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Veterans Issues Veterans issues : How to hire returning injured and wounded service members. Job Accommodation Network 2009/2010 Webcast Series November.

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Presentation on theme: "Veterans Issues Veterans issues : How to hire returning injured and wounded service members. Job Accommodation Network 2009/2010 Webcast Series November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Veterans Issues Veterans issues : How to hire returning injured and wounded service members. Job Accommodation Network 2009/2010 Webcast Series November 10, 2009

2 Veterans Issues Guest Speakers: Vicky Crawford, Wounded Warrior Program, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Paul Cataldi, Immigration Services Assistant, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

3 Veterans Issues USCIS Wounded Warrior Program Developed to assist in the hiring of severely wounded or disabled veterans. Uses Office of Personnel Management Hiring Authorities Conducts outreach and recruitment to increase representation of wounded warriors/disabled veterans with a disability rating of 30% or more USCIS Recruiting (202) 233-2500

4 Veterans Issues Army Wounded Warrior Program Marine Corp Wounded Warrior Regiment VAs Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program

5 Veterans Issues Army Soldier and Family Assistance Centers Hire Vets First OPM VetGuide - includes Veterans Recruitment Appointment (VRA)

6 Supporting the Employment Success of Veterans with TBI & PTSD JAN Webcast November 10, 2009

7 7 What employers need: To know the facts about injuries and conditions affecting veterans and returning service members Support and education concerning how to assist them in their transition to employment Employer Education

8 8

9 9 Phase I: Public Education Campaign Outreach designed to educate employers and workforce development professionals on ways to help veterans with TBI and/or PTSD succeed on the job Comprehensive Web site and free educational materials ( Toll-free personal assistance to employers on issues related to employees with disabilities: JAN: 800-526-7234 (voice) or 877-781-9403 (TTY) Americas Heroes at Work

10 10 Phase II: Employment Pilot Project Hands-on demonstration project designed to coordinate successful employment experiences for veterans with TBI and/or PTSD, while studying individual experiences Match veterans and employers in the Greater D.C. area and identify what works in the field Study, validate and disseminate best practices related to helping employees with TBI and/or PTSD succeed on the job Americas Heroes at Work

11 11 Employment Pilot Project – Early Discoveries TBI/PTSD-related stigma exists among many employers Top-level decision makers tend to drive employer participation in a veterans hiring initiative Employers are unaware of the resources that exist to help them provide appropriate workplace accommodations Recruiter training is an important part of starting a veterans hiring initiative Employer-provided supports may greatly improve the hiring and success of veteran employees with TBI and/or PTSD Americas Heroes at Work

12 12 Dispelling the Myths with Facts: 80% of TBIs are mild concussions that will heal completely Employers neednt fear employees with PTSD Job accommodations are usually low cost or no cost There are incentives and benefits to hiring veterans, who are known to make excellent employees Employment plays a critical role in a wounded warriors recovery Americas Heroes at Work

13 Veterans Issues Questions

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