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Robotics Research Laboratory Louisiana State University.

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1 Robotics Research Laboratory Louisiana State University

2  Lecture Time - 3:10 ~ 5:00 PM, Tuesday  Class Room (Lecture & Lab) ◦ 168 Coates ( Microcomputer Lab )  Office hours ◦ Dr. Kundu:  287 Coates Hall, 2:00 ~ 3:00 PM Tuesday ◦ JongHoon Kim :  168C Coates Hall (RRL), 5:00 ~ 6:00 PM Tuesday  Class Home Page ◦

3  Homework – 10%  Mid-Term – 20%  Individual Project – 30%  Team Project – 40%  A >= 85  B >= 70  C >= 60

4  How to program on Microcontroller  How to handle digital input/output  How to control actuators  How to interact with sensors  How to communicate with controllers, robots, pc  How to design mobile robots Introduce the basic concept in Robotics

5  1. Introduction  2. Robot Controller (AVRC Basic)  3. Digital In/Out (Button, LED)  4. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM Control)  5. Motion Controller – DC Motor  6. Motion Controller - Servo Motor  7. Analog to Digital ( ADC basic )  8. Sensor – IR Sensor, Sonar  9. Mobile Robot Design ( Mechanical, Electrical, and Programming )  10. Laser Cutting  11. Robot assembling  12. Manual Controlling  13. Autonomous Robot

6  Line Follower Robot, SeaPerch

7  Robotic Explorations: A Hands-On Introduction to Engineering ◦ Fred G. Martin  Robot Builder's Bonanza, 4th Edition ◦ Gordon McComb  Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR ◦ Richard H. Barnett  Robot Programming : A Practical Guide to Behavior-Based Robotics ◦ Joseph L. Jones

8  Robotics 1 (Wheel based robot) ◦ Map Generation ◦ Optimizing Path  Robotics 2 (Leg-based robot) ◦ Motion Planning ◦ Balancing  Advanced Robotics ( UAV, Humanoid) ◦ Image Processing ◦ Voice Recognition ◦ Precise localization ◦ Advanced motion controlling


10  There is no one definition of robot which satisfies everyone and many people have their own  In general, robots tend to do some or all of the following: move around, operate a mechanical limb, sense and manipulate their environment, and exhibit intelligent behavior — especially behavior which mimics humans or other animals

11  For Mechanical Scientist  For Electrical Scientist  For Computer Scientist Mechanical machineMechanical machine which is guided by mechanical inputs Greece, 3rd century BC Electrical dishwasher Electro-mechanical machineElectro-mechanical machine which is guided by electronic inputs Electro-mechanical machineElectro-mechanical machine which is guided by computer and electronic programming

12  Fixed  Mobile ◦ Ground Robot  Wheel based  Leg based ◦ Underground ◦ On Air ◦ On Water ◦ Underwater

13 AVR-Stamp AVR-Stamp Board AVR-Programmer Breadboard LED potential meter Buzzer Button AVR Stamp Slot Voltage Requlator Transceiver for MAX232


15 #include "Hardware.h" #include "Timer.h" void WaitForTimerRollover(void); int main(void) { InitHardware(); while (1){ WaitForTimerRollover(); TOGGLE_PIN(BUZZER); } void WaitForTimerRollover() { tick_t curTickCount = gTickCount; while (gTickCount == curTickCount) { } }

16 #include "Hardware.h" #include "Timer.h" void WaitForTimerRollover(void); int main(void) { InitHardware(); int lightFreqType = 0; while (1) { if (0 == lightFreqType) { WaitForTimerRollover(); WaitForTimerRollover(); WaitForTimerRollover(); lightFreqType = 1; } else if (1 == lightFreqType) { WaitForTimerRollover(); WaitForTimerRollover(); WaitForTimerRollover(); lightFreqType = 2; } else { WaitForTimerRollover();WaitForTimerRollover(); WaitForTimerRollover(); WaitForTimerRollover(); lightFreqType = 0; } TOGGLE_PIN(BUZZER); } void WaitForTimerRollover() { tick_t curTickCount = gTickCount; while (gTickCount == curTickCount) { } }

17  Make ◦ Build compiling environment with Makefile,, and ◦ Create required object files ◦ Compile the code to make a binary code (.hex)  Sending the binary code with bootloader ◦ avrdude –c stk500v2 –p m128 –P /dev/ttyACM0 –e –F –U flash:w:light-control.hex

18 #include "Hardware.h" #include "Timer.h" void WaitForTimerRollover( int ) ; int main(void) { InitHardware(); int lightFreqType = 0; while (1){ if (0 == lightFreqType) { WaitForTimerRollover(5); lightFreqType = 1; } else if (1 == lightFreqType) { WaitForTimerRollover(5); lightFreqType = 2; } else { WaitForTimerRollover(28); lightFreqType = 0; } TOGGLE_PIN(BUZZER); } void WaitForTimerRollover(int numUnits) { tick_t curTickCount; int i; for (i=0; i<numUnits; i++) { curTickCount = gTickCount; while (gTickCount == curTickCount) { } }

19  AVR-stamp board ◦  AVR-Stamp ◦  4 x AA Battery Holder ◦  Small Breadboard ◦  Optical Switch (RPR220 * 4, H21A3 * 2 ) ◦  Registers (330 ohm * 4, 1.0 Komh * 4, 10 Komh * 4) ◦  Pololu AVR-Programmer ◦  Plastic Ball Caster Trio ◦  Dual Motor Driver ◦  Geared Motor ◦  Acrylic Sheet 24*18 ( Lowes or Homedepot )

20  Find one example that fits with the definition of robot and one example that does not a robot  Choose the robots from common household/ everyday appliance or toy, etc and explain your answer ( robot/ not robot)

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