolia, and use its human resource and national statistical information network capacity.

36 Future suggestions and actions to improve the S&T statistics in Mongolia: Collecting and integrating innovation statistics and data according to international standards: developing of Law on Innovation; to determine the main indicators for respective innovation statistics need to be developed. Introduction of modern advanced ICT (software and hardware) for collecting, processing and aggregating of S&T statistical information. With the purpose of improving the capacity and exchange of experiences of the statistical officials, to involve and invite to the International or national seminars and training workshops widely.

37 Thank you very much !

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