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Literacy Coaching: Developing Highly Skilled Teachers Through Instructional Dialogue IRA 2007 – Toronto Presented by: Katie Moeller The hand outs are available.

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Presentation on theme: "Literacy Coaching: Developing Highly Skilled Teachers Through Instructional Dialogue IRA 2007 – Toronto Presented by: Katie Moeller The hand outs are available."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literacy Coaching: Developing Highly Skilled Teachers Through Instructional Dialogue IRA 2007 – Toronto Presented by: Katie Moeller The hand outs are available for downloading at A link available presentation materials will appear on the convention program page of IRAs website ( Presentation materials will remain accessible for six months after the presentation date. You may also visit and a link will be available for the presentation

2 Principles of Learning Effort produces achievement Learning is active; it is about making connections We learn with and through others Learning takes time

3 The Reflective Process Analyze

4 Principles of Learning Effort produces achievement Learning is active; it is about making connections We learn with and through others Learning takes time

5 Essentials of Reflection Learn to frame and reframe complex or ambiguous problems. Learning to look back upon our actions after they have taken place. Thinking by linking recent experiences to earlier ones to promote a more complex or interrelated mental schema. The thinking involves looking for: 1.commonalities 2.differences 3.interrelationships beyond the superficial Ultimately reflection is all about developing higher order thinking.

6 Questions to Support Reflective Thought What is it I know? What is it I think I know? What do I want to learn? What is the support I need? Source: The Reflective Practioner: How Professionals Think in Action by Donald A. Schon.

7 ACTION PLAN Name: ________ Date: ________ What is your current challenge in literacy instruction? What is/are your question/questions? What do you know about that area and what are you trying? What support do you need? Source: Literacy Coaching, Developing Effective Teachers through Instructional Dialogue by Marilyn Duncan Richard C. Owen Publishers, Inc.

8 Group Action Plan Date: ___________ Site: __________________ 1.Topic for Exploration: 2.Our Questions:

9 Record of Learning Name: ________ Date: ____ Site: __________ Notes: Learning: Next Steps:

10 Feedback Why is it so important? Feedback only leads to learning gains when it includes guidance about how to improve. Typically, teachers are told what they need to do to improve instruction. Teachers are less likely to be shown what the improvement looks like and the steps needed to make that improvement. -Marilyn Duncan

11 Analyzing Instructional Dialogue two column note taking observed behavior – 1 column analyzing the behavior- 1 column a coachs monitoring notebook

12 Implications What are the implications here? How do coaches get better at their work? Who coaches the coaches?

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