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Irina Kandarasheva & Mark Wilson Columbia University Libraries April 6, 2011 Preparing Copy Catalogers for RDA.

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Presentation on theme: "Irina Kandarasheva & Mark Wilson Columbia University Libraries April 6, 2011 Preparing Copy Catalogers for RDA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Irina Kandarasheva & Mark Wilson Columbia University Libraries April 6, 2011 Preparing Copy Catalogers for RDA

2 2 Intended audience Managers of Technical Services departments Supervisors of copy catalogers Acquisitions librarians Copy catalogers Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

3 3 Topics addressed Identifying RDA records Additional features of RDA records Institutional decisions Technical issues Hybrid environment Policy issues

4 4 Topics not addressed FRBR & FRAD Using the RDA Toolkit How to create RDA records Non-book formats Impact on authority processes Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

5 5 US RDA test and resulting hybrid environment RDA test – October 1 to December 31, 2010 January 1-March 31, 2011 – evaluating the test results and surveys Decision of the national libraries? Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

6 6 The hot topic During testing, RDA was echoing down corridors and filling inboxes…and it still is Fortunate to have a team of professional catalogers currently booked up on RDA Implications for a department focused on high volume acquisitions and copy cataloging unclear Informative meetings and test participation a plus Webinars and presentations very helpful Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

7 77 The Good News RDA was built on the foundations of AACR2 ; it began as AACR3 Instructions are largely modified from its AACR2 precedents RDA is an improved, concise and meaningful name Its extensibility means longevity Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

8 AACR2 to RDA changes in terminology heading authorized access point author, composer, etc. creator main entry preferred title + authorized access point for creator if appropriate physical description carrier description

9 99 Clues to recognizing RDA records Fixed Fields 040 $e rda New 3xx fields Lack of familiar abbreviations Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

10 10 Descriptive cataloging form Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

11 11 040 $e rda Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

12 12 New 3xx fields Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

13 13 New 3XX fields 336 – Content Type (cartographic image, notated music,sounds, still image, text) 337 – Media Type (audio, microform, video, unmediated) 338 – Carrier Type (audio cassette, computer disc, microfilm reel, filmstrip, card, sheet, volume) 336-338 replace GMD, all three are repeatable

14 Extent vs. carrier

15 15 Lack of familiar abbreviations Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

16 16 Additional new RDA elements important for copy catalogers Capitalization Relationship qualifiers Typos, errors Rule of three no longer applied Parallel titles Statement of responsibility Place of publication, publisher information Date, copyright date Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

17 17 Capitalization

18 18 Relationship designators Relationship designators for persons, families and corporate bodies associated with a work (author, artist, compiler, photographer, director, issuing body, producer) Relationship designators associated with an expression (illustrator, editor, performer, translator) Relationship designators associated with a manifestation (book designer, engraver, printer)

19 19 Examples of relationship designators

20 20 Typos, errors Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

21 Rule of three gone

22 22 Parallel titles

23 Statement of responsibility

24 24 Examples of publication place, publisher name

25 Examples of date and copyright date

26 26 Technical issues: system preparation Tag tables OCLC Technical Bulletin 258 http:// LC MARC Site Field definitions & validation

27 27 Updating tag tables - a Voyager example

28 28 Additional subfields 336 ; 337 ; 338 $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R) Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

29 29 Updated with linking fields Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

30 30 Additional new 3xx fields 380 Form of Work 381 Other Distinguishing Characteristics of Work or Expression 382 Medium of Performance 383 Numeric Designation of Musical Work 384 Key Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

31 31 Field definition additions

32 32 RDA field definitions in context Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

33 33 RDA field definitions in context Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

34 34 Authority Record Changes Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

35 35 Technical Bulletin 258 p. 16 Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services Authority Record Changes Do not implement authority changes until NACO testing is complete Name Authority Cooperative (NACO) participants should not implement any of the Authority record changes until OCLC announces that implementation and testing by all NACO nodes is complete.

36 36 A hybrid environment: vendor services & the catalog Records enter the catalog from a variety of sources Automated processes preclude detailed scrutiny and quality control, but theyre a good thing. RDA implementation will be in phases, as Institutions and vendors make transition Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

37 37 GMD vs carrier/media types Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

38 38 Vendor CIP: keyword = p. cm. Hosted by ALCTS The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services

39 39 RDA CIP from vendor

40 40 Impact on procedures

41 Hosted by ALCTS 41 040: add $dNNC 050: If the publication date in the call number is incorrect, correct it in the 050 field. 100: check to be sure that the author in the 100 field is listed first on the title page if there is more than one author. If a different author is listed first on the title page, replace the name in the 100 field with the author listed first on the title page and also make the necessary change to the 245 $c (see below). 245: make any necessary adjustments to the title and statement(s) of responsibility in order to match the book in hand. Pay particular attention to subtitles and the order in which multiple authors are listed. 260: adjust the date in $c to match the book in hand, if necessary. 300: add the physical description to the 300. If the book has complicated or irregular paging, consult a supervisor. Describe all illustrative matter as ill. Measure the height of the book in centimeters, rounding up to the next whole centimeter, e.g. 26 cm., not 25.1 cm. Delete any volumes held by the Library of Congress recorded between angled brackets. Examples: 300: : $a xxi, 120 p. : $b ill. ; $c 23 cm. 300: : $a 2 v. ; $c 23 cm. 300: : $a 321 leaves ; $c 24 cm. 300: : $a v. ; $c 25 cm. CIP completion

42 Hosted by ALCTS 42 Variant edition instructions 1. Accept or modify choice/form of main entry present on record depending on the situation. * if the record has a 1xx as the main entry and the author in 1xx is also the first author named on the title page of the book in hand, use the same 1xx * if the edition in hand has a different first author from the record found, change 1xx to whichever author is named first on the title page of the book in hand, adjust 7xx if necessary * if the record has 245 main entry, use 245 as main entry for the book in hand. * If first author named on t.p. is same as 7xx on the record, accept 7xx on record. * If first named author on t.p. is different from 7xx on record, change 7xx to match first author on t.p. 2. Edit or add (if necessary) 1xx, 245, 250, 260, 300, 4xx/8xx, 7xx as required by book in hand. 3. Accept description/punctuation as is -- do not upgrade it. 4. Review notes area, paying special attention to reproduction and contents notes; delete notes not applicable to book in hand.

43 43 RDA Copy Cataloging at Columbia (for the time being) Accept RDA records found in WorldCat as any other full level cataloging (RDA is not a parallel record!) Dont revise RDA records according to AACR2 even though some of changes may look like typos or mistakes, ask questions about unfamiliar fields and features

44 What should copy catalogers know? Be able to identify an RDA record in WorldCat and local databases Be familiar with RDA basic terminology Recognize significant differences between AACR2 and RDA Be curious and ask questions about new and unfamiliar fields in the MARC record or features of RDA

45 Familiarize themselves with FRBR and FRAD terminology View as many webcasts/webinars/presentations on RDA as possible Network with colleagues from peer institutions Communicate changes to public services librarians Work with IT and systems librarians to implement needed technical changes Consult with vendors and consortia as needed Be prepared to make implementation decisions Be ready to modify/write local documentation What should Technical Services managers know?

46 Potential local policy issues Policy on accepting RDA records in general Documentation and training Accept certain RDA elements? Authorities issues Adjusting macros and global changes

47 Bibliography Oliver, Chris. Introducing RDA. A guide to the basics. Chicago, ALA, 2010. Library of Congress Documentation for the RDA test: Joint Steering Committee for development of RDA: http FRBR bibliography: OCLC Technical bulletin #258:

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