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JAN is a service of the U.S. Department of Labors Office of Disability Employment Policy. 1 Customized Employment: Strategies and Possibilities Richard.

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Presentation on theme: "JAN is a service of the U.S. Department of Labors Office of Disability Employment Policy. 1 Customized Employment: Strategies and Possibilities Richard."— Presentation transcript:

1 JAN is a service of the U.S. Department of Labors Office of Disability Employment Policy. 1 Customized Employment: Strategies and Possibilities Richard Luecking, Ed.D. U.S. Department of Labor, ODEP & TransCen, Inc.

2 JANs experiences regarding calls about customized employment: Any disability Any job Heavy emphasis on accommodations Job restructuring Obtaining services such as job coaching Acquiring or modifying equipment JANs Experiences

3 Disability: Stroke Position: Social Worker Limitations: Memory deficits Job Difficulty: Unable to remember sequence of job tasks Accommodation: Use a job coach Effectiveness: Employee re-learns job tasks through one-on-one instruction Situation and Solution #1

4 Disability: Seizure Disorder Position: set designer at a University Limitations: disorientation during/after a seizure Job Difficulty: cant recall task or identify surroundings Accommodation: Install video intercom system Effectiveness: Employer can identify where the employee is located by seeing the surroundings, then offer assistance 4 Situation and Solution #2

5 What is customized employment? What employers say about hiring individuals with significant disabilities in to jobs that are customized? A partnership framework suggested by these perspectives? Topics Covered

6 Theres a job for everyone who wants one, regardless of disability label, need for support, or economic vitality of the community. Presumption of Employability

7 Work Experience 15 years in a sheltered workshop Interested in video and media Enjoys a variety of concrete tasks and social contact David

8 Companys operational concerns: Rapidly expanding business – hard to keep up with orders Technical staff performing administrative duties Diverted and delayed workflow across production and shipping departments Davids duties: Duplicating DVDs & CDs Packing CDs Transferring videocassettes to DVDs Timing and checking tapes Negotiating for mutual benefit

9 Results for the company Tech staff more focused on development tasks Business orders filled more rapidly Increased sales Results for David Work in environment that welcomes his contribution Tasks and working conditions matched to skills and preferences First job in integrated workplace Mutual Benefits

10 Service oriented consultation can create demand for job seekers with disabilities; Identifying ways to add value to employers operations can create hidden, customized job opportunities for individuals not able to easily apply for off the shelf jobs. Implications

11 Employment where job tasks are reassigned from an existing job, restructured from one or more existing jobs, or created to match the skills and accommodation needs of the job seeker AND… What is Customized Employment?

12 … help the employers operation in specific ways. Thus, the individual has a customized job description. What is Customized Employment?

13 1.Person-centered exploration or discovery of individual skills, interests and support needs + list of potential tasks to feature in job search 2. Individualized job search plan Typical sequence of customized employment

14 3. Negotiation with prospective employers for task assignment and working conditions 4. Individualized post-placement support Typical sequence of customized employment

15 Can we create employer demand for workers with disabilities?

16 What about those individuals who require extensive support/ accommodation?

17 How do we know what employers think about this? When in doubt, Ask Them! 17

18 When first approached, what was your reaction? What convinced you to work with the project? What was the primary reason for hiring the job seeker? How has the project helped meet a company need? What we asked employers about CE…

19 Customization met a specific need: Helped meet production goals or backlogged work Helped meet sales goals or improved aspect of operation Freed other employees to take care of other tasks Competence and attentive service a big plus What they said…

20 The success of linking job seekers with work is as much about meeting employers needs as it is about serving job seekers.

21 Selling disability or disability category. Vague mutual benefit. Variations on the theme of recruiting from an untapped resource. Common Current Appeals to Employers

22 It is better to find out what your customers need and want and then match it to what you have, than it is to get them to buy what you are selling. Marketing

23 Partners who help address a particular workforce need of the company Partners who help address an industry wide workforce need What Employers Want

24 Programs defined by category of disability Programs defined by type of service Programs of varying quality Confused and frustrated! What Employers Often Get

25 Improved focus on employer-focused, demand-side approaches Partnerships that result in distinct benefits to all parties What would help?

26 Can work be re-organized to flow better? Are some employees overburdened by certain tasks? Are there operational bottlenecks? What to Look for

27 Long-Term Process, not a One-Time Event Based on Relationship Building Built on a foundation of mutual benefit Job Development Partnerships




31 Identifying ways to add value to employers operations will often create hidden, customized job opportunities It is these kinds of jobs that are always available, regardless of the economy. Employer partnerships = jobs

32 The presence of a disability should neither deter or promote employer hiring decisions. Bottom Line

33 The jobs are there. We often have to work together to find them. Bottom Line

34 Resources

35 Working Relationships: Creating employment opportunities for job seekers with disabilities (Brookes Publishing Co., 2004) The Job Developers Handbook (Brookes Publishing Co., 2007) Resources

36 ts/supported_employment.html Resources

37 Questions 37

38 Contact (800)526-7234 (V) & (877)781-9403 (TTY) & 38 Job Accommodation Process

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