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Supporting further and higher education Eprints Software Roundtable 23 rd June 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting further and higher education Eprints Software Roundtable 23 rd June 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting further and higher education Eprints Software Roundtable 23 rd June 2004

2 2 Background Origins in ??? project within eLib Programme Expanded use since then, both nationally and internationally Big influence on open access movement Inspiration for similar systems

3 3 The FAIR Programme Focus on Access to Institutional Resources Investigating the deposit and disclosure of institutional resources –includes research outputs e-prints and e-theses Additional funding for Eprints provided at start of FAIR Programme –Five projects using Eprints software at over 20 institutions –Funding expires September 2004

4 4 Software Developments within JISC Many projects produce software JISC is not a software house –Funds what is required to serve JISCs needs, i.e., nationally-focused –Limited resources for long-term commitment Variety of routes used by projects –OSS –Commercial –Partnership –Project-funding

5 5 Requirements for Eprints Underlying points to address to inform future development –What is Eprints? –Who are its stakeholders? –What is it used for? –What is its competition?

6 6 Issues Technical development path –Is current architecture/platform the most appropriate? Skills sets required –How to facilitate institutional/organisational take-up Eprints in the context of the wider role of repositories

7 7 Roundtable and the Future Today is an opportunity to feed in ideas Responsibility and ownership Thank you for coming!

8 8 Thank you Chris Awre JISC Programme Manager

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