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R 5 : The Independent Reading Makeover Which Transformed Fake Readers into Engaged Readers Presented by Michelle Kelley, Nicki Clausen-Grace, and Jeffrey.

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Presentation on theme: "R 5 : The Independent Reading Makeover Which Transformed Fake Readers into Engaged Readers Presented by Michelle Kelley, Nicki Clausen-Grace, and Jeffrey."— Presentation transcript:

1 R 5 : The Independent Reading Makeover Which Transformed Fake Readers into Engaged Readers Presented by Michelle Kelley, Nicki Clausen-Grace, and Jeffrey Grace

2 Todays Objectives Share results. Review research on independent reading. Address the obstacles to independent reading. Explore successful independent reading. Describe R 5. Engage in R 5.

3 Our Original Action Research Questions, 2004 1.Can ALL 3 rd graders metacognate? 2.How can we engage ALL readers? Fake Readers (disengaged) High Functioning

4 How do we know it works? Pre and Post: DRA 4-8 Observations Response Logs Conference Forms Survey of Reading (end of year 2) Student Interviews

5 Year One


7 Year Two Average gain over 6 month period was 1.6 levels on DRA 4-8. All students improved in engagement and comprehension.

8 Why does independent reading matter? Brainstorm with your elbow partners why independent reading is important. Put each idea on a separate post-it note. Give One, Get One

9 Independent Reading Research Link between time spent reading and reading achievement (Gardner, 2001; Gottfired, 1990; Guthrie, Wigfield, Metsala, & Cox, 1999). Positive relationship between wide reading and vocabulary acquisition (Anderson & Nagy, 1992). Students who do not read in their free time often lose academic ground, even if they were not initially remedial (Mullis, Campbell & Farstrup, 1993).

10 More IR Research Independent reading is an opportunity for assessment (Worthy, Broaddus & Ivey, 2001). In-school free reading promotes reading comprehension (Krashen, 1988). Students involved in SSR programs have better attitudes toward reading and read more (Arthur, 1995).

11 But? The National Reading Panel (NRP, 2000) recommended that SSR be done at home and not at school because there was not enough evidence supporting the impact on fluency. Result: Independent reading has been eliminated from many school days and left to be done at home.

12 Scholastic Survey 40% of kids ages 5-8 read for fun every day. Only 20% of kids 9-11 read for fun every day. And this continues to drop. Most parents did not consider themselves a reader. ews/readingreport.htm

13 We are kidding ourselves to believe ALL of our students are going to read outside of school. So what can we do?

14 How can we make independent reading more effective? Brainstorm with an Elbow Partner- What are some possible obstacles to implementing Sustained Silent Reading or independent reading? Place on post-its.

15 Some Obstacles to Implementation 1. Students read inappropriate material (too hard, too easy, stuck in genre). 2. Students do not read (eyes pass the page. Reading as decoding only. Lack strategies to self- monitor). 3.Students lack purpose (lack of feedback/accountability). 4.Not always valued by teacher.

16 Why do teachers have you read? So we can practice. For fluency. To get better. So they can check their e-mail. So they can correct tests. So they can do paper work.

17 You dont have any books I like! said one fake reader.

18 Interest Inventory I used to not like reading, but now I do because Mrs. Grace picks me out good books to read. And usually I get more involved in it.

19 Research on Successful SSR Programs Access Appeal Conducive environment Encouragement Staff training Non-accountability Follow-up activities Distributed time to read (Pilgreen, 2000)

20 Purposes of R 5 Build motivation to read. Increase reading proficiency. Enhance metacognitive awareness. Improve active listening. Promote and support wide reading. Scaffold the use of comprehension strategies. (making connections, prediction, questioning, visualizing and summarizing)

21 Metacognitive Strategies

22 Show DVD Lets see it in action.

23 How is R 5 different from SSR? 1. The teacher does not read. 2. The teacher may support different book selection. 3.Students must reflect and respond. 4.Students share with a peer. 5.Students are exposed to a variety of books. 6.Students share strategy use.

24 What do the kids think? R 5 helps me as a reader because it helps me get into books. Before I came to fourth grade and learned R 5, I wasnt into books. If you asked me something like, What is your favorite genre? or What is your favorite series? I wouldnt have been able to answer.

25 More Student Quotes It helps me know what kind of books I like and what books I want to read because the whole class shares what books their reading. It helps me sharpen my strategies and gives me time to read. My partner made me want to read the Among the Hidden series.

26 Now you try…. Book Pass- page 7 handout

27 Getting Started Identifying disengaged readers –Checklist (page 8 handout)/building stamina Finding Good Books (pg. 9) –School Library Journal/Curriculum Connections –Reading Teacher –State Book Award Programs Book talks (pp. 10-11) –Scholastic

28 Fake readers have become engaged readers and engaged readers have become fanatics.

29 Other Outcomes Development of: Metacognitive Teaching Framework- 6 units of study, including mini-lessons and self-assessment and goal- setting sheets for each cognitive strategy Checklist for Disengaged Readers Beginning of the year conference form And more…. IRA Book- publish date September 5, 2007 (November Book Club Book)

30 Acknowledgements Pearson Learning Scholastic Book Fairs Curriculum Connections, Reed Business

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